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7/2021 "Record-Breaking Heat Waves Have Arrived Decades Earlier Than Predicted"

Updated: Jun 18, 2022

They’ve always lied: Today’s Climate Chaos is worse than the worst case scenario for 2050


“This summer’s record-breaking temperatures are caused by a climate catastrophe that, until recently, even the most pessimistic climatologists thought was still two or three decades out.”

“Record-Breaking Heat Waves Have Arrived Decades Earlier Than Predicted”


145 F in the Pacific Northwest will seem cool in comparison to what’s coming:

“‘Record-shattering’ heat becoming much more likely, says climate study

More heatwaves even worse than those seen recently in north-west of America forecast in research”

“Increasing probability of record-shattering climate extremes” - by Erich Fischer et al.

2020 7/6 _F2A0261aaa


“Top US scientist on melting glaciers: ‘I’ve gone from being an ecologist to a coroner’

Diana Six, an entomologist studying beetles near Glacier national park in Montana, says the crisis has fundamentally changed her profession”


“The Apocalypse is Now”

““Somewhere along the way, I had gone from being an ecologist to a coroner. I am no longer documenting life. I’m describing loss, decline, death."”


“‘Ridge of death’ Heat Dome USA - China and Europe FLOOD AGAIN - Fires - Sandstorms - Front Lines HD”


“Greenland Lost Enough Ice in One Day to Cover Florida in Two Inches of Water”

“In climate news, researchers found Greenland lost 8.5 billion tons of surface mass due to ice melting over just one day this week — an event that’s only happened three times in the last decade. That melt is large enough to cover the entire state of Florida in at least two inches of water.”


Circulation of Ocean currents are failing:

“Future of the Gulf Stream circulation”

“Plus the future inevitable SLOW DOWN OF THE GULF STREAM... :If researchers use the worst-case scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in their climate models, the Gulf Stream circulation decreases by an average of about 30% in all the models. This scenario assumes unchecked greenhouse gas emissions. But factors such as the melting of the ice in Greenland due to climate change have not yet been considered. Therefore, one of the key research questions is the influence of the Greenland meltwater on the Gulf Stream circulation. It could slow the overturning circulation if it reaches the regions where deep-water formation occurs – regions that are basically the drivers of the circulation.”


“How Arctic Ocean Blue Ocean State Will Crush Humanity Like a Bug: Part 1 of 3”


“1972 Warning of Civilizational Collapse Was on Point, New Study Finds”


Biden and his 2 political parties are not up to the task of this juncture in history. Or rather they are up to the task for the rich but not 99% of Americans::

“We Need Radical Economic Change—Not Biden's Corporate Capitalism

Stimulus packages are not enough. Only practices of deep democracy and shared ownership can end our cycle of economic disaster.”


“Why Biden's Interior Department isn't shutting down oil and gas”


"Some scientists believe that the Florida diaspora, which has naturally existed for a long time, is being unnaturally coaxed into loafing year-round instead of migrating because of a widely imported tropical plant. What’s alarming is that when monarchs don’t migrate, they begin accumulating a wing-deforming parasite known as OE."

“For monarch butterflies, Florida’s ‘cesspool’ of infection may leave many too weak to migrate”


“It’s Time For An Urgent Intervention In The Food System Ruining Our Climate”

“Our food system isn’t broken. It’s exactly how corporations intended it to be – an industrialized system that enriches the few at the expense of the many.

We need to overhaul our food system into one that works for workers, consumers and our environment! Here’s how.”


“The remaining serious and independent scientists know the main tipping points have already been crossed. These are just the extremely hopeful ones.

“Greenland and Antarctica recently showed all-time low levels of ice mass and glaciers are melting 31-percent faster than they did just 15 years ago, the authors said.””

“Thousands of scientists warn climate tipping points ‘imminent’

Researchers say ‘overexploitation of the Earth’ has seen many of its ‘vital signs’ deteriorate to record levels.”


America is forcing its pollinators into extinction because it is profitable for a few individuals who give politicians money to run their careers:

“The insect apocalypse: ‘Our world will grind to a halt without them’”

“Insects have declined by 75% in the past 50 years – and the consequences may soon be catastrophic. Biologist Dave Goulson reveals the vital services they perform”


“'Less than 1% probability' that Earth's energy imbalance increase occurred naturally, say scientists”


We are being obliterated with Environmental class warfare where they will do & say anything to secure our passive complicity in furthering the concentration of wealth that is driving it all.

What’s more, consider the trend. Through a wide assortment of both direct and indirect schemes government has substantially transferred the wealth of America and American Government into private hands. An often-unstated consequences of this is that these super wealthy private individuals have then turned around and loaned this wealth back to the Government by buying Government debt like Treasury bills, bonds, and notes. Long story short – “PROMESA’esque”. We need to ask if a “government” for an American Autocracy hasn’t already been or will so be achieved financially. It doesn’t help that Wall Street’s priorities are first and foremost in the minds of our politicians, as well as being the sharp end of the stick in oil and gas development. Jamie Dimon.

Our cash based democracy has reduced government to acting to protect and enhance the wealth of the rich. America’s system of Government and Judiciary effectively does not serve the vast majority of its citizens, the 99%. This will become clearer in the coming days as the Environmental Holocaust caused by those who captured the overwhelming majority of economic benefits of running America being to die off from the bottom of the income scale up.

“Warning of Climate Chaos, New Campaign Demands Fed 'Stop Fossil Fuel Finance'

"Not only does the Fed have legal authority to stop fossil fuel finance—it's their responsibility."”

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