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8/2021 "A shipwreck from decades ago has begun leaking diesel fuel off Kodiak Island"

Updated: May 29, 2022

“A shipwreck from decades ago has begun leaking diesel fuel off Kodiak Island. State officials suspect last month’s massive earthquake may be to blame.”

2018/7/25 235aaa


Anti-American? Anti-Democracy? Enemy of our everything? Contributing to the overthrow of our govt? All fine so long as you do it with paper and pen instead of guns and bullets:

This is today’s America?!? Remove him from public office immediately. He is an enemy of our State as are the Democrats who continue to permit his involvement in government.

“From #JoeManchin's mouth (on the true-Democrat Senator Jeff Merkley's flagship reforms to protect #VotingRights): “I have made it crystal clear that I do not support the #ForThePeopleAct....I have worked to eliminate the far-reaching aspects of that bill and amend the legislation to make sure our elections are fair, accessible, and secure.””


Despite Manchin’s continued demands for voter ID rules and against mail-in voting, the GOP remains ready to fight back.”


It was never about it winning or losing, only money. If there was a win it in our simply engaging in it:

“Flawed From the Start, Critics Say Afghan War's Bitter End for US Was 'Inevitable'

"No one will look back through history with anything but shame and sorrow for the human suffering wrought and the repeated failures of the U.S. war machine."”


Winning or losing never mattered. Suffering and death were, as Pelosi would say, inconsequential. Corporations and the already rich grew their wealth - that was the only objective.

"What is happening in Afghanistan isn't like the fall of Saigon. It's like the United States lost another war after destabilizing a country that will likely be a failed state for decades, something which has happened multiple times in the 'War on Terrorism.'"

“After 20 Years of Lies and War, US Retreat Underway as Taliban Retake Control of Afghanistan

A spokesperson for the Taliban said its soldiers are "awaiting a peaceful transfer of power" outside the nation's capital city.”


Messy exit from Afghanistan = unqualified corporate flunky Lloyd Austin as Secretary of Defense,…or was it on purpose?!:

Lloyd Austin: “Biden Defense Pick to Get Up to $1.7 Million From Raytheon Role”


What “end” to Afghanistan war?!:

“Lessons an crumbling empire still won’t learn.

“President Biden has reacted to America’s snowballing humiliation in the graveyard of empires by once again dispatching U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad to Doha to urge the Afghan government and the Taliban to seek a political solution, while at the same time dispatching B-52 bombers to attack at least two of these provincial capitals.

In Lashkargah, the capital of Helmand province, the bombing has already reportedly destroyed a high school and a health clinic. Another B-52 bombed Sheberghan, the capital of Jowzjan province and the home of the infamous warlord and accused war criminal Abdul Rashid Dostum, who is now the military commander of the U.S.-backed government’s armed forces.

Meanwhile, The New York Times reports that U.S. Reaper drones and AC-130 gunships are also still operating in Afghanistan.

The rapid disintegration of the Afghan forces that the United States and its Western allies have recruited, armed, and trained for 20 years at a cost of about $90 billion should come as no surprise. On paper, the Afghan National Army has 180,000 troops, but in reality most are unemployed Afghans desperate to earn some money to support their families but not eager to fight their fellow Afghans. The Afghan Army is also notorious for its corruption and mismanagement.””


The U.S. attacks will not stop the Taliban or end the war.”


Civil Eats: “How anti-immigration policies are leading prisons to lease convicts as field laborers

This is called slavery. You lease property, not people. And when people are property, they’re slaves.”


Theater and posturing? Probably. But I doubt they will bite the hand(s) that feeds them all:

“Senator Whitehouse Asks January 6 Commission to Study Role of Dark Money in Breach”


“Australia has a long history of meddling in the affairs of its Pacific neighbors. In the Philippines, right-wing strongman Rodrigo Duterte’s “war on drugs” amounts to state terror — which Australia's government has enthusiastically supported through military aid and legal advice.”

“Australia Is Enabling State Violence in the Philippines”


The last time Haiti had big earthquake the Clintons used it as an excuse to raise billions in aid the Haitians never saw (if you exclude the Marriott Bill built to “provide jobs”) and Haitian children were stolen and adopted by families in America (makes you wonder about all the children Amy Comey Barrett has):

“'High Casualties' Feared After 7.2-Magnitude Quake Hits Haiti”


This is a consequence of Global Warming and is going to get worse:

“3 volcanoes located along Alaska's Pacific 'Ring of Fire' are erupting at the same time”


“QUAKE PANIC Alaska earthquake news – Magnitude 6.9 tremor strikes two weeks after ‘strongest in decades’ sparked tsunami warning”


“The greatest weapon is not a gun or a Bomb. It is the control of information. To control the world’s information is to manipulate all the minds that consume it.”


“Top New York Times, WaPo Experts Affiliated With Pentagon-Funded CNAS Think Tank

Watch Behind The Headlines correspondent Dan Cohen explain how top foreign policy reporters are linked to the U.S. government, weapons industry and oil corporations – the very forces they are supposed to hold accountable.”


Diagram of Banking Elite’s ownership and control down to the cost imposed on our society”

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