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8/2021 Be wary of the IPCC understating & perpetuating the problem

Updated: May 29, 2022

Beware the IPCC:

Steve D’Arcy at Climate & Capitalism: Ecosocialist Discussion:

“It is partly true that the new IPCC Report on Climate Change is “scientific,” but we should be honest about the limitations of this. It is also an ideological document, covering up key causes and insulating powerful systems from critical scrutiny. In the crucial, most widely read version of the Report, the 41-page “Summary for Policymakers,” the word “human” appears 79 times; by contrast, the word “capitalism” occurs 0 times, the word “colonialism” occurs 0 times, the word “corporation” occurs 0 times, the word “business” occurs 0 times, the word “money” occurs 0 times, and the expression “fossil fuel” (or even just “fuel”) occurs 0 times.

In this case, as in so many others, the most ideological, political aspects of a text appear in the form of silences and omissions.”

"Ideology and the New IPCC Report”


“Michael Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at Pennsylvania State University, said this would be the last IPCC assessment that can make a real difference in policy terms, before we exceed 1.5C and the ambitions of the Paris agreement.”

Michael Mann and the Guardian conspiring to promulgate blatant lies about how much warming we’ve unleashed.”

“World’s climate scientists to issue stark warning over global heating threat”

2016 6/12 289aaa


“Researchers believe blue hydrogen may harm the climate more than burning fossil fuels.”

“A report suggests ‘blue’ hydrogen may be worse than gas or coal”


Know Methane clathrate:

“Reduce methane or face climate catastrophe, scientists warn

Exclusive: IPCC says gas, produced by farming, shale gas and oil extraction, playing ever-greater role in overheating planet”


“How and why are the poorest people most likely to have exposure to toxins?”

“Research suggests that people with lower incomes have more exposure to toxic pollution, particularly in areas where they live and work. Structural racism exacerbates these issues.”


Washington kills the atmosphere and our environment in a variety of ways. Govt spending on oil and animal agriculture lead to the same dead worldv:

"The United States government spends billions of dollars each year to subsidize animal agriculture. Why in the world are we paying people to engage in animal cruelty, degrade the environment and produce food that is not healthy for us to eat? That is not how I want my tax dollars spent!" - Nancy Klein


“Animals on Factory Farms

Chickens | Pigs | Cattle | Turkeys | Aquaculture”


I’m always baffled by why people think the earth’s atmosphere can’t lose oxygen:

“The Ocean is Losing Oxygen. This Scientist says more ‘Dead Zones’ will soon follow.”


If I took actions of my own to effect the same consequences on people that Charles Koch’s actions have had, I would be in prison for a bahzillion life sentences. Difference is he’s a multi billionaire:

"In their assault on public education, the network has taken actions to increasingly privatize and corporatize K-12 institutions."

“Koch Network Infiltration of Public Schools 'Harms Students, Teachers, and Our Democracy': Report”


Koch, again (also the screwing up the USPS too):

“The government has ceded decisions over who gets care and for what to private companies whose driving interest is increasing their bottom line.”

“We Must Fight Privatization of Medicare and Medicaid to Win Single-Payer”


The super rich are calling the shots and earth is to be trashed and they will be moving on,... the rest of die with the planet

"These are the places we need. The places we belong to. Space can wait. Let’s turn ourselves towards all that we have to lose here on Planet Earth." – Leia Barnett, Greater Gila Campaigner, WildEarth Guardians

“Abandoning the next frontier for all that we have to lose

Space can wait. Let’s turn ourselves towards all that we have to lose here on Planet Earth”


Washington acts in innumerable, countless, and repeating ways that are bad for the general Economy:

“Free college would costs ~$60 billion.

The 300,000 Afghan soldiers who surrender to the Taliban in a week cost $90 billion.


“Using a helicopter equipped with an infrared camera, we surveyed more than one thousand sites across the largest oilfield in the U.S. Here’s what we found.”

“What new Permian research means for U.S. methane policy”


“The world’s climate scientists are sending Congress and world leaders a clear message: We are on the brink of catastrophe. What happens next is up to us.”



“How Do You Know When Society Is About to Fall Apart?”

“The world today is full,” Tainter writes. Complex societies occupy every inhabitable region of the planet. There is no escaping. This also means, he writes, that collapse, “if and when it comes again, will this time be global.” Our fates are interlinked. “No longer can any individual nation collapse. World civilization will disintegrate as a whole.”


“How do you know when society is about to fall apart?”

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