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7/2021 “As Big Oil Execs Roam Free, Climate Activist Gets 8 Years in Prison”

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

“China Puts Most Powerful Agency in Charge of Climate Policies”

“"But what about CHINA?" has been the lament of many Americans unwilling to change our regulations and our lifestyles to address the climate crisis. These people's fear is that we'd be hobbling ourselves economically while China gets ahead and continues to pollute.

Well, China is getting more serious about climate change. The National Development and Reform Commission (China's top economic planning body) has been put in charge of reducing carbon emissions going forward. While it'll likely be some time before we see significant results, it's a big step in the right direction.

Some things the US could do to follow suit? Put climate at the center of everything - economic planning, lending policy, housing and urban development, etc - so that every advancement this country makes is also in line with our climate goals.

And for goodness' sake, elevate the EPA to department-level status!”

2017 7/22 477aaa


“Governments, and international organisations, are cowardly lying to Humans; all they care about is making easily corrupt money from Fossil-fuel-Folly for as long as they imagine themselves immune from climate-change, with cowering arrogance, and total lack of unconventional imagination to tackle climate-change in a scalable way.

For as long as Ice (water lack of energy in solid state) keeps melting phenomenal volumes of ice-cold water (still lacking lots of energy relative to surrounding surfaces) over massive ocean refrigerator like surfaces (remember that rapid supplies of sweet-water will float for a long time), the phenomenal extra energy already being absorbed by Locked-in Carbon-Dioxide (phenomenally proportional to the melting of Ice) won't kill us.

And neither will we die yet from the far worse Greenhouse methane and carbon-dioxide gasses rapidly being released from melting permafrost, that aren't incorporated in climate-change models for panic shouting obvious "there's a bomb in our only spaceship" reasons. We will simply die around 2050, rather than the official talk of 2100. They are most likely lying to the younger generations of people whose lives will be most affected by the truth, because they fear their reactions!

However, by far the biggest lie is ignoring atmospheric water vapour in climate-change models, that has the potential to double the extra sunlight energy currently being absorbed by Locked-in Carbon-Dioxide, kind of similar to lying with statistics but far more deadly so; all Mammals will die instantly, and far sooner than publicly announced and expected.

Incorporated in the atmospheric water vapour lie is the predominant plasticity talking distraction of the "ice-albedo feedback loop to climate-change," because it is 'peanuts' relative to the extremely seldom talked about cloud-albedo feedback loop to climate-change.

Why (?), well, most Ice is situated where sunlight is weak on Earth, and ice reflects from the bottom of the atmosphere, so reflected sunlight from ice gets to travel twice through Locked-in carbon-dioxide before going back into space, whereas a current abundance of clouds (from rapidly melting ice) reflect sunlight before it can even reach the greatest concentrations of greenhouse gasses.

Cloud cover, or water vapour condensation, that will rapidly disappear long before all Ice melts (!!!) will have far greater feedback consequences to climate-change!!!

In other words, we don't yet feel the phenomenal heat that's already been absorbed by Locked-in Carbon-Dioxide, nor the heat that is gradually being accelerated by released methane, nor the doubling of heat that is yet to be rapidly felt as condensation clouds diminish, because the already rapid yet exponentially accelerating melting of Ice is camouflaging all current phenomenal and accelerating heat being absorbed by a cacophony of Locked-in greenhouse gasses!!!!!!!

A more truthful climate-change model will tell you that we have less than 30 years to go before we start dropping off like flies, or rather like human beings commiting suicide off buildings to escape unbearably hot humidity for mammal tolerance, flies and other insects will long outlive mammals.

Except that we have yet another problem that is seldom talked about, that is already happening with Indigenous-Forests; they are dramatically drying out to dry-forest monoculture invasions of low quality photosynthesis, of almost zero carbon sinking soil-fertility, together with the release of all carbon-dioxide stored in their trunks with worsening wildfires; dry-forests that will themselves refuse to grow in the next 10 to 20 years.

Forests spontaneously combust within several days of severe climate-change heatwaves, in regions of the world where 7 years ago that was unimaginable: (who's next? Germany? Belgium? Holland? )

Fifteen years from now, we will be like overpopulated guppies struggling to survive in a very large sealed aquarium, with a dwindling oxygen supply over diluted with ever increasing industrial and wildfire carbon-dioxide emissions. Unless of course we protect all types of forests and afforest grasslands like this:”


“Time to stop lobbying unresponsive governments and corporations...and exercise our PEOPLE POWER NOW! WE...have the entrapraneurs, investors, inventors, go getters, CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE...DEVELOP GREEN ENERGY NOW! We can form investment and production co-ops, produce hemp, green gas, and recycled plastic industries, etc.! The technology has been here for years, stymied by BIG OIL AND GAS CORPS(E) and their P.R.Propaganda...and corps(e) lobbiests, with governments in their pockets! What are we waiting for?!... it's



““They contribute zero, but they get the brunt of climate change. It’s a moral imperative to support them.””

“Madagascar is headed toward a climate change-linked famine it did not create”


“Episode 152 of Nature Bats Last featured a discussion between Pauline Schneider, Kevin Hester and Professor Guy McPherson about the voyage we have been on together for the last 8 yrs.

We played a short clip featuring the late great Michael C Ruppert delving into Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief.

It's been an incredible journey together on air but that has now drawn to a close.

Many thanks to all our listeners, we wish you all the best in these perilous times”

“Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,

Because their words had forked no lightning they

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright

Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,

And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,

Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas - 1914-1953


“As Big Oil Execs Roam Free, Climate Activist Gets 8 Years in Prison”

“"How many years do you think ANY fossil fuel CEO will serve for knowingly destroying our planet's climate?" asked one climate group in response to Jessica Reznicek's sentence.”


“Controversial geoengineering scheme will dump iron in the sea


“The Pacific NW heatwave made itself known in the Arctic last week. BAM, we're in record low territory. (From Zack Labe)”


Our 2 Parties’ practice of biological annihilation continues:

“Songbirds are mysteriously dying across the eastern U.S. Scientists are scrambling to find out why”

“"Birds feast on cicadas, prompting some researchers to wonder whether the outbreak might be linked to the insects. Cicadas spend most of their lives underground, where they may have accumulated pesticides or other contaminants."

I had just been born when Rachel Carson published "Silent Spring", my mother especially was shaken by the book.

It's remarkable that the biosphere survived as long as it has.”


“It took 60,000 years for the Permian Mass Extinction To Unfold. It won't be the same this time around.”

“Wildfires during Permian-Triassic transition caused vegetation change in ecosystem”


Don’t worry, humans will get theirs:

“Animal Armageddon. There is no escape for countless creatures we share this Earth. Deep shame.”

“A Billion Seashore Animals Cooked Alive During Pacific Northwest Heat Wave”


“We need to scale up regenerative agriculture to reverse climate change and stop pesticide runoff to prevent this extinction.”

“Almost 60 coral species around Lizard Island are ‘missing’ – and a Great Barrier Reef extinction crisis could be next”


“California’s massive system of dams and canals has robbed streamside woodlands of the conditions they need to regenerate, leading to “zombie forests” of trees unable to support new life or biodiversity, a new study found.”

“Forests of the Living Dead

The highly engineered rivers that sustain California cities and farms upset streamside woodlands’ relationship with groundwater, a new study finds, jeopardizing their future in a changing climate.”


“Montana is planning to spray insecticides on 2.6 million acres of Montana grasslands, threatening pollinating bees, organic farms, birds and wildlife.”


“Climate Apocalypse is The New Normal. A photo essay by ass-kicking photojournalist Maranie Rae Staab in Journal of the Plague Years. Bonus essay: Why Your Air Conditioner Won't Save You.”

“Why Your Air Conditioner Won't Save You.”

“After Cooling: On Freon, Global Warming, and The Terrible Cost of Comfort.”

“AC Feels Great, But It’s Terrible for the Planet. Here’s How to Fix That”

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