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6/2022 These companies are funding Trump’s insurrectionists & US Authoritarian Dictatorship

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

“Bert Wolfe writes

It has been remarked that all that is required to change America for the better is the development of the political will to do so.

Ah, but that it were all quite that simple.

2017 5/31 222aaa

Developing that political will requires a massive sea change in the consciousness and belief systems of the great mass of the American people as late stage multinational corporate capitalism is America’s secular religion, complete with its own holy literature, dogma, and liturgy.

I’m not expecting it short of a cataclysmic catastrophe in America, such as a war as all consuming, destructive, and grinding as the two World Wars were in Europe, and/or an economic collapse that makes the Great Depression of the 1930s look like boom times. The kind of cataclysmic event that absolutely shatters all former belief systems, faiths, and complacent certainties, leaving the former faithful believers totally unmoored, cast adrift, bereft, grieving, and seeking new wisdom and a new way.

Then, and only then, when late stage multinational corporate capitalism and the social and political systems it engenders and that support it prove to be “the God that failed” will America be ready for the change in political will that will transform the American economy and society.”


“EXPOSED: These companies are funding Trump’s insurrectionists”

“If you’re blaming only Manchin and Sinema, Biden and Pelosi thank you for being their dupes.”


The American fourth Reich has long since coalesced and commenced practicing its malignancy. It's what our planet reflects - "Washington's Global Environmental Holocaust". And that’s what our next elections will reflect.


“Irrefutable analysis! We will shortly enter an American era of chaos and authoritarianism. At the same time that the climate change clock is moving forward at increasing speed. I suggest y'all plan your family's next move!”

“U.S. and Its Allies Are Fueling Worldwide Erosion of Democracy, Analysis Shows

"We cannot rely on the U.S. or its allies to 'champion' democracy around the world," said global grassroots movement Progressive International.”


“Up to Half of the $14 Trillion Spent by Pentagon Since 9/11 Has Gone to War Profiteers

A new analysis shows that a "large portion" of Pentagon contracts in recent years have gone to just five companies: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman.”

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