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8/2021 Democrats miss critical deadline to stop GOP gerrymandering - Authoritarianism inevitable

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

Washington’s “Infrastructure Bill” is not a sufficient response to the environmental threats faced by America nor in some cases is it a legitimate response.

For starters the highly touted “Clean Energy Standards” considers Nuclear Energy and Carbon Capture clean. What the bill is, is a costly attempt by govt to claw back a bit of our future being squandered by green house gas emitting, and no doubt campaign cas donating, corporations. The bill is especially irresponsible when you consider Biden asking Saudi Arabia to increase oil production and the concurrent successful attempt by Democrats to quietly increase fracking.

Also, please bear in mind that in 2008 alone Wall St got at least $16 trillion between Bush and Obama. This is not including using quantitative easing used by govt to buy wall st bank asserts at inflated prices. Wall st has since gone on to benefit from an estimated trillion dollars a day in liquidity provided by washington. So please, do not get glossy eyed or overly impressed when Biden’s swamp claims to spend a paltry $3 trillion to allegedly save humanity.

Finally, if all that doesn’t paint a sufficiently bleak future for a America’s contribution to the death of the planet, I would add that Democrats chose to let pass a deadline for stopping Republicans from using Census data to gerrymander their way into permanent power - the presidency as well as the majority in both the U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress (with Charles Koch owning the Supreme Court. Give the speed with which the environmental Holocaust is a unfolding, this time you will want to leave the country.

And the wildfire in Siberia is bigger than all fires burning on the planet combined and has triggered the release of a similarly sized amount of methane - a process that can’t be stopped.

One estimate gives mankind only a few more years before extinction.

2016 6/14 255aaa


RIP American Democracy. It’s official. Biden and his Democrats were a Republican Trojan horse and the American people fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Democrats apparently approve of Republicans gerrymandering their way into permanent power.

“Republicans Are Poised to Gerrymander Their Way Into Long-Term Power”

“Democrats missed a critical deadline to stop GOP gerrymandering. Now it will be full steam ahead on the Right’s undemocratic agenda.”


“Will the next US military airlift be out of Washington DC as the American empire implodes on itself?”

Romeu Peitinho:

“By their very definition, ‘iconic’ photographs, like a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue sky, are not really supposed to ever occur twice. Iconic photographs – like the one showing Neil Armstrong taking the first step on the lunar surface, or the naked girl fleeing a napalm bombing during the Vietnam War – are unique in that they capture the ‘spirit’ of a generation or period of time, the so-called zeitgeist.

Last week, the world was treated to an ‘iconic’ Kodak moment, as photographers captured stark images of Chinook helicopters buzzing the US embassy in the Afghan capital, where they airlifted personnel out of dodge ahead of a tenacious Taliban advance. And just like that, America’s 20-year military adventure in Afghanistan, originally planned to destroy Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda franchise, crumbled like a stale cookie before lunchtime.”


Carbon capture and nuclear energy are included in Dems infrastructure bill’s clean energy standard?!:

“We Have an Infrastructure Bill. We Still Need Bold Climate Action Urgently”

“As is clear from the devastating wildfires, heatwaves, drought, and flooding being experienced by communities across the country—and the sobering report the IPCC just released—we have no time to waste.”


“The Gulf Stream is nearing a Critical point of Collapse, new data shows, with the Weakening Ocean Current impacting the Global Weather”

“The latest 2021 data and studies show that the Atlantic Gulf Stream is nearing an important tipping point. High-resolution data reveals the increasing freshwater flow into the North Atlantic is changing the density of the Ocean Current, slowing it down.”


“Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold”


“Observation-based early-warning signals for a collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation” by Niklas Boers


Kevin Hester:

“Melting of the Arctic ice sheets drives the release of the potent greenhouse gas methane from the ocean floor.” According to the peer-reviewed paper’s lead author, “as the ice sheet melted and pressure on the seafloor lessened during the Eemian, methane was released in violent spurts, slow seeps, or a combination of both. By the time the ice disappeared completely, some thousands of years later, methane emissions had stabilized.”

More brilliant work from my colleague and dear friend who is daily accused of 'Giving up'.

Accepting the severity of the crises we face is a hell of a lot more scientific than miss placed 'Hopium'.

“No may. No might. Only is.”


Washington is the pre-eminent terrorist of the American People. This on top of asking OPEC to increase production. For Biden and the Democrats its like the 6th IPCC latest warnings were a license to double down?!?!:

“Senate Budget Vote Suggests We’re Fracked

Seven Dems who raked in $1.7 million from oil and gas donors helped the GOP try to block fracking restrictions after IPCC scientists’ warnings.”

from Missy Saugus:

“tm| One day after the release of a landmark scientific report on climate change, the U.S. Senate faced its first test vote on whether scientists’ grave new warnings are being heeded. In response, a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers used the moment to try to prevent America from halting a fossil fuel extraction process linked to one of the most dangerous greenhouse gas emissions — and to rampant ozone pollution choking the American West.

Fifty Republicans and seven Democrats voted Tuesday in favor of a GOP amendment designed to prohibit the executive branch from banning hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking. The measure’s supporters included Colorado’s Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper, whose constituents have been warned in recent days to remain inside because of a mix of smoke from climate-intensified wildfires as well as ozone — the latter of which is driven in part by fracking emissions. New Mexico Democrats Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján also voted yes. Their state has been plagued with unhealthy air too, with local officials telling people on Monday to stay inside as much as possible.

The other Democratic yes votes were Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Jon Tester of Montana, and Maine Independent Angus King, whose states have all seen poor air quality at times this summer from wildfires in the west.

Five of the seven Democrats voting for the measure hail from blue states won by President Joe Biden, who declared unequivocally during the 2020 campaign: "I am not banning fracking.” Over the course of their careers, the seven Democratic lawmakers who backed the GOP amendment have raked in nearly $1.7 million from donors in the oil and gas industry, according to data from OpenSecrets.”


No single democrat takes a stance that isn’t approved of by the entire Party, else the Party would just deny them campaign aid$$$ (members take turn playing the villain):

“Here Are the 9 Right-Wing Democrats Threatening to Tank Their Party's $3.5 Trillion Agenda”

“Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey,

Carolyn Bourdeaux of Georgia,

Filemon Vela of Texas,

Henry Cuellar of Texas,

Ed Case of Hawaii,

Kurt Schrader of Oregon,

Jared Golden of Maine,

Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, and

Jim Costa of California”


“The climate crisis is not caused by vague ‘human actions’; nor is it a result of some innate aspect of human nature. It is caused by specific investments by specific people in specific things. Change those, and we can change the future.”

“Let’s say it without flinching: the fossil fuel industry is destroying our future”


“Follow the money: US subsidizes oil and gas so investors never lose

Finally, we have the numbers and they're not pretty, detailing how it doesn't matter what price fuel is.”

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