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7/2021 True extent of America’s food monopolies, and who pays the price revealed

Updated: Dec 31, 2023

“If the best thing billionaires can think of to do with their money is to take space selfies, it's long past time that we take some of their billions away from them and use them to do things that are a hell of a lot more important, like dealing with climate change.”

Compton Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum or N. l-album)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2018 6/29 _F2A1594aaa

“Companies Must Disclose—and Face—Mounting Climate Risks”

"If Wall Street is pumping billions of dollars into business that could be turned upside down when the next storm comes, Wall Street needs to make clear the risk it’s taking on. Those dollars being invested are often the hard-earned savings of our workers—pensions.”


“Twitter Reports Rise in Governments Demanding Removal of Journalists' Content”

“The social media giant said that in the second half of 2020, the accounts of nearly 200 verified reporters and news outlets worldwide faced 361 legal demands to remove content—a 26% increase from the first half of the year.”


"Scientists say heat and drought are inextricably linked in a vicious feedback loop that climate change makes even harder to break: heat exacerbates the drought, which in turn amps up the heat."

“The West is caught in a vicious climate change feedback loop”


“Streamside forests in the California Central Valley are surviving the ongoing regional drought because of water being sent to farms and cities. But that worries scientists, who pointed out in a new study that the practice is unsustainable.”

“Forests of the Living Dead

The highly engineered rivers that sustain California cities and farms upset streamside woodlands’ relationship with groundwater, a new study finds, jeopardizing their future in a changing climate.”


Food Insecurity is slamming down:

FOOD SHORTAGES - smaller food supplies will cause rationing by higher prices hitting the nonrich the hardest:

“CLIMATE FAIL 15 July, 2021

Gizmodo: US Wheat Crop Devastated… Because of Climate Change.


The U.S. Wheat Crop Is in Trouble

Spring wheat could see some of its lowest wheat yields in decades due to widespread drought and heat.

Molly Taft

Wheat farmers across the country are facing lower yields as 98% of the country’s wheat crop is in areas experiencing drought.

In the Northern Plains, the Department of Agriculture said Monday that farmers were projected to harvest their smallest crop of spring wheat—crops planted in the spring and harvested in the autumn—in 33 years.

The Pacific Northwest saw ground temperatures rise to 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) during the heatwave worsened by climate change earlier this month, with the worst readings in the parts of Washington and Oregon where wheat is grown.

This summer’s wheat woes are a look into how crop yields may start to sputter more regularly, even as agriculture makes technological advancements. Ortiz-Bobea coauthored a study published in Nature Climate Change earlier this year that found that climate change has already made global farming productivity 21% lower than it could have been—the equivalent of making no improvements in productivity for seven years.

“This is going to become more frequent,” he said. “Climate change is already slowing down productivity at a global scale. It’s already happening but we don’t see it because this is a bad year compared to the previous one. We’re comparing today versus yesterday because we’re not thinking about what could have been.”


“Europe Unveils Plan to Shift From Fossil Fuels, Setting Up Potential Trade Spats

The proposal would impose tariffs on some imports from countries with looser environmental rules. It would also mean the end of sales in the European Union of new gas- and diesel-powered cars in just 14 years.”



“Revealed: the true extent of America’s food monopolies, and who pays the price”

“A few corporations control most of our food market. As our Policy Analyst Amanda Starbuck says, "It’s a system designed to funnel money into the hands of corporate shareholders and executives while exploiting farmers and workers and deceiving consumers."”


“The findings, said one expert, "show that the uncertain future is happening now."”

“'Biggest Story in the World Right Now': Humanity Has Flipped Amazon From Carbon Sink to Source”


“613 tons of dead sea life collected in St. Pete as red tide continues to sweep through Tampa Bay.”

“676 tons of dead sea life collected in Pinellas County as red tide continues to sweep through Tampa Bay”


Trudeau is guilty of Ecocide and must stand trail:

“Canada's ancient forests are being turned into toilet paper”

“These ancient forests are "groundwater regulators, carbon holders, medicine makers, water filters, biodiversity bankers, fungal communicators, salmon guardians and rainmakers."

All of us can do our part to stop the tree-to-toilet pipeline.”


“Global Food Chain Collapse - Extinction Level Event in Progress”


“Putin the bs'er Russian forests don't absorb emissions; their wildfires increase emissions as the forests themselves die off and are reduced!”

“Russia Says Its Forests Neutralize Billions of Tons of Greenhouse Gases. Scientists Have Their Doubts.

Eight experts told The Moscow Times the government’s headline figure of 2.5 billion metric tons of CO2 is at best unproven and at worst unrealistic.”


‘The Heat Wave That Hit the Pacific Northwest”


"On average, nights are warming faster than days across most of the United States, according to the 2018 National Climate Assessment Report. It’s part of a global trend that’s being fueled by climate change."

“Why Record-Breaking Overnight Temperatures Are So Concerning

Nights are warming faster than days across most of the U.S., with potentially deadly consequences.”


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