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8/2021 'Methane Bursts' will bring immediate widespread death and final destruction of our biosphere

Updated: May 30, 2022

“Blue Ocean Event approaching.”

“Arctic ice is breaking up at 88N”

That’s the 88th parallel north


“Points of no return”

“As the world warms, these Earth systems are changing. Could further warming make them spiral out of control?”


Kirk Norring: “Methane Bursts

“I want to explain what I think will unfold when when we see the first methane burst out of the Arctic Ocean.

First there will be tidal waves that will be simply massive. They will affect the entire world and will devastate most coastal cities.

These tidal waves will occur in waves for the entire duration of the event which sadly is going to be a very long expanding into a global event.

It has to do with the immediate heat felt by the atmospheric methane concentrations as they spread southwards to the rest of the world.

Atmospheric methane over the Arctic region when a sudden burst occurs will be so high that temperatures there will skyrocket upwards. I don't know by how much because I don't know how much methane will occur in the first expulsion. But I can hazard a guess. It will probably raise Arctic temperatures by 40- 70°C.

When this event occurs there will be so much methane in the immediate area that you will be able to see it in the form of methane clouds. It will no longer be a miniscule trace gas but instead comparable to water vapor in the atmosphere. Instead of measuring it in parts per billion, you'll be able to measure it in parts per hundred or percentages.

The heat trapped in the immediate area will greatly warm up the Arctic Ocean and cause more probably larger methane eruptions from the ocean.

Methane clouds will build and no doubt ignite when lightning is caused within the clouds.

Forget the notion that it will be a singular event. It will start a cascading effect along every continental coastline as atmospheric methane expands outwards to the rest of the planet.

Temperatures across the planet will climb very quickly and there may very well be the boiling of ocean surface water as the heat continues to climb upwards.

Just 1% of methane hydrates destabilizing in the Eastern Siberian Sea Shelf is enough to wipe us all out but who said it would stop at just 1%?

This will be like a fuse that will trigger the destabilization of all the methane hydrates worldwide.

In past extinction events this process would have happened very slowly and other natural processes would have stopped the fuse from happening.

However we have built up greenhouse gases so fast that the Earth is having a hard time keeping up.

The fuse is about to be lit and it is not going to end well for any of us.”

“…look for “Permian gas explosion” and you’ll see more. “Lake Nyos” is also another source of valuable information.

I have been doing research for 45 years.”

2016 6/14 223aaa


“The Moral Implications of Bloodlust, White Supremacy, Christian Nationalism”

“The monetary cost of wars always produces wealth for people who profit in supplying weapons and war materiel.

For these reasons, it was not enough to invade Afghanistan in 2001.

It was not enough to chase Bin Laden from Afghanistan.

It was not enough to displace the Taliban from political power 20 years ago.

It was not enough to eventually find and kill Bin Laden in 2011.

It was not enough to capture, kill, torture, and hold his lieutenants indefinitely in Guantanamo and other sites around the world, but never in the United States.”


“How Many Plant Species Have Gone Extinct in North America?

A new paper identifies 65 plant extinctions in the continental United States and Canada — but that’s probably just a fraction of what we’ve lost.”


Jeanne Norgaard Moreira:

“Defense Contractor Erik Prince, Founder Of Blackwater, Is Charging $6,500 For Kabul Evacuation Flight!”


Evictions: Democrats did most of the damage before SCOTUS could inflict their suffering:

“An Open Letter to Airbnb

"Now you control an $80 billion company that has devoured millions of housing units, evicted countless families, and turned their homes into full-time clerkless hotels, with a promise in your IPO documents to fight democracies in court for as long as you can afford to do so."


Nope. It was Democrats who did the damage that was already done before the sleazy pukes on SCOTUS acted predictably (with the benefit of Democrats not adding or impeaching justices after Trump):

“Millions at risk of eviction after Supreme Court decision to end moratorium” by Ian Millihiser

“Injustices: The Supreme Court's History of Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted”

“Now with a new epilogue-- an unprecedented and unwavering history of the Supreme Court showing how its decisions have consistently favored the moneyed and powerful.”

“Few American institutions have inflicted greater suffering on ordinary people than the Supreme Court of the United States. Since its inception, the justices of the Supreme Court have shaped a nation where children toiled in coal mines, where Americans could be forced into camps because of their race, and where a woman could be sterilized against her will by state law. The Court was the midwife of Jim Crow, the right hand of union busters, and the dead hand of the Confederacy. Nor is the modern Court a vast improvement, with its incursions on voting rights and its willingness to place elections for sale.

In this powerful indictment of a venerated institution, Ian Millhiser tells the history of the Supreme Court through the eyes of the everyday people who have suffered the most from it. America ratified three constitutional amendments to provide equal rights to freed slaves, but the justices spent thirty years largely dismantling these amendments. Then they spent the next forty years rewriting them into a shield for the wealthy and the powerful. In the Warren era and the few years following it, progressive justices restored the Constitution's promises of equality, free speech, and fair justice for the accused. But, Millhiser contends, that was an historic accident. Indeed, if it weren't for several unpredictable events, Brown v. Board of Education could have gone the other way.

In Injustices, Millhiser argues that the Supreme Court has seized power for itself that rightfully belongs to the people's elected representatives, and has bent the arc of American history away from justice. (less)”


Kevin Hester

“Science Update: The Hottest Month in History , it will also be the coolest July we’ll ever see again. When the El Niño kicks in temps will escalate rapidly”

“Science Update: The Hottest Month in History”


Without Good Public Education your country wont amount to much:

“The Secret Corporate Memo Behind Today's Guerilla War on Campus Progressives”

“For the health of our democracy, we need to disarm the war on knowledge and reason that was inspired by the 'Powell Memo' and carried out by the Koch network and its right-wing army.”

“SUPREME COURT Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr.—who prior to his appointment to the nation's highest court authored what became know as the "Powell Memo"— announcing his retirement in the summer of 1987.”

Currently Charles Koch directly owns Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, with the remain conservative justices deferring to his judgement.


“It goes without saying that FOX news is not news at all but pure propaganda, geared to an audience of ignorant fools.” Richard Dawkins


“In 44 Countries College Education is Free

Algeria; Argentina; Barbados; Bhutan; Brazil; Cuba; Denmark; Ecuador; Egypt; Estonia; Fiji; Finland; France; German; Gibraltar; Greece; Italy; India; Iran; Ireland; Kenya; Kuwait; Malta; Mauritius; Morocco; Nepal; Norway; Oman; Pakistan; Peru; Poland; Russia; Saudi Arabia; Scotland; Somalia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sweden; Trinidad & Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; U. Arab Emirates; Uruguay; Venezuela; …this is not a complete list

Two Countries (Denmark and New Zealand), provide a monthly stipend (Students are paid to study)

7 countries where Americans can study at universities, in English, for free (or almost free), Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, Norway, Slovenia, Brazil.

If we are the Greatest Country in the world, why cannot we give our kids FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION?

Free education refers to education that is financed through taxation, or [legitimate] charitable organizations rather than tuition fees.


Right wing Extremists are still active in America:

“Antifascists Stopped Proud Boys From Entering Portland’s City Center on Sunday”


“Portland’s Bizarre Experiment With Not Policing Proud Boys Rampage Ends in Gunfire

Portland’s police force chose to stand back and stand by as Proud Boys who came to the city to fight with anti-fascists assaulted protesters and a right-wing gunman opened fire.”


“Top 5 Cities That Will Soon Be Under Water”


“The super-rich have made a killing off of the pandemic. It’s time to tax the hell out of them to pay for programs that serve the working class.”


“The Secret Life of Bees and The Role They Play in Tequila”


“6 Ways to Transform Your Lawn Into an Eco-Friendly Oasis”

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