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7/2022 14

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

“The crimes of Julian Assange”


John Stanton:

“Casey Brown …Ever since Bill Clinton and the 3rd Way Dems decided to court corporate cash instead of representing the working poor and middle class, we've had ONE CORPORATE OWNED PARTY masquerading as TWO PARTIES.

2018 8/19 471aaa

The Clinton Crime Bill (written by Joe Biden) is the most racist crime bill in modern history. It removed power from the judges and mandated longer prison sentences (especially for minorities). It jailed so many black folks that it helped give rise to the private prison industry.

Bill Clinton's cruel and devastating WELFARE REFORM that was passed in conjunction with the crime bill only made people who were already hurting even more desperate.

Oh and let us not forget about NAFTA! The North American Free Trade Agreement destroyed the manufacturing base of this country and shipped our decent paying jobs to other countries.

Clinton also killed the Glass-Steagall Act and enabled banks to act recklessly leading to the 2008 crash and housing crisis.

Clinton supported DOMA.

YOU CANNOT FILE BANKRUPTCY ON STUDENT LOANS thanks to the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act also brought to us courtesy of bipartisanship of these 2 corporate owned parties.

YES!!! Joe Biden heavily supported this act that makes it impossible to file bankruptcy on student loans.

The Bush Administration lied about weapons of mass destruction and got us into a stupid war. Cheney lined his pockets and his company Haliburton made BILLIONS price gouging the US Taxpayer.


Obama prosecuted No One from the Bush Administration for lying us into a war and writing checks on the backs of future generations (Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and so on).

Obama prosecuted NO ONE from WALL STREET for the 2008 crash. HE DID BAIL OUT BANKS and LET THE WORKING POOR GET EVICTED.

Obama ran on destroying the Patriot Act but then he EXPANDED IT.


Obama dropped so many bombs we literally RAN OUT.

TRUMP, another entitled piece of trash, used all the damage caused by these previous sellouts to further divide this country and enrich himself and friends.

It was easy for him to get elected because Americans were vulnerable to his demagoguery as a result of being CONSTANTLY BETRAYED by both parties.

All he had to do was point to policies like NAFTA, which hurt the working poor and middle class, and then lie about how he was going to improve things.

He, of course, didn't.


Everything they threatened us with if we didn't vote for Biden is happening anyway.

ROE V WADE is about to be over-turned and Biden won’t get rid of the filibuster to save it. Biden also has a history of being anti-choice.

Biden ran on a $15 min wage - he lied and refuses to fight for it.

Biden ran on a $2000 stimulus - He lied and ended up means testing it.

Biden ran on student debt relief - He isn't going to do anything significant because he is from Delaware, the credit card capital of the world, and he fought to pass legislation to make it harder for people to file bankruptcy.

And even RIGHT NOW, in the face of losing Roe v Wade and a SCHOOL SHOOTING, Pelosi, Clyburn, and Hoyer (ALL CORPORATE OWNED Dems) are supporting a CONSERVATIVE DEM in TEXAS with an A-RATING FROM THE NRA who is ANTI-CHOICE when they could be supporting and pro-gun control, pro-choice, PROGRESSIVE CANDIDATE!

Not to mention the fact that the Dems had a 50-year window in which they had MANY OPPORTUNITIES TO CODIFY ROE v WADE and opted not to because it was more valuable to them as a tool of voter manipulation as opposed to a real issue to permanently resolve.

But yeah, MSNBC watching drones keep defending this bowl of sh*t because the bowl happens to be blue..

The only way you can make the Dem party look good is to compare them to the Republicans, but that is getting even harder now because the more you continue to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, the less difference there is between those evils.

What is it going to take for people to realize that Biden has been a life-long Republican??”


“(Europe wildfire risk heightened by early heat waves and drought.

Extended drought conditions in several Mediterranean countries, a heat wave last week that reached northern Germany and high fuel costs for aircraft needed to fight wildfires have heightened concerns across Europe this summer.

“Much of the continent is in drought,” said Cathelijne Stoof, an environmental science professor at the Netherlands’ Wageningen University, who called the wildfire outlook “very challenging across Europe.”

Fires last summer blackened more than 11,000 square kilometers (4,250 square miles) of land — an area more than four times the size of Luxembourg. About half of the damage was in the European Union.

And, experts say, Europe’s wildfires aren't just a problem for the southern, hotter countries.

“What scientists are warning us is that (fires) are obviously going north and in countries such as the U.K., in countries such as Germany as well as in Scandinavian countries, in the future, we need to expect wildfires to happen more often,” said Catherine Gamper, a climate change adaptation specialist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.)


Andrea Corigliano:

“It’s only just begun


In the next forty eight hours the heat is set to raise the bar and become even more widespread and intense. If in the last few days especially the southern regions and the two Maggiori Islands have experienced the highest temperatures, starting tomorrow (Sunday 26) a new flow of Saharan matrix is bound to affect almost all of the no the beyond peninsula. A new expansion of the North African frontline, urged as always to gain ground along the southerners from the usual drop of pressure west of our continent, will carry a mass of air to most of our regions what can we call «spelling» because, appearing on the isobaric surface of 850 hPa (1500 meters) with temperatures mostly between 24 and 27 °C in the South Center and on Emilia Romagna, it will reach a very unusual intensity for our latitudes: in this regard, in fact, we forecast positive changes from climatology at the end of June or more than 8 ° C on at least 60% of the national territory in the Monday 27th, when the forecast will reach the maximum expansion northward (fig. 1, Left).

The soil effects of this markably abnormal situation will manifest, inevitably, with a significant rise in temperatures that, depending on the forecast of extreme events especially for this field, during the day Monday’s weather could set new heat records on a good part of our peninsula (fig. 1, right): an EFI index (Extreme Forecast Index) higher or equal to 0.8 (on a scale that reaches up to the unit) on Emilia Romagna and most of our central-southern regions, islands included, lets us understand that the thermal camp will rise significantly above average values seasonal, until we reach new primates. What will then be the maximum temperatures that will likely be reached?

A first heat increase tomorrow (Sunday 26) will bring thermometers prevalent between 32 and 38 °C in the South Central and Sicily, while in the North it will be generally between 28 and 34 °C, with a few degrees more in Emilia Romagna. Only Sardinia, directly hit by the rising Saharan flow, will see even higher maximum temperatures and generally between 36 and 41 °C, with some peaks on point. On Monday 27, instead, a further increase in heat will likely register values between 30 and 35 ° C in the North, with the exception of Emilia Romagna which together with the rest of our peninsula will experience values widely higher than 35 ° C and with peak Those who will ride 40°C on the largest part of the inner peninsula and island areas.

Tuesday 28th, following a partial surrender of the anticyclonic field to the North and marginally also to the Center working on less hot air infiltration from the west that will travel in the breast at a weakly cyclonic curvature at altitude, see you there A reduction of heat in the North, on Tuscany, Umbria, Marche and Sardinia.”


“Church-state separation and protecting democracy from wealthy anti-democracy instigators are my two key issues as a voter. Of course the two are interrelated.”

Ally Maynard:

“Hear me out:

I don’t think anyone who believes in, prays for or prepares for the biblical End of Times should be in charge of any policymaking that affects anyone, anywhere.”


“Invade Haiti,Wall Street Urged.The U.S. Obliged.”

“In 1915, the U.S. took over Haiti and ruled it with brute force for 19 years.

Invading Haiti was necessary, the U.S. said. If America didn’t take over, the explanation went, some other power would. But decades of correspondence, financial reports and records show that another force was pushing the U.S. to seize control of Haiti for the wealth it promised: Wall Street.”


“Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.”

One thing I’ve learned watching protest after the Wisconsin “beachhead” had been established is that the powers will be will wait the protesters out. They will not acquiesce anything.


“A brief history of America:

White Puritanical nut jobs kicked out of Europe came to America instantly committing widespread genocide on the Native populations and enslaving Blacks and other minorities so they could build a civilization that’s now destroyed over half the planet’s ecosystem and instated levels of inequality rivaling the Feudalism of Medieval Europe.”



“(Satellite measurements and computer models have shown that the reflectivity (or albedo) of the Greenland Ice Sheet has decreased in recent decades, causing increased melt and sea level rise. It is unknown whether this albedo decline is due to increased impurities in the snow, larger snow grain sizes, or both. Field measurements show that the amount of impurities is too small to affect albedo in our field area. However, larger snow grain sizes could lower albedo enough to cause the observed trend. We demonstrate how a recent increase in the frequency of atmospheric high pressure systems over Greenland increases grain sizes via several mechanisms and contributes to Greenland's observed albedo decline and faster melt.)”


“Food Shortage or Economic Crisis? Experts Say Poverty & Capitalism Are Real Drivers of Global Hunger”

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