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8/2021 Legislation that demonizes nonviolent environmental activism damns our collective future

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

“Law Enforcement Can Now Kill Water Protectors”

“We must stop HR 1374, a newly proposed federal law which could crush First Amendment rights nationwide.”

2018 5/24 _F2A5166aaa


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“Manchin’s Coal Conflict of Interest Not of Interest to Corporate News”


Climate Change hits the most alienated populations of America the hardest:

“Climate change, the urban heat island effect and historic disinvestment in communities of color have become a trifecta of threats for many American cities this summer. Here’s how two cities are managing the heat and protecting their most vulnerable.”

“A Triple Whammy Has Left Many Inner-City Neighborhoods Highly Vulnerable to Soaring Temperatures

Climate change, heat islands and disinvestment have led New York to subsidize air conditioners and Phoenix to cool street corridors and public housing.”


“Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you an activist, and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare doesn’t make a corporation a terrorist.” Winona Duke


“Civilization-Ending Climate Change Is Knocking On Our Door”


How to Talk Climate with Kids:


“The Climate Crisis Will Cause Once-Dormant Viruses to Reemerge”


Time to take some bad news:

“Letting down Humanity...”

"What is new is that everything accelerates: the ice melts faster than predicted. Its lack of reflection increases CO2-related warming by 20 or more percent (1). The sea warms up faster and rises faster (2) than predicted. Greenhouse gases continue to rise, global warming accelerates and the fatal self-boosting feedbacks by methane release and large-scale forest fires have only begun. Since spring 2019 hundreds of temperature records have been broken and we had the warmest months of January, Mai, June and July ever. We notice it ourselves: The summers get mercilessly warmer and warmer.

The four apocalyptic horsemen are:

Global Warming (3), which is occurring up to a hundred times faster than earlier warmings.

The lack of water (4), which threatens one fourth of humanity.

Species extinction (5) due to wasting and poisoning of habitats. And last but not least

overpopulation (6), the root cause, which continues to increase.

Each of these factors can be fatal on its own and they reinforce each other.



As climate change strikes with ever greater ferocity, five henchmen dominate the news: Storm, Flood, Heat, Smoke and Fire.

During the first 6 months of 2021, there have been 8 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disaster events across the United States. The U.S. has sustained 298 weather and climate disasters since 1980 where overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion (including CPI adjustment to 2020). The total cost of these 298 events exceeds $1.975 trillion. The total cost over the last 5 complete years (2016-2020) exceeds $630.0 billion — averaging more than $125.0 billion/year — both new records.

The Copernicus and the NASA Worldview image show Siberian fires spreading aerosols and smoke over the Arctic Ocean on August 2, 2021.

Mainstream media do cover such disasters, often with sensational footage and while pointing at the extensive damage and loss of life caused by such events.

However, mainstream media rarely point out that climate change is getting worse and and even more so due to feedbacks that can amplify extreme weather events and can further speed up how climate change unfolds.

One of these feedbacks is albedo loss, i.e. decline of the snow and ice cover resulting in less sunlight getting reflected back into space.

As the temperature difference between the North Pole and the Equator narrows, the wind flowing north on the Northern Hemisphere slows down, which changes the Jet Stream, resulting in more extreme weather events, including heatwaves and fires.

Fires also come with soot that can settle on snow and ice, resulting in surface darkening that will speed up melting and albedo loss.

One of the most dangerous feedbacks is that, as temperatures in the Arctic rise at accelerating speed, this will destabilize sediments under the Arctic Ocean where huge amounts of methane are stored, threatening to cause huge quantities of methane to erupt the atmosphere, as discussed in many earlier posts such as this one. This threat becomes dramatically larger as the latent heat threshold gets crossed and the buffer constituted by Arctic sea ice disappears, so further heat entering the Arctic Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean can no longer be consumed in the process of melting the subsurface sea ice.

Ominously, the MetOp-2 satellite recorded methane levels as high as 2839 ppb at 469 mb on July 30, 2021 pm, as the image on the right shows.

The image underneath shows how methane levels over the Arctic Ocean at 293 mb on August 1, 2021 pm, while a mean global methane level of 1940 ppb was recorded.

This global mean methane level of 1940 ppb translates - at a 1-year Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 200 - into 388 ppm CO₂e, i.e. almost as high as the mean global carbon dioxide level is at the moment.

A GWP of 200 for methane is appropriate in the light of the danger of a huge burst of methane erupting from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean, which would, due to the abrupt nature of such an eruption, make its impact felt instantaneously.

Methane levels are already very high over the Arctic, so additional methane erupting there will be felt most strongly in the Arctic itself, thus threatening to trigger even further methane releases.

From the post 'Climate Change Henchmen: Storm, Flood, Heat, Smoke and Fire', at:


“A Carbon Calculation: How Many Deaths Do Emissions Cause?

A new study looks at “the mortality cost of carbon”: lives lost or gained as emissions change over time.”

Now is the time to enforce standards on public officials. Consider this, if I act to enrich my friends and I by, say, taking a critical amount of rivets out of a freeway bridge and later a bunch of people get killed when the bridge collapses I’m fairly certain I’d go to prison. Especially since I’m not a billionaire. Engineering, a science, makes my responsibility in the collapse clear. It also makes it clear when earlier someone else pulls the rivets and I come along with a hack saw and saw into a critical amount of the bridges supports.

It is Social Murder for Democrats to cut funding to replace gas powered school buses with electric school buses (as it is to have cut other efforts to combat the environmental Holocaust from the “Exxon Infrastructure Bill). So, please arrest the individual Washington Politicians responsible for this and jail them to stand trail for a degree or variant of murder. After their cases are decided they should be made available for prosecution by the ICC for Ecocide.

It is time to stop coddling these perpetrators just because they are elected individuals or otherwise work for government or have influenced government with their vast wealth.

The children I know are worth putting an end to this type of delayed-environmentally-assisted-manslaughter. My spouse’s future as I’m sure is yours, is worth putting an end to this by prosecuting such behavior.

And the life and welfare of the lowliest garden slug means more to me than that of the individuals perpetrating these deadly crimes against us.


“Electric School Buses Reduce Pollution, but New Infrastructure Deal Slashed Funding

Advocates worry that reduced funds will not go to the communities most in need”

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