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8/2021 Democrats Evicting Americans after taking bribe$$$ from Big Real Estate

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Ryan Knight @prousocialist

“Here’s the truth about America:

Our country is racist.

Our economy is rigged.

Our health care system is broken.

Our government is controlled by corporations & billionaires.

And when you fight back and challenge the status quo you’re labeled “divisive.”


Yellow Slant-Line (Tetracis crocallata)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 5/24 _F2A5593aaa

Democrats Evicting Americans after taking bribe$$$ from Big Real Estate:

Not only is it unacceptable to profit from the suffering of the non- rich, but it is also unacceptable to be the ones inflicting the suffering! - WOW


“Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds

The analysis draws on public health studies that conclude that for every 4,434 metric tons of CO2 produced, one person globally will die”

“We don't talk enough about how cutting consumption (especially in rich countries, like the United States) is a necessary part of cutting emissions. Here's an interesting analysis:

"The research, published in Nature Communications, illustrates the vast disparities in the emissions generated by people’s consumption in different countries around the world. While it takes just 3.5 Americans to create enough emissions in a lifetime to kill one person, it would take 25 Brazilians or 146 Nigerians to do the same, the paper found.


The measurement calculates the damage caused by a ton of emissions, factored with the ability to adapt to the changing climate."”


To even consider such a question underscores the profoundly criminal failure of America’s Democratic and Republican parties and their financial backers with respect to Government:

“Are Humans Facing Near-Term Human Extinction Due to Global Warming?”


“Eminent scientific advisor David King accepts that climate scientists have always mismanaged the modelling of climate change events...Things that are projected for 2100 is happening now due to the Jetstream Omega events.

"If we don't stop the Arctic from becoming ice-free we are cooked" - David King

Turns out we have only a couple or more years before we get cooked”

“Sir David King | Arctic Report | Climate Crisis Advisory Group”




“Massive “Dead Zone” Forming Off The Coast of Oregon & Washington”


The depravity and lack of social conscience in today’s self-interested greed is ASTOUNDING!

“Investing 0.1% of global GDP could avoid breakdown of ecosystems, says UN report””


At +4C only 10% of the planets would survive – yeah, the richest 10%.

“Carbon emissions may continue to rise, the polar ice caps may continue to melt, crop yields may continue to decline, the world’s forests may continue to burn, coastal cities may continue to sink under rising seas and droughts may continue to wipe out fertile farmlands, but the messiahs of hope assure us that all will be right in the end. Only it won’t.” — Chris Hedges

“Yes, the Climate Crisis May Wipe out Six Billion People

Creator of the ‘ecological footprint’ on life and death in a world 4 C hotter.”

Jack Lindbald\Arctic news preface:

“Edging closer to reality. We are inexorably on track for an 80% culling, defining extinction, of hewmans and of all life on Gaia.

"Prominent climate scientist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, director emeritus of Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, argues that, in these circumstances “a trend towards ‘erring on the side of least drama’ has emerged” and “when the issue is the survival of civilization is at stake, conventional means of analysis may become useless.”

Exploring this argument, policy analysts David Spratt and Ian Dunlop conclude, “Climate policymaking for years has been cognitively dissonant, ‘a flagrant violation of reality.’ So it is unsurprising that there is a lack of understanding amongst the public and elites of the full measure of the climate challenge.”

It seems that in mainstream scientific publications and official reports, the truth about climate change and the fate of civilization may be buried deeply between the lines.

Fortunately, there are other contexts in which experts are not quite so reticent and whose assertions echo Roger Hallam’s. As much as a decade ago a climate symposium organized to discuss the implications of a 4 C warmer world concluded, “Less than a billion people will survive.” Here Schellnhuber is quoted as saying: “At 4 C Earth’s... carrying capacity estimates are below 1 billion people.” His words were echoed by professor Kevin Anderson of the U.K.’s Tyndall Centre for Climate Change: “Only about 10 per cent of the planet’s population would survive at 4 C.”

And that would be the richest 10% the rest of us are welcome to die.


“NEW STUDY: Neonic pesticides sprayed onto ornamental plants reduce reproduction rates in 90 PERCENT of bees studied.

We need stricter regulations for pesticides to protect bees & our food system that relies on them!”

“Neonicotinoid insecticides harm bees even in small amounts”


“5 Reasons Why Saving the Bees Is So Critical for Both People and Planet

Cisco is supporting the growth of healthy honeybee populations.”


“Studies show that common pesticides are harmful in any amount”


“Observational evidence that cloud feedback amplifies global warming”

“Confirmation that cloud feedbacks amplify global warming, putting climate sensitivity up to 3.2C from 3C. Low sensitivity excluded, but still highly dangerous significant possibility of much higher sensitivity. This makes 1.5C not feasible and 2C impossible without immediate rapid global emissions decline. Our governments are instead pushing global fossil fuel emissions up, which is an even more certain evil death sentence for humanity. “


“The Problems Americans face e.g. homelessness crisis, no healthcare, college are not inherent to other countries. But then, the US exports its capitalist greed and destruction, and like a cancer, it spreads these problems to places they didn’t exist before in Syria, Iraq, & Others”


“The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a critical protection for our health and environment -- it is often called the “Magna Carta of Environmental Law.” It requires the government to weigh environmental and community concerns before approving pipelines, highways, drilling permits, and new factories on federal lands.”


“4 Major Environmental Treaties the U.S. Never Ratified — But Should

Most of the world’s countries support these global agreements on conservation and pollution, but the United States is noticeably absent.”

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