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8/2021 Isostatic Rebound: bottom of Antartica's Thwaites Glacier

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

The bottom of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica is showing signs of melting from Volcanic heat

Glacial\Permanent ice is weight - wrap your head around this…:

Antarctic ice is melting because of climate change. No news here. But it has been found that West Antarctica is melting from geothermal heat from below:

2016 7/8 024aaa

“High geothermal heat beneath West Antarctica glacier responsible for its melting”

“Antarctica Apocalypse: Volcanoes beneath ice could erupt and make planet ‘uninhabitable’”

John Berbatis:

“The result of the Western Antarctic ice sheet dislodging would exacerbate the Earth's rotational wobble (Chandler’s Wobble). The Crust presents the earth with an unbalanced distribution of weight, even a small (10 centimetres) displacement of the crust would cause the earth to wobble more (which ironically could induce more crustal displacement, thus causing more wobble, thus causing more displacement, etc.) Severe seismic activity on or near Antarctica would precipitate crust instability. Added bulges from the expansion beneath the crust would worsen the imbalance.”

Art mimics life?


“New Signs Indicate a Major Ocean Current Is on The Edge of Collapse Right Now”

Ray Taylor:

“If AMOC (“Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation”) overturns and goes into weak state, how soon could we see impact on agriculture? and on which continents?

Hans Rotterdam:

“In North West Europe temperatures have mainly been a couple of degrees C below normal this spring and summer. This will decrease crop yield. I blame these lower than normal temperatures to the slowing down in speed of the AMOC. A couple of months ago the AMOC was reported to have slowed down already 17%. I am sure AMOC has already slowed down more by now, because of the melting of Greenland ice.”

“Rapid-AMOC, Monitoring the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation”


Val Eisman:

“In " new study, published Dec. 22 in the journal Environmental Research Letters, the team attempted to assemble a comprehensive picture of the subsea permafrost using all the piecemeal data currently available; they also asked 25 permafrost scientists to use their expertise to estimate how much organic carbon is hidden in each specific layer of subsea permafrost. By compiling their perspectives, the team captured a more detailed picture of the ecosystem as a whole, and they estimated that the permafrost currently holds about 60 billion tons (544 metric tons) of methane and 560 billion tons (508 metric tons) of organic carbon.

Each year, about 140 million tons (128 metric tons) of carbon dioxide and 5.3 million tons (4.8 metric tons) of methane escape from the permafrost into the atmosphere, they estimated. That's roughly equivalent to the carbon footprint of Spain, according to a statement. That said, due to the paucity of data, these emissions estimates remain highly uncertain, the authors noted. "”

“'Zombie' greenhouse gas lurks in permafrost beneath the Arctic Ocean”


“Welcome to the Pyrocene

We have created a planetary fire age. Now we have to live in it.”


“As Wildfires Ravage British Columbia, Wall Street Tells Investors to Buy Stock in Canada’s Tar Sands

New pipelines could help Canada export more tar sands, boosting the bottom lines of Alberta’s oil producers. But experts warn that Canada is charting a ‘path to climate crisis.’”


“'Out of Control': Brazilian Amazon Deforestation Hits Highest Level in a Decade

"At this rate, we will not be able to keep global warming below 1.5ºC, a target defined in the Paris agreement," said the conservation institute Imazon.”


Soil can and does die:

Kirk Norring:

“This Is How Canada Will Be Transformed Into A Desert.”

“Drought causing White Rock Lake fire to burn ‘incredibly deep’ – Vernon News”


John Lieber:

“In 2009, Rockström et al. identified processes of the biosphere that are critical for maintaining the stable state we experienced in the Holocene (11,650 years ago, after the last glacial period).

“The research set quantitative boundaries for each, beyond which the Earth’s Holocene state would be put at further risk, making the move to the Anthropocene firmer. The authors named the markers that may be used to check whether the processes are undergoing rapid change planetary boundaries. A planetary boundary is not equivalent to a global threshold or tipping point.

Four of the nine processes have taken the planet into regions the authors regard as outside safe operating space, meaning that there is now increasing risk of a significant change from the biosphere’s conditions in the Holocene. Biosphere integrity (for which one may read ‘biodiversity’) and nitrogen and phosphorus cycles have exceeded their boundaries farthest. But land-use change and climate change are also outside their safe operating space.”

Although certainly interconnected, I can’t help but wonder why climate change is getting all the attention that habitat loss and chemical use should be?”

Page 107:




“Here is Joe Biden's plan for the Wild Horse---round up and sold at auction for slaughter in Canada and Mexico---the total of 90,000-----THAT's NINETY THOUSAND over the next five years --also Bidens plan for his BLM , FOREST SERVICE and INTERIOR DEPARTMENT is to continue the Trumps administartions granting of MORE leases on public lands for livestock grazing---It's time to pressure the hell out of Biden starting this week about our horses and wolves---and let him know that he IS NOT the environmental friendly man that he claims to be--I AM, FOR DAMN SURE---it's one thing for any republican president to do these things --but when a man who we elected as our Democrat President does these things or extends Trumps policies in doing them is a whole other world --and a special kind of activism is needed---I have been down this road many times before --and that is to get really nasty with him and remind him that it was us who elected him and that he works for us---not the special ineterest such as mining , drilling , logging and RANCHING at least not where we sacrifice our wildlife and horses for the sake of the above mentioned profits.”


“How climate change helped strengthen the Taliban”


Lies From Washing Kill:

“When the pesticide was applied at just 30% of the recommended dose, it still reduced the bees' reproduction by 90%.”

“Neonicotinoids Harm Bees at Far Below the Label Recommended Dose, Study Finds”


“Israeli snipers attack Gaza children”


Politicizing Afghanistan withdrawal is bullshit: it’s about profit. America “wins” at war by manufacturing domestic consent to go to war. For America merely engaging in any war is to “win” at it.

The $80 billion plus of military equipment left in Afghanistan could have gone to Medicaid for All, Student Loan forgiveness, combating climate change & wild fires, public schools, etc, etc, ad nausea


Bravo: now set up free standing solar powered condensers to extract fresh water from the air:

“The West’s megadrought is so bad authorities are airlifting water for animals”


“Does everyone remember the dude who pretty much cheerleaded America, not that America didn't want to get into Iraq and Afghanistan and loot for treasure, into a Captain Obvious imperialistic war that even Pelosi knew was a lie, but didn't impeach Bush and Co., and was for it too?”

“Sen. Biden on Iraq Resolution

Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) spoke with reporters about the pending Iraq invasion resolution.”

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