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Updated: Oct 25, 2022

“Conditioned for War with Russia”

“Ray McGovern reviews key pieces of background that — thanks to the media — few Americans know about the widest war in 77 years that is now on our doorstep.”

2015-06-12 470aaaa6

“Pres. Biden at the UN General Assembly: “I reject the use of violence and war to conquer nations or expand borders through bloodshed’”

US interventions since WWII: (list of countries and the dates the US intervened is too long type, but Ukraine in 2014 is in it, see link)


Politicized News Kills – period:

Western Narratives\Headlines before and after the Ukraine Crisis:

The Guardian:

Before – “Welcome to Ukraine, the most CORRUPT nation in Europe”

After – “The fight for Ukraine is a fight for liberal IDEALS”


Before – “Ukraine’s Nazi problem”

After – “For foreign fighters, Ukraine offers purpose, camaraderie and a CAUSE”

Vox & CNN:

Before – “A Ukraine comedian-turned-president is embroiled in Trump’s impeachment MESS”

After – “Ukrainians are giving two LESSONS in democracy that Americans have forgotten”

NewsEurope & The Washington Post:

Before – “Ukrainian president’s rule becomes increasingly corrupt, AUTHORITARIAN”

After – “Zelensky: The TV president turned war HERO”

John Richmond

“The corrupt corporate propaganda media personnel are not journalists or media professionals, they're actors and operatives”


"This is what the world has come to — a mad rush toward nuclear apocalypse predicated on the irrational expansion of NATO and hubris-laced Russophobic policies seemingly ignorant of the reality that the Ukraine conflict has now become a matter of existential importance to Russia.

"The U.S. and its allies in the “collective West” now have to decide if the continued pursuit of a decades-long policy of isolating and destroying Russia is a matter of existential importance to them, and if the continued support of a Ukrainian government that is little more than the modern-day manifestation of the hateful ideology of Stepan Bandera is worth the lives of their respective citizenry, and that of the rest of the world.

"The doomsday clock is literally one second to midnight and we in the West have only ourselves to blame."

--excerpt, "Scott Ritter: Reaping the Whirlwind," Consortium News, Sept. 22, 2022.


American is guilty of Human Rights violations that examples of which roll out on a daily basis:

“Human Rights: the great double standard slogan of the West”


“Wealthiest 10% Responsible for Nearly 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds”


The people need to Arrest manchin and Schumer immediately and turn them over to The Hague to stand trial and sentencing for Ecocide:

David Sirota:

“NEWS: Democratic leaders are refusing to release data on the climate impacts of the Manchin pipeline deal they’re trying to pass.

The refusal comes as those same Democrats are raking in cash from a natural gas company that wants its pipeline expedited.”


Only the American people believe the bullshit the west is spewing about Ukraine and Zelensky:

“Nearly 90 Percent of the World Isn’t Following Us on Ukraine | Opinion”


DARK MONEY - how in the hell can America allow foreign countries to give our elected and public officials money$$$ but not require that to be made public. Both parties travel the globe over as well as meet on American soil to get money making the beholding to foreign govts. Israel (including AIPCA), Taiwan, Great Britain, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, etc all give money to American political actors to influence our government. For all we know, Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch got his $10 million bribe for being appointed to the court from Putin himself, and Clarence Thomas?!!!

What the video means to say is trump accepted money from somebody the Democratic party has gotten stiffed by in the past.

“Trump is finally REVEALED as an Agent of Foreign GOVERNMENTS will America Wake Up?”


“A New Economic Era Is Dawning — And It’s Going to Be Ugly

The Global Economy Is Sick, And the Treatment — Make People Poorer! — Is Only Going to Make Things Much Worse”


“The Age of Extinction and the Age of Existence

The Greatest Mistake in History — And Why We’re Still Making it”


“How Much Will It Cost to Save Civilization?

Why Saving the Planet Is the Best Investment There’s Ever Going to Be in Human History”

MAP: “22 July 2022: Worst Ever State of the World Fires”


“How the UK is Failing Back Into A Developing Country

Why the UK is sliding back to the days of Victorian poverty”


Purge every person trump even so much as looked at while president - do it now:

“Trump-appointed World Bank president under fire for climate change waffling”


“Former House staffer tells '60 Minutes' White House switchboard called Capitol rioter on Jan. 6”


Maureen Haley:

“Profits are the unpaid wages of the working class”

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