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8/2021 “Busted? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell’s re-election don’t add up”

Updated: Jun 18, 2022

“The difference between 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C global warming means vastly different scenarios for the future. Our survival on this planet hinges on these few degrees.

Addressing the climate crisis and limiting temperature rise is still possible, if we #ActNow. via UN Climate Change”


“The climate crisis is capital B big and getting your head around all the causes, effects, and solutions can be a real challenge.

Fortunately, these online experiences can help!”



This is why I have ZERO faith in Pelosi’s Coup Theater prosecution: (McConnell wasn’t the only cited)

“Busted? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell’s re-election don’t add up”

“McConnell racked up huge vote leads in traditionally Democratic strongholds, including counties that he had never before carried.

There were wide, unexplained discrepancies between the vote counts for presidential candidates and down-ballot candidates.

Significant anomalies exist in the state's voter records. Forty percent of the state's counties carry more voters on their rolls than voting-age citizens.

Kentucky and many other states using vote tabulation machines made by Election Systems & Software all reported down-ballot race results at significant odds with pre-election polls.”

[they get in office using illegitimate means and then, once in, start acting in government in ways that are deemed legitimate]

2020 7/15 _F2A2350aaa


Homicidal sociopath

“Sen. Joe Manchin is "very, very disturbed" about the possibility of coal being replaced with sustainable energy.

We are very, very disturbed by Senator Manchin's priorities.”

“Joe Manchin says he's 'very, very' disturbed about reconciliation proposals on climate change”


Homicidal sociopath that needs to resign immediately :

“"Joe Manchin is lying to us about climate change to protect his annual profits and the wealth of his family."”

“Manchin—'Very, Very' Disturbed by Climate Action—Made Nearly $500K Last Year From Coal: Report”


Knowingly with eyes wide open and the science to prove it, Manchin moves to kill Americans for profit:


"Sen. Manchin's proposal spells nothing short of a climate catastrophe, and it must be rejected."

“Manchin's Energy Bill Condemned as 'Kick in the Gut to Climate Justice'”


Koch’s Republicans are killing of prominent wildlife conservation species like wolves and manatees on purpose:

“Florida breaks manatee death record in first six months of 2021”


“Ice Tsunamis Can Ice Stream Collapse accelerate Sea Level Rise”




“Oh, come ON. As our Policy Director Mitch Jones says, more drilling "means more climate change." It's that simple!”

“US Drilling Approvals Increase Despite Biden Climate Pledge

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W.”


“Oil Prices Loom Over Biden Bid to Pare Drilling Rights Sales”

“Limiting sales of drilling rights is not enough. We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground and wind down existing production.

"We're out of time for tinkering around the edges to address the problem of a #ClimateCrisis." — Randi Spivak, Center for Biological Diversity”


“Brace for imminent impact”

“"In just the last six weeks, fires in the region have spewed out around 150 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent - close to the 2017 annual fossil fuel emissions of Venezuela, said Mark Parrington, a senior scientist at CAMS."

Digest that for a minute.

"The Siberian fires have raised fears about the permafrost and peatlands thawing, releasing carbon long stored in the frozen tundra."

Fires triggering the methane feedback loop.

"Meanwhile, ash from the fires could blanket nearby snow cover, turning it dark so that it absorbs more solar radiation and warms even faster."

Ash triggering the albedo feedback loop.”

“Planes dump water on Siberian wildfires as residents plead for help”


Biden and Today's Republican\Democratic Party are so not the politicians for this time in history that they must RESIGN IMMEDIATELY in favor of installing Barber and Sanders:

“Tell the Senate: No vacation while democracy is in crisis”


“It’s Time to Repeal Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Say Progressives

Oil and gas executives are being called on to publicly answer for their industry’s decades-long misinformation campaign and destruction of the planet.”


“America's Two Largest Water Reservoirs at Record Lows”


“Watch the changing temperatures over the years, this is not good news”

“There’s a New Definition of ‘Normal for Weather”


“Last week, Gov. Greg Gianforte withdrew Montana from a bipartisan coalition of states committed to upholding the goals of the Paris climate agreement.

Two days later, Gianforte called on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to declare a drought emergency across his state, which would make emergency funds available to farmers who have suffered losses (and who continue to dewater rivers and streams at the expense of native fish and wildlife).

P.S. The human-caused wildfire in the dramatic photo below was allegedly started by a dirt bike rider illegally riding on public lands, according to law enforcement officials.”

“This Governor Withdrew From A Climate Pact. Days Later, He’s Pleading For Help With Drought.”

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