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8/2021 Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy

Updated: May 29, 2022

“Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy

As the investigation into Moïse’s murder unfolds, the U.S. is laying the groundwork to deploy troops into Haiti for the fourth time in 106 years, at the request of a figure it has spent decades grooming.”

2021 6/7 _F2A4261aaa


The Clintons?!:

“We traveled to the Dominican Republic to talk to rural farmers and workers battling a Canadian mining company. “We had no concept of what the devil was until Barrick Gold came to our lands,” one person told us.”

“The Canadian Mining Company Dominicans Call “Worse Than Columbus””


Coup theatre:

“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is the ONLY State Attorney General who refused to sign a letter condemning the Capitol Riots. We aren’t surprised – he was there on January 6th and even met with the organizers of the riots. Now, his office is attempting to withhold all messages he sent and received while in DC that day. What does Ken not want us to know?

The people of Texas deserve better. Add your name to demand that Ken Paxton release ALL communication from January 6th and condemn the Capitol Riots once and for all.”

“Demand Ken Paxton release his emails from January 6th: ADD YOUR NAME”


“Tell the Bureau of Land Management to reject the devastating proposal to mine along Arizona's Big Sandy River before irreparable harm is done to wildlife, ecosystems and Indigenous sacred sites.”

“Say No to a Massive Lithium Mine Along Arizona’s Big Sandy River”


“Climate Change happening faster than many animals can adapt, study finds”


“Aaaaaaaaand, we're shocked... Never got any warning. Just out of the blue...THIS:”

“BREAKING NEWS: Dozens die in heat-related deaths in Burnaby, BC, Canada Climate”


“More than 230 deaths have been reported in British Columbia since Friday, as Canada registered an all-time heat record of 49.6°C (121°F).”

“Dozens of Sudden Deaths Reported as Canada Heat Hits a Record 121 Degrees”


“"We are not meant for this. This is the beginning of a permanent emergency," says Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.”

“Extreme Heat Wave Melts Cables, Buckles Roads in Northwest”


“Well well well. Even with last years epic record hurricane season it still wasn't enough to cool the tropical Atlantic off. So this year will be another epic season as it is reloaded with 31c or ~88 degrees F. water ahead for Elsa to travel over in the Western Caribbean Sea and the Gulf Of Mexico. Warm enough to support a catagory 5 hurricane easy. Get ready for year round hurricane season once the summertime Arctic Sea Ice is gone folks.. Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion yet anyone???”

“Ocean Mechanical Thermal Energy Conversion”


“Up to 410 million people at risk from sea level rises – study

Majority of land at risk from a 1-metre sea level rise is in the tropics, research finds”


“Words mean everything. Do you know who killed "global warming" and invented the term “climate change”?

A true "influencer".

Frank Luntz. The Republican “political strategist.”

Why? Because “global warming” was dangerous. Because it was true. Too frightening. Too true. Too real. Too self-explanatory, powerful, and strong. It was beginning to turn people against oil, gas and coal companies.

Luntz also decreased use of the words "inheritance tax" and "death tax" for the much more persuasive term "death tax".”

“This is Why We Should Stop Calling it Climate Change

The Words “Climate Change” May End Up Being The Biggest Lie Ever Told”


“Provinces across Iraq’s south have halted work amid scorching temperatures and rolling blackouts after Iran halted a crucial supply of power, pushing the country’s energy crisis to breaking point.

Iraq’s electricity minister Majed Mahdi Hantoosh submitted his resignation this week as temperatures soared to 50C in southern districts such as Basra where protests have erupted against the crippling shortages.”

“Iraqis battle in 50C heat as Iran halts power supply due to unpaid bills”


It’s just a matter of time and your City is next:

“Canadian village 'devastated' by wildfires a day after temperatures topped 121 degrees”

“After 3-4 days baking at nearly 50C maximum temperatures (121F), the town of Lytton, BC, goes up in flames.

There are YouTube clips showing how fast the fire swept into town.

Pets and livestock were abandoned in the rush to leave. 😔

Reports suggest the small town may be a complete loss.”


The surface of the Gulf of Mexico was on fire:

“Yesterday, the Gulf of Mexico was literally ON FIRE after a pipeline leak.

This kind of disaster is going to continue to happen until we stop building and relying on so many pipelines to power our world.”

“Fire on surface of Gulf of Mexico is extinguished, but questions about pipeline leak remain”


Wisconsin is actively promoting Oil and Gas Infrastructure:


“Revealed: ExxonMobil’s lobbying war on climate change legislation”

“They're America's biggest oil company - committed they claim, to tackling the climate emergency. But tonight this programme can reveal undercover footage of one of Exxonmobil's top Washington lobbyists - speaking candidly about his efforts to undermine new legislation to protect the environment. The lobbyist was captured on camera by the environmental group Greenpeace UK - boasting of how Exxonmobil has fought climate science, and operated behind closed doors to water down green legislation. Exxonmobil dispute the claims - and accuse Greenpeace of "waging a campaign against them". In the first part of a series of reports on the secretive world of fossil fuel lobbying - our Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson has this exclusive story.”

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