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8/2021 Republicans\Demcrats guilty of avoidable, wanton, and irreversible environmental destruction

Updated: May 29, 2022

“The biggest Al Qaeda plot the FBI claimed to have foiled in the years following the 9/11 attacks involved no weapons, no plot, and no Al Qaeda. Instead, the vague, implausible threat by a group of construction workers in Florida to blow up U.S. buildings, including Chicago’s Sears Tower, was mostly the making of the FBI, whose undercover operatives sought out the men, promised them money, and coached them over months to implicate themselves in a conspiracy to commit violent acts they never actually intended or had the means to carry out.”


A new Frontline documentary details the case of the “Liberty City Seven,” a group of men the FBI coached into pledging allegiance to Al Qaeda.”

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Like America, Great Britain has had its Judiciary turned to a bologna tool of the Empire:

“A Day in the Death of British Justice”


This could be laughable, but it isn’t.

“While the US is complaining that Kopelman misled the court, one of their key witnesses, Sigurdur Thordarson, admitted to fabricating his witness testimony against Assange in exchange for immunity. So is lying and misleading the court only acceptable when it’s done on behalf of the Department of Justice?””

“'The WikiLeaks founder is so put upon that I hardly recognized him at first this week. The unrelenting cruelty that the US and Britain are inflicting on him for exposing their war crimes is shameful,' writes Richard Medhurst”

“Julian Assange is a political prisoner worn down by a rigged judicial system that will never stop seeking to destroy him”


“A leakage accident at a wastewater facility caused a bacteria spike off the Florida coast, killing 1,600 tons of marine life. This wastewater facility must be shut down!”

“Human Waste Water Caused a Massive 'Red Tide' Bacteria Spike in Florida, Killing 1600 tons of Marine Life”


Kevin Hester

“Militarism, grinding the living planet into dust.”

“If we’re serious about stopping impending climate disaster, we have no choice but to radically rein in one of the world’s worst polluters: the US military.”

“We Can’t Fight the Climate Crisis Without Fighting the Military-Industrial Complex”


“How Is AFRICOM Expanding Its Militarization Of Africa Under Biden?”


Never happen in today’s American Fascist White Supremacy on steroids:

“In Germany, man raises his arm to a Nazi salute in provocation to a group of human rights protestors and refugees marching nearby.

Calmly a police officer approached from behind, put down the arms of the fascist, and advised him that he will be prosecuted for ′′ use of gestures attributable to institutional organizations ".

In Germany, saluting Nazis and torturers gives three years in prison.”


"This Covid bash was Barack Obama’s “F**k it!” moment. He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers who’d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan O’Brien!), and so on. It’d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even “Real Housewife of Atlanta” Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once do desperately believed in him." -- from the article.

“The Vanishing Legacy of Barack Obama

On the road from stirring symbol of hope and change to the Fat Elvis of neoliberalism, birthday-partying Barack Obama sold us all out”


“From The Euro Adopting Nations to the States and Territories within the US...

“A key learning opportunity is being squandered and closed ears and minds lend to bad decisions and ultimately unforced errors that impact us all.

What is Modern Monetary Theory?

Modern Monetary Theory is the correct understanding of Macroeconomics.

It proves the following:

1) Taxes don't fund government spending and

2) Deficit spending is good most of the time.

Simple Economics Facts:

Government deficit = Private sector surplus

Government debt = private sector savings

The constraint on government spending is the availability of real assets/resources in an economy, not the federal budget!”


“David Suzuki

There are some things in the world we can’t change – gravity, entropy, the speed of light, and our biological nature that requires clean air, clean water, clean soil, clean energy and biodiversity for our health and well being.

Protecting the biosphere should be our highest priority or else we sicken and die.

Other things, like capitalism, free enterprise, the economy, currency, the market, are not forces of nature, we invented them.

They are not immutable and we can change them.

It makes no sense to elevate economics above biosphere.


“Man’s attitude toward nature is today critically important simply because we have now acquired a fateful power to alter and destroy nature.

But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.”

Rachel Carson


I’d rather have Manatee’s in the world than the current batch of politicians:

“Manatees depend on seagrass for food, but runoff from agriculture, lawns and septic tanks is killing once abundant seagrass meadows.”

Starvation is a leading cause of the 881 Florida manatee deaths this year.”

Decimated by famine, Florida’s manatees face an uncertain future”


“Pollution from orphaned and abandoned oil and gas wells impacts millions in the US. No longer in use, these wells sit idle in our communities, leaking oil, gas, and toxic chemicals into our air and water. This must stop now. Add your name.”



Biden and the Democrats:

“Demand follows new reporting that DeJoy purchased up to $305,000 in bonds of company where Bloom—described as his "quasi-boss" and overseer at USPS—is a managing partner.”

“'DeJoy and Bloom Are Bandits': Top Dem Calls for Removal of Postal Service Chiefs”

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