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7/2021 DISASTEROUS: The IPCC has been letting Big Oil & their politicians edit finished reports

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

Washington just passed an addition $2 Billion for our Nation’s Capital’s Security?!

I gotta ask:

1 What do you have planned that you know is going to be so unpopular?

2 Capital security fought for you against Trump but don’t count on it when their loved ones are dying from lack of help in your Environmental Holocaust


“Dear Congress: Say No to Water Privatization in the Infrastructure Bill”

Milbert's Tortoiseshell (Aglais milberti)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2011 10/4 IMG_5565aaa2


“Looks like the IPCC is cooking the books even further. No wonder people are unprepared for this shitshow”

“U.N. climate panel confronts implausibly hot forecasts of future warming”

Reader Comment: “So they will reduce the projections from 5°C to 4.2°C? Hurray, the earth is saved!”


“A leaked UN report warns 'worst is yet to come' on climate change. Here's how you can help”



While we've been complaining about our "heat dome" in the west, this one in Siberia is the one that terrifies me more.”


“CNN Coverage of Siberian Armageddon - Russia on Fire - Climate Apocalypse”


Telling your kids they are going to die together with their dying world:

“How to talk honestly to kids about Climate Change”


2022 will bring the first full year in which the four seasons have never been premised on less ice:

“A Temperature Rise Of More Than 18 Degrees Celsius By 2026?”


"We need to respond to the evidence that we are hitting climate tipping points and start restoring instead of destroying nature," Tim Lenton said.

“Climate Crisis Tipping Points Are Now Imminent, Scientists Warn



"Between April 2020 and this April, losses across the country averaged 45.5 percent according to preliminary data from the Bee Informed Partnership, a collaboration of researchers that has conducted the annual bee loss survey for 15 years. "

"Bee mortality reported by 3,347 beekeepers, representing about seven percent of all honey bee colonies across the country, was the second-highest since the survey began in 2006.

Researchers say the high losses were in part because more bees die throughout the year.

"Earlier on in this activity we kind of felt like people lost most of their bees in the winter, but particularly this year and last year, these kind of loss events are occurring year around," said Mikayla Wilson at the University of Maryland. "”

“Honey bees are still dying at high rates”


“Dr Jason Box Says We're On "Catastrophic Path." (w/ Dr. Jason Box)”

“Dr. Jason Box Our “Extinction Event” is alarming”


The number of people killed by politicians acting in favor of green house gas emissions is quantifiable. These people were killed for money. At its core, not to dissimilar to being shot in a back alley for your wallet or purse. But because those doing it work for government, they get a pass (e.g. Biden, Manchin, Sinema, etc.):

“More Carbon Emissions Will Kill More People. Here's How Many.”

“A New Metric Accounting for Future Climate-Related Deaths Could Greatly Multiply the 'Social Cost of Carbon'”

“The mortality cost of carbon” - by R. Daniel Bressler


Blatant Homocidal sociopath - arrest her now.

We all know, there are sociopaths in the world - it is just a fact of life. That and humans have a well documented history of killing each for money since the beginning of recorded time. Long story short Politicians simply cannot be allowed to do ANYTHING in exchange for campaign donations because that is what will see ANYTHING.

And if the American Murderer attempting to use a government position as a subterfuge and catalyst to commit is not removed by his or her American co-conspirators then they should be subjected to International prosecution,...and AMERICA SHOULD COOPERATE.

Which brings up a good point. Say two years from now millions of American's are starving and in need of water but no country wants to cooperate or show mercy to us because of jackasses like Biden, Manchin, and Sinema. After Trump I can't think of a better way to re-enter the international community by a show of good faith involving surrendering countless scores of war and environmental criminals for prosecution by the international community. Why should some 300 million of us suffer because of their vile acts? A fleet of 747 shuttling back and forth from the ICC in Europe outta put a dent in it. Remember that, when your loved ones are dying of hunger.

At a minimum, blatant social murder should result in immediate suspension from government office. In any event, our politicians can not be allowed to take action that unnecessarily and nonsensically (unimpeachable scientific support exists that it kills) kills American citizens.

“Happy Saturday to everyone except Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who says she doesn’t support an infrastructure package that ends subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. We need our elected officials to stand up for the people, not polluting corporations!”

“Krysten Sinema blocks Democrats’ plan to spend $3.5 trillion on infrastructure, setting up major cuts”



“Question to those who are trashing @M4M4ALL marches taking place in over 50 cities this Saturday: What’s your plant to get M4A? What’s the plan of House/Senate progressives? If the plan is just “elected more progressives”, how many years will that take? How many more ppl should die?”


“Our government is congenitally incapable of going after oil companies. So instead, our fearless leaders are…bashing China to save capitalism from itself!”

“Slamming China Won’t Save Fossil Capitalism From Itself”

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