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8/2021 Just 5 Percent of Power Plants Release 73 Percent of Global Electricity Production Emissions

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

People say “real” scientists don’t post on Youtube about their observations. I say the ONLY real scientist is the ones that spend significant amount of time hands on in the field! And the passionate ones – the hard working ones who love their work - make sure they are heard.

“10C is baked in.”

“This is a brilliant discussion about the great unravelling from people who don't do hopium.”

“John Doyle Talks About 10c By 2026”

Pale Beauty (Campaea perlata)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2017 6/12 065aaa


Understand this is a consequence of Climate Collapse :

“Aleutian volcano (Great Sitkin) under watch as 'explosive activity possible' after 8.2 magnitude earthquake”


“As the world’s largest historical greenhouse gas emitter, it is both a legal obligation and a moral imperative for the United States to provide finance for developing countries for climate action.”

“Opinion: The U.S. Must Step Up in the Global South”


“Freak weather events and drought are now devastating agricultural production all across the Globe”


“Russian Wildfire Smog Turns Northern Siberian Day to Night”


Arctic news: “John Doyle Talks with Joey Casey About 10c By 2026”


The Greed driving today’s Environmental Holocaust is staggering. It bears the sociopathic characteristics and lack of empathy that are hallmarks of addiction:


“Nothing is more important than empathy for another human being’s suffering.

Nothing. Not a career, not wealth, not intelligence, certainly not status.

We have to fee for one another if we’re to survive with dignity.”

Audrey Hepburn


“Bipartisanship Is Garbage”

“Centrist pundits and politicians are cheering the new bipartisan infrastructure bill even though it slashes a range of vital spending programs contained in the original. We don’t need continued fetishization of bipartisanship — we need measures that actually aid the working-class majority.”


Enough Social Murder on behalf of the Rich.

I want to hear Washington’s mortality estimates for American Citizens due to their Environmental Holocaust – NOW!

Give it in 5 year increments starting with 2025 and ending with 2050. How many of us are you planning on killing to serve your rich donors?


“Investing 0.1% of global GDP could avoid breakdown of ecosystems, says UN report”

“Moving away from fossil fuels is not the only transition needed for a sustainable future, drastically changing land use to keep the integrity of ecosystems intact is just as necessary!

“Everybody’s talking about an energy transition at the heart of everybody’s understanding of climate change. Nobody’s talking about a land-use change transition. We cannot afford to continue exploiting and producing as we do now.””


“Impressive comparison picture of disaster flood over Altenahr (RLP) - death count continues to rise to 42 meanwhile

The comparison shown in the picture makes you well aware of the extent of extreme floods in large parts of NRW and Rheinland-Pfalz. It shows the small community of Altenahr (Ahrweiler district) in northern Rhineland-Palatinate. It's easy to see how the otherwise quiet Ahr transformed into a tearing brown stream of rubble masses since yesterday. Unfortunately, media death numbers are being corrected further and further upwards in the past few hours. So by now 42 dead have already been officially confirmed and countless people are still missing.”


“We Need the “Whole-of-Government” Climate Fight That Biden Promised

Some agencies are shirking—even as the heat keeps dialing up.”


“Civilian Climate Corps would be a win-win for climate and equity”


“Floods are getting worse, and the number of people exposed is 10 times higher than previously thought, study finds”


“Just 5 Percent of Power Plants Release 73 Percent of Global Electricity Production Emissions

Targeting the world’s worst emitters could offer disproportionate benefits when it comes to fighting climate change”


“Rapid” fluctuation in oceanic oxygen levels heralded the “Great Dying”:

“The Permian-Triassic extinction event that happened some 252 million years ago is the worst extinction event our planet has ever seen. It wiped out around 90 percent of marine species and some 70 percent of vertebrate species on land, and was so severe that it's often called the Great Dying.”

“An intense injection of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is likely to have brought about the Great Dying, scientists think, quite possibly originating from Siberian volcanic activity across a vast scale.”


“Wildfire smoke in Minnesota brings dystopian skies to the Midwest

‘Unprecedented’ haze from wildfires blanketed the Twin Cities last week. More smoke is coming.”


In zeal to serve the rich and get rich themselves Democrats and Republicans have been horrible custodians of America:

“Organophosphate Pesticides in the United States”

“Our new report shows the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos is pervasive in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink. The EPA has until August 20th to decide if they want to protect communities or side with industry lobbyists.”

“Acephate, bensulide, chlorpyrifos, diazinon, dimethoate, ethoprophos, malathion, naled, phorate, and phosmet are among the organophosphate pesticides registered for use under the category of “agricultural crops.””

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