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8/2021 Nancy Pelosi Lies While the Working Class Dies

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

Pelosi is the one who blocked Student Debt Cancellation:


Black Zale (Zale undularis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 5/24 _F2A5376aaa

The House speaker’s change of heart came after Steven and Mary Swig circulated a memo against cancellation via executive order.”

“The drive to persuade President Joe Biden to cancel student debt took a major hit last week when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunned Congress with a surprise statement in opposition. The move may put her at odds with much of the public and the Democratic Party, but it aligns her with Democratic megadonors Steven and Mary Swig, the billionaire scions of the Bay Area’s oldest real estate dynasty who have deep ties to the California representative. Steven Swig has also long served as a treasurer for Pelosi in her fundraising efforts.

In November, after Biden’s election, and amid increased pressure to cancel student debt, the Swigs quietly circulated a memo among key Capitol Hill figures, making the dubious case that debt cancellation at the executive level is illegal. The argument in the memo gets much of its weight by virtue of the wealthy couple who produced it, as the Swigs are not just major funders of progressive nonprofits, but also have significantly bankrolled Pelosi and her House Democratic caucus.

The memo, obtained by The Intercept, was distributed to members of Congress by Freedom to Prosper, an organization founded by and for the Swigs. The couple has in the past directly lobbied Pelosi, according to two sources with knowledge of the meetings, in which the Swigs would suggest rhetoric or policy proposals that Pelosi would agree to adopt in some form. The source, like several others interviewed by The Intercept for this story, would only speak on condition of anonymity, citing the Swigs’ financial sway in progressive circles. (They have also contributed millions of dollars to the Democratic Party over the years.)


“Nancy Pelosi Lies While the Working Class Dies”


Soon you’ll be able to smell the dead on earth all the way to Mars:

“Major climate changes inevitable and irreversible – IPCC’s starkest warning yet

Report warns temperatures likely to rise by more than 1.5C bringing widespread extreme weather”


Time to round up our Democratic and Republican politicians, together with their judges, and ship them off to the ICC. And I mean, really! What the hell does America have a legal system for if not to prosecute those who forced us to even so much as into a mere brush with Armageddon in exchange for something of value?!

“IPCC’s verdict on climate crimes of humanity: guilty as hell”


“'Irreversible Transition' In Ocean Currents That Could Rapidly Freeze Parts Of US, Says Study”


Scientifically there technically may or may not be some changes that if implemented would accumulate reductions in atmospheric greenhouse gases that would soften "the worst of the worst" of the rich & Washington’s Environmental Holocaust that we are slated to experience. I accept that. But the failure comes from today’s human behavior. Things like self-interest, greed, nationalism, supremacy, competitive thinking, rationalizing to justify not carrying out the changes to the best of our ability, etc. etc.

We've all watched how the world and America interacts on the international stage. In fact, most of what we watch comes through the lens and filters of dominant economic interests that will keep the status quo of environmental suicide alive. I believe these human failings will dominant and foil what needs to be done. And, yes, most emphatically, I expect billions are going to die just as surely as our next President will be in service of the Rich.

FACT: American Policy on their Environmental Holocaust = Social Murder on Steroids

FACT: Washington plans on killing one hell of a lot of American's in exchange for campaign donations$


“Flurry of emissions pledges still not enough to meet global climate goals”


Democrats are throwing our democracy under the Bus:

“For the People Act contains provisions that make it effectively impossible for a third party to hold office. Democrats misrepresented themselves as custodians of Democracy. They will NOT go against Charles Koch’s judges and voter suppression

"Mark my words," warned former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. "If we don't pass the For the People Act, the GOP is going to gerrymander their way to a House majority—and they may never give it up."”

“As Fascist GOP Threat Grows, Dems Verge on Historic Failure to Secure Voting Rights”

All the crap over all the decades. The 1,000 upon thousands of small cuts to our Democracy by the likes of Scott Walker, Bush, Clinton, McConnell, Citizens United, etc. etc. And what do we see now? It is all culminating into one final grand coup de gras. One final act(s) to officially kill off our democracy once and for all and it is being delivered by none other than the Democrat Party and Joe Biden!


“Stunning new report ranks US dead last in health care among richest countries—despite spending the most

“If health care were an Olympic sport, the U.S. might not qualify in a competition with other high-income nations.””


Leonard Leo:

“America is a Christian nation!”

“Oh really? I wonder what the founding Fathers had to say about this…

Thomas Jefferson: “Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law.”

James Madison: “Religion and Government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together.”

John Adams: “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”


“Hitler was Christian”

“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian.” Adolf Hitler October 27, 1928


“The pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1923.

The Star Spangled Banner was adopted in 1929.

“Under God” was added to The Pledge in 1954.

“In God We Trust was added to our money in 1956.


The were not created by Our Founding Fathers.”


“This Superman Poster From The 1950’s Is Pretty Awesome.

[Superman] “…and remember boys and girls, your school – like our Country – is made up of Americans of MANY different races, religions (i.e. Betsy DeVos?) and national origins. So…

If you hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin – don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS UN-AMERICAN.”

“help keep your school ALL AMERICAN!”


“the American state has disintegrated to the point that it’s literally incapable of efficiently administering anything but punishment. No social services, no public health, capacity, no infrastructure resilience. Just policing and war.”


UNITED NATIONS “strengthen ties” with giant PESTICIDE pushers:

This from Friends of the Earth:

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization recently announced plans to strengthen ties with Croplife International -- a trade association representing pesticide manufacturers like Bayer-Monsanto and Syngenta. This toxic alliance puts people and pollinators at risk.

More than 40% of bees and other insect pollinators are on the brink of extinction -- and toxic pesticides are a core reason why. Take action now.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization recently announced plans to strengthen ties with CropLife International -- a trade association representing pesticide manufacturers like Bayer-Monsanto and Syngenta. This toxic alliance puts people and pollinators at risk.

Pollinators are disappearing before our eyes. We need your help to stop the pesticide industry from pushing its deadly products at the UN and globally.

Demand the UN prioritize people, pollinators, and the planet, not the pesticide industry.

Over one-third of CropLife International members’ sales are from Highly Hazardous Pesticides -- pesticides that cause severe or irreversible harm to our health and environment.

385 million farmers and farmworkers are poisoned by pesticides sold by CropLife International members EVERY YEAR. Many of these pesticides are linked to birth defects, cancer, blood and nervous disorders, and more.

CropLife International’s partnership with the United Nations could lead to the UN encouraging the use of more pesticides, including highly hazardous pesticides, throughout the world.

Take action to protect people from pesticides – tell the UN to cancel its toxic alliance with the pesticide industry!

Bees and other pollinators are vital to our food systems. They pollinate two-thirds of the food we eat every day.

But scientists across the world are warning that we are in the midst of an “insect apocalypse” -- and massive use of toxic pesticides is a core driver of this disaster. In short, toxic pesticides made by Bayer-Monsanto and Syngenta are killing bees. And if we don’t halt bee and other insect declines, we could soon see “a collapse of nature’s ecosystems”.

Can we count on you to take action to protect bees and other pollinators?

Act Now: Protect pollinators from pesticides before it’s too late!

Sign Now

Standing with you,

Lisa Archer,

Food and Agriculture Program Director,

Friends of the Earth

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