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8/2021 Evidence of harm caused by pesticides results in Paris & Tokyo going "pesticide free"

Updated: Jan 7

“Historic landfills – those built before the introduction of stringent environmental regulation – are a ticking time bomb, containing millions of tonnes of hazardous, industrial, commercial, domestic and in some cases low-level radioactive and military wastes. Depending on the age of the landfill, they can contain substances that are now banned, such as PCBs and asbestos, and materials that are only just starting to cause concern, such as plastics. In addition, these sites predate legal requirements to record the waste they received or to engineer for pollution control.

In Europe alone there are almost 1 million historic landfill sites and of these, around 10,000 are situated on coasts at risk of climate change, sea-level rise, flooding or erosion with the potential to release their contaminant load directly to the marine environment.

There have already been examples of catastrophic flooding and erosion of historic landfills, for example, in Texas, following Hurricane Harvey and in New Zealand, where flooding washed out the disused Fox River landfill releasing waste over hundreds of kilometres of coastline. Such extreme weather events are predicted to increase in frequency under climate change scenarios and in England alone up to 79 coastal landfills could erode by 2055 if sea defences are not maintained and across the UK more than 1,700 are at risk of flooding.”

“Coastal landfills risk leaking long-banned toxic chemicals into the ocean”

Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017 6/8 470aaa

“American west stuck in cycle of ‘heat, drought and fire’, experts warn

Wildfires in several states are burning with worrying ferocity across a tinder-dry landscape”


“As a result of mounting evidence as to the harmfulness of pesticides Paris and Tokyo have declared themselves pesticide free. Their urban Bee populations are now thriving”


“Worldwide regional climate projections now available through C3S”


“The Sheer Absurdity of the "Billionaire Space Race"”

“The billionaire space race has officially begun, and it is quite the degenerate capitalist sh!tshow that Elon Musk (SpaceX), Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin), and Richard Branson (Virgin Galactics) have going on there.

As we start to see real progress in space exploration, we are seeing a troublesome pattern emerge. Private corporations seeking to assert their dominance on space, and making it inaccessible to most humans.”


“Wildfires in California this year have scorched 3 times more land than in the same period of last year's record season”


“The West catches fire while the East goes under water as climate change fuels both extremes”


"There's a very real possibility we could lose salmon forever here," said John McManus.

“Nearly All Chinook Salmon in ​Sacramento River Expected to Be Killed by Extreme Heat, Water Mismanagement”


Xavier Rosseel \ Environmental Professionals:

“Destroying tropical ecosystems and replacing them with soybeans and other crops has immediate and devastating consequences for soybeans, according to new peer-reviewed research in the journal World Development. With 35.8 million hectare currently under soy cultivation in Brazil, extreme heat--which adjacent tropical forests help keep in check--has reduced soybean income by an average of approximately US$100 per hectare per year.

The study, Conserving the Cerrado and Amazon biomes of Brazil protects the soy economy from damaging warming, shows that protecting the Amazon and Cerrado can prevent the sort of high temperatures that damages the productivity of crops--estimated to cost the sector US$3.55 billion.

Another recent study found annual agricultural losses associated with deforestation-driven declines in precipitation at US$1 billion. Taken together, the two estimates reveal the massive economic impacts of destroying ecosystems on Brazil's agricultural sector; the annual losses are likely to be even higher than $US4.55 billion, which is only a conservative estimate.

"Destroying forests and other ecosystems instantly turns up the heat and reduces precipitation in the immediate vicinity where the destruction takes place, scorching soybean plants and inflicting great harm on the sector's profitability," said Rafaela Flach, the study's lead author.

"The economic fallout is big--and getting bigger, with serious impacts on global and local economics and food security. It's a local problem with global ramifications, and it's happening in tropical regions worldwide."”

“Ecosystem destruction endangers local soy agriculture in Brazil

New research: Agriculture-driven ecosystem destruction turns up local temperatures, eats up billions in soy revenue in Brazil”


Fireflies are amazing:

“How fireflies inspired energy-efficient lights”


This is why white supremacist Washington doesn’t care about the Environmental Holocaust:

“A history of redlining means that communities of color are more vulnerable to the impacts of heat waves. But local leaders can change that.”

“‘Patterns of Discrimination’: How Redlining Fueled the Heat Wave”


Food Insecurity is slamming down:

“Late-Summer Drought Outlook for Midwest

Corn Belt Drought Outlook for Reproductive Corn and Soybeans”



“Wherever climate deniers gather to ‘trigger the libs,’ nuclear shills also inevitably congregate. That’s because cheerleading for nuclear power is one of the most effective ways to prevent reducing greenhouse gas emissions that there is.”

“How promoting nuclear energy is the opposite of climate action”



Turns out that Senator Joe Manchin III's energy infrastructure bill funds fossil fuels vs. renewable energy at a rate of 70:1. We need real climate solutions, not weak alternatives that just line polluter pockets.

“A climate justice user’s guide to the Manchin energy infrastructure bill”



“Billionaires like Jeff Bezos aren't obscenely wealthy because they work harder than everyone else or they're more innovative. They're obscenely wealthy because their corporate empires drain society's resources — and we'd all be better off without them.”

“Why the Superrich Keep Getting Richer”

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