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6/2022 Every 30 hours, world gets a new billionaire, and a million new poor

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

“Fjords may emit as much methane as all the deep oceans globally”


“The 5 Best Places In America To ‘Bug Out’ When Society Collapses”

2020 6/1 _F2A4755aaa


“Israeli study: Climate change already causing storm levels only expected in 2080

Weizmann Institute of Science examination of recent Southern Hemisphere storms finds ‘considerable intensification’ that is heating poles and threatening communities”


“As the Planet Warms, Let’s Be Clear: We Are Sacrificing Lives for Profits”


“Going Dark: Why Nothing Makes Sense”


Rise of the Petroleum Police State:

“Italian Activists’ Homes Searched by Police Following Gazprom Protests

“I’m afraid that our freedom to voice dissent is going to be taken away,” said one of the activists.”

“Part of the problem or part of the solution - the ones getting rich will use their money to help you make the choice - but the rich are the problem”


Sad, because washington will kiss the ground they walk on and facilitate every bad idea they propose. THE RICH ARE ENEMIES OF HIMANITY - reclaim the wealth of society the’ earth hoarded or we’re all dead

“Big Tech is pouring millions into the wrong climate solution at Davos

The carbon removal tech they’re funding isn’t really meant to tackle Big Tech’s own emissions”


Disaster Capitlism is seen as a bonus of Washington’s having killed the planet:

“The minerals we need to save the planet are getting way too expensive”


“Sri Lanka: Another Domino Has Fallen in the Global Economic Meltdown

Coming soon to a country near you”


Washington’s 3 branches and 2 parties are Enemies of Humanity: (Republican States are super destroyers of the planet)

“The Republican War Against Fossil Fuel Divestment

State and congressional Republican lawmakers are trying a bold new tack to stall the fossil fuel boycott and divestment movement — all the while oil and gas companies flood their campaign coffers.”






“The fake horsemen of the apocalypse”


Our 2 Parties:

“Beyond the official clichés: The Texas school shooting reveals the advanced sickness of American society”


“Uvalde shooting timeline exposes an ugly truth: The police have no legal duty to protect you

In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no "'entitlement’ to receive protective services" from police”


“Global Elites in Davos Pretend to Care About Inequality”


It’s all about craven govt’s redistributing the wealth of people – making millionaires makes politicians millions:

“Every 30 hours, world gets a new billionaire, a million new poor

The question no longer is why poor remain poor, but why rich get richer this fast “


America is doing nothing to prepare for the coming famine:

“People are already choosing sides for the coming conflicts over resources that could be shared more equitably if people were wiser, less profligate, and not so frightened of each other.


“NBC Fantasized About Nuclear War With China”


“You don’t need religion to have morals. If you can’t determine right from wrong then you lack empathy, not religion.”


“Bullshit in the Sustainability and Transitions Literature: a Provocation”

“She has a point. There is indeed alot of bullshit publishing in sustainability around bangwagoning on buzzwords, low quality research, and activists rants.

The funny part is that halfway through the article she seems to realize she is embodying the very bullshit she is criticizing.

"At the risk of this becoming a parody, the author notes that further work must be undertaken.." because she only reviewed 100 articles and then subjectively classified them.

Not too mention that her article literally is an activist rant that makes the generalizations she so strongly detests.

Furthermore, she is attempting to justify using curse words in academia. Im not against this persay, but I do see it as hypocritical because it's using a "buzzword" to capture attention. Exactly what she's criticizing.”


“The Republican Party amplifies gun culture, revels in violence as a form of political opportunism, strips young people of crucial social provisions, and enables a culture of lies that make it difficult to discern the truth from falsehoods, good from evil.”

“To End Mass Shootings, We Need to Change the Deeper Structure of Life in the US”


Texas and most states: You have to be 21 to buy alcohol and cigarettes, but only 18 to buy a gun.

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