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8/2021 "And just like that, they said it: People have to be starved into working shitty jobs"

Updated: May 29, 2022

“New research, led by #WHOI seabird ecologist Stephanie Jenouvrier, warns that melting sea ice imperils 98% of emperor penguin colonies by 2100.

The study helped inform a proposal by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the species as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

“The lifecycle of emperor penguins is tied to having stable sea ice, which they need to breed, to feed and to molt,” Jenouvrier told AP in an interview. Read the full article here.”

“Melting ice imperils 98% of Emperor penguin colonies by 2100”

2018 7/25 089aaa2


Tragic and foolish:

“Imminent extinction of Interior steelhead runs foretells what's to come for Fraser River salmon: experts

Only 19 spawning adults returned to the Chilcotin watershed this spring, down from 418 in 2015 and a peak of 3,149 in 1985.”

Kevin Hester

“"However, the added protections meant closing commercial fisheries which would cost upwards of $24 million, potentially devastating the industry."

Capitalism decided that the Steelhead Salmon weren't worth saving.

Gaia has come to the same conclusion regarding humans.”


Gregory VanWagenen asked a question in Alliance against Democrat Establishment Hypocrisy.

“Now that we lost our pointless war in Afghanistan, we can cut the defense budget by 70% and have universal healthcare, right?”


If I took actions of my own to effect the same consequences on people that Charles Koch’s actions have had, I would be in prison for a bahzillion life sentences. Difference is he’s a multi billionaire:

"In their assault on public education, the network has taken actions to increasingly privatize and corporatize K-12 institutions."

“Koch Network Infiltration of Public Schools 'Harms Students, Teachers, and Our Democracy': Report”


“From its vicious occupation in the early 20th century to its military bases in the present, the US has long had a brutal, domineering relationship with the Philippines. And crucially, it’s depended on the labor of colonized Filipinos themselves.”

“How the Philippines Were Crucial to the Making of American Empire”


“Oh, the places you’d go! If you weren’t oppressed by Wage Labor & Class Society”


“And just like that, they said it: People have to be starved into working shitty jobs, so no free lunches.”

“Laura Ingraham Confronts the Core Problem for Capitalists

And workers should thank her for that.”


“‘Biden may as well personally light more wildfires’: Backlash after White House calls for more oil production

UN’s authoritative climate report, published on Monday, urges drastic emissions cuts which means dialing back rapidly on use of fossil fuels”

“The day after the United Nation's 'code red' climate report was released last week Biden urged OPEC to increase oil production. There is no way to address the #ClimateEmergency without limiting oil production and we'll hold Biden accountable to his promises.”


“Fearing Government Whitewash, Scientists Leak Draft IPCC Report Urging Bold Emission Cuts”

“"I would say the scientists have done their job and now policymakers have to do their own job," said one climate researcher frustrated by the lack of serious action on the existential crisis.”


Why is it that anti vaccers and other nuts who fly in the face of science have no problem driving an auto, watching television, or any one of countless other things that were made possible only by relying on the same scientific methods that brought about, say, the vaccine they hate?!?!

“Trump Politicized Basic COVID Safety Measures. It’s Still Killing Us.”


“Elements of holistic landscape management”


“The contradictions of bourgeois democracy and the capitalist-imperialist order it reflects give rise to a recurrent intra-capitalist conflict between those preferring Class Rule Door # 1 and Class Rule Door #2. Door #1 cloaks the underlying de facto class dictatorship of imperial capital with outwardly democratic, representative and parliamentary forms. Door #2 ushers in open authoritarianism, dictatorship, with rampant racial and ethnic othering, and the embrace of political violence – in a word, fascism. When push comes to shove under the constant anarchic and many-sided chaos and savage, democracy-disabling inequality inflicted by capital’s endless (inherent) de-stabilizing and competitive, growth-addicted and life-commodifying struggle for profits, the logic of authoritarianism and indeed fascism is constantly pressed to the front of ruling class minds.”

“Ghost Canaries in the Amerikaner Mine”


James Parris:

“They’re public SERVANTS

Treat them like celebrities

They’ll treat you like fans”


Foxy Leftist:

“Remember that study that proved that even if you had near 100% popular support, Congress still wouldn’t listen to you?

Keep that in mind when the liberals tell of to “grow our numbers” instead of holding them accountable for ignoring us.”


Ryan Knight:

“I see more divisiveness from @AOC stans and squad stans than from those who are demanding accountability and demanding better from them.

Putting any politician on a pedestal even ones who align closest with your political beliefs and values is not healthy or constructive.”


Jesus says (in a satire):

“So I went to the future the other day and was like


Why aren’t you nominating that nice jewish fella?

You know…the only one spreading my message”

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