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8/2021 America in a 'nutshell': “MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL”

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

Starvation bears down after years of, oh, I don’t know, Washington not investing in desalination stations to irrigate crops, etc. etc.:

John berbatis

“DROUGHT BITES: U.S. Corn and soybean yields fell below analyst expectations and the declines were largely centred in the drought-stricken northern Plains, where severe drought has withered crops.

RUSSIA: So goes Russia's harvest, so goes the wheat market. A large cut in the harvest means a lot less global wheat supplies and Russia's wheat-export throne as the world's top shipper is in doubt with the current forecast in line with exports out of the E.U.

WHEAT PEAK: Benchmark Chicago wheat prices hit the highest levels for a most active contract since 2013. Corn and soybeans each touched multi-week highs, but remain below multi-year peaks earlier in 2021.

FOOD INFLATION: Of course, with grain and soybean prices elevated for months, the higher costs should start to filter through the supply chain, pointing to higher prices for feed, seed, fertilizer, food and other goods. Bloomberg 13 August, 2021”

“EU wheat, barley harvest losses create ‘explosive’ world supply outlook – analyst”

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Rising prices due to failures of our corporate food system will eat this increase up and much, much, more:

“Food stamp benefits to increase by more than 25 percent in October”


Food shortages via price increases = diseases from poor nutritional intake...and climate collapse is just starting:

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture's monthly crop outlook surprised the market by cutting projected world wheat supplies, in large part from a 20M-ton reduction in expected production in Russia and Canada.

USDA also cut its forecast for U.S. production to a 19-year low because of poor weather this year, including a drought in the Dakotas and central Canada.

The USDA forecasts U.S. all wheat production at 1.697B bushels, 49M bushels less than its the previous forecast, while lowering its global wheat supply forecast to 1.065B tons, down 16.8M tons from its earlier outlook."

“Wheat surges to three-month high as USDA cuts supply forecast”


“1.5 trillion tons of carbon rests in the permafrost, but as the climate warms, all that carbon could start to be released.”

“How Much Worse Will Thawing Arctic Permafrost Make Climate Change?

Global warming is setting free carbon from life buried long ago in the Arctic’s frozen soils, but its impact on the climate crisis is unclear”


Like the earth’s animal and plant life, humans and their technology can’t adapt fast enough and well enough:

"From wildfire ash on solar panels to concrete-heavy desalination, we’re running into problems of climate malmitigation and maladaptation."

“The Trouble With Climate Adaptation”


On point and remarkably accurate:

“1972 Warning of Civilizational Collapse Was on Point, New Study Finds”


Richard Medhurst:

“A man who was kidnapped, raped and tortured by the CIA – and was able to prove this in European court only thanks to @wikileaks’ publishing – was prevented from testifying at Assange’s hearing, and they want you to believe that Julian is the criminal? Surreal and heartbreaking.”


“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”



“MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL”


“Mark Carney, ex-governor of the central banks in Canada and Britain, has written a much-hyped book about the problems with modern capitalism. But this consummate insider can’t trace the roots of those problems back to their fundamental sources.”

“Capitalists Can’t Become Nicer”


"Speciesism like racism and sexism is a form of what I call 'meism' - the more like me you are, the more empathy I will have for you and the more I will be concerned about your welfare. Is that a good basis for deciding whom to help? Shouldn't we be focusing on those most in need - those suffering the most - regardless of who and what they are?" - Michael Kupersmith


“After 2,500 Studies, It's Time to Declare Animal Sentience Proven (Op-Ed)”


“They fear love because it creates a world they can’t control.” George Orwell, 1984


“Global warming begets more warming, new paleoclimate study finds

“Researchers observe a “warming bias” over the past 66 million years that may return if ice sheets disappear”


Asymmetry of extreme Cenozoic climate–carbon cycle events” - by Constantin Arnscheidt et al.


“Scientists take step to improve crops' photosynthesis, yields”

“Eric hop comment

“We have already been modifying crops to increase yield. Do you really think that there is yet another 50% left to wrangle out of this? They would have done that already if it were possible. And we're looking at reduced crop yields due to climate change, and tons of failed crops due to climate calamities. As usual we're looking at this from the wrong side. We always want to preserve what we have and resists change. But our only way out of this is an all-out fight that involves everyone and starts today. And the amount of sacrifices that will have to be made is staggering. One will be to stop reproducing like idiots. The human virus has an R0 > 1.0 and therefore we infest Earth exponentially. We need to get R0 back under 1.0. “”


What they do to the least of us, they will soon be doing to the rest of us:

Starvation bears down, first on those alienated the most, those on Government Food Assistance will find that Biden’s increase was completely worthless in the face of the prices they are seeing:

““I started fishing on the Yukon when I was six years old. There was one point, me and my grandpa were coming down here for supplies and we had a summer chum jump into the boat. But those days are gone,” said Jason Lamont.”

“Yukon Subsistence Users Go To New Lengths For Food After Massive Salmon Decline”

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