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6/2022 Charter\Voucher v Public: With no air conditioning & money schools are sending children home

Updated: Jul 16, 2022

“Mexican city limits daily water access to 6 hours amid drought”


2020 8/6 _F2A5123aaa

“Gas prices are vulnerable to a disastrous spike this summer as a busy hurricane season could intensify a US energy crunch”


Public v Private schools?:

“Climate change is forcing schools to close early for ‘heat days’

With no air conditioning and no money to install it, districts are sending students home earlier in the year”


“Policing in the United States Has Become a Protection Racket

One of the Uvalde police chiefs is now refusing to cooperate with investigations”


“The Office Monsters Are Trying to Claw Their Way Back to 2019

Some corporate leaders are grasping at whatever they can to get back to the way things were. But they might find themselves fighting a culture shift beyond their control.”


How convenient for Western Big Oil interests:

“Russia’s War Is the End of Climate Policy as We Know It

Ironically, geopolitical strife and energy scarcity will do more for the climate than decades of ardent policies.”


“Uvalde Shooting: Here’s Everything That Turned Out To Not Be True”


“America Tolerates High Levels of Violence but Suppresses Photos of the Slaughter

It’s time to publish graphic images of school shootings and other acts of violence. But change won’t come from that alone.”


“There’s Likely Bodycam Footage of the Uvalde School Shooting. The Public May Never See It.

By Texas law, cops must keep their bodycams on while working. But it's possible police will use the "dead suspect loophole" to keep anyone from seeing the footage.”


“An Uvalde mom who ran into the school to save her children during the shooting was threatened by police to keep quiet”


“Timing the Apocalypse Pt 1: The Blue Ocean Event -Milestone or Inflection Point?”


“CO2 Levels Are Now Comparable to What They Were 4 Million Years Ago, Says NOAA”


“Why Our Civilization Is Heading for Collapse

The Economics of Civilizational Collapse”


“Four ways climate change will destroy our civilization”


“Wendy Girard

The very purpose of community, society, governance is to protect it’s individuals. Yet the USA is one of the few countries which does not make the health of it’s citizens a priority.

Without health as a priority we have chaos.”


“How Davos man devours the world

Drawing on decades of experience covering the global economy, award-winning journalist Peter S. Goodman profiles five representative "Davos Men"–members of the billionaire class–chronicling how their shocking exploitation of the global pandemic has hastened a fifty-year trend of wealth centralization.”


“Retired US Colonel Drops Truth Bombs About Ukraine”


“Debt, Coups & Colonialism in Haiti: France & U.S. Urged to Pay Reparations for Destroying Nation”


“Record Methane Spike Boosts Heat Trapped by Greenhouse Gases

NOAA’s Annual Greenhouse Gas Index finds that greenhouse gases trapped nearly 50 percent more heat last year than they did in 1990”


DemGOP’s Greedflation at the Pump: Remember big oil’s profit when they ask to be bailed out for abandoned assets or what not. Same for Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan Chase (strategic oil reserve squatter)


“The most depraved indifference to life is exhibited in the Republican wing of the DemGOP party. Depravity wrt life being a good survival trait in the future they’ve crafted for us:

“Undercover investigation lays bare extreme cruelty in Indiana and Texas wildlife killing contests. Foxes, bobcats, coyotes among animals blasted with assault rifles”


“"Wildlife killing contests are events where participants are encouraged to shoot and kill as many of a specific animal - usually an apex predator like coyotes or bobcats - and the one who kills the most wins."”

“Wildlife Killing Contests – Barbaric, Cruel, and Unnecessary”


“Oil Companies receives 40 billion yearly in subsidies.

Oil companies jack up price because they are greedy.”


Their “governing” has distilled down scheming how and by how much they can use govt to enrich themselves while not resulting in their losing their freedoms (which with Trump’s & Democrat’s judiciary allowing them to grow brazen)


“Weather in Saudi Arabia in june 2022 - Climate, Temperature ...

In the month of june, maximum temperature is 108°F and minimum temperature is 83°F (for an average temperature of 95°F).

The climate is very warm in that area ...

In june:”


“"The entire Federal Reserve is nothing more than a goddamn spreadsheet...They have deregulated everything to the point where we've got this bastard fucking octopus shithead thing going on here, and it's time for us to wake up."”

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