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6/2021 Democrat's Atty Gen vows to investigate billionaires' tax leak while nonrich in military die

Updated: Jun 18, 2022

“Methane menace: Aerial survey spots 'super-emitter' landfills”

“Did you know that food and other organic waste in landfills emit more methane than the fossil fuel and agricultural industries?

Keeping food out of our trash is critical to curbing #ClimateChange.”


“No healthcare, no $15 minimum wage, etc, etc--but prosecuting those who dare reveal the ruling class' dirty secrets is a no brainer.

“Attorney General Garland vows billionaire tax leak to ProPublica will be 'top of my list' to investigate”

2020 9/19 _F2A9965aaa


“The weird argument that offshore oil is good for the climate, debunked

Oil companies are blaming each other for climate pollution.”


“Illegal gold miners stalk Amazon as authorities look away”


The Rich are feeding at will. It is going to happen in Wisconsin:

“GOP-led Arizona Legislature OK's $1.9B income tax cut”


“World's mountain of electrical waste reaches new peak of 52m tonnes.

The biggest per-capita tallies were in countries known for green awareness, such as Norway, Denmark, UK and US.”


“Is the Controlled Shrinking of Economies a Better Bet to Slow Climate Change Than Unproven Technologies?

New research suggests social transformations that prompt “degrowth” could cut humanity’s climate footprint in time to meet the Paris climate agreement target.”


“Losing the ice shelf could double or triple the rate of Pine Island’s decline, accelerating sea level rise.”

“This melting glacier was already the biggest source of sea level rise. Then things got worse.

West Antarctica’s Pine Island glacier is speeding up as its ice shelf disintegrates, new research shows”


“Carbon-sucking vacuums really are pollution spreaders, land destroyers, and water hogs The Weather Network Mario Picazo”

“Are carbon-sucking vacuums really the best way to curb climate change?”

“Some experts say that efforts should be focused on eliminating fossil fuels before focusing on carbon capture.”


“What ‘Glacier Blood’ on the French Alps Tells Scientists About Climate Change at High Elevations

The red hue is produced by snow algae blooms. The color most likely shields the algae from damaging ultraviolet rays”


“Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research”

“Permafrost: The thawing carbon storage”


“Sources of Arctic Methane | Igor Semiletov | Unseen footage of methane plumes from 2020 voyage | pt1”


“Are white people bad for the environment?

The origins of global warming are “rooted in a racism of ‘I know better.’””

"If you look at whose lives are most affected by the many harms of climate change, it’s clear that race matters. You can point to the disproportionate suffering experienced by the Black victims of Hurricane Katrina, the high proportion of Latino farmworkers who suffer from heatstroke or worse every year, or the number of Indigenous lands contaminated by fossil fuel infrastructure. Those examples are just in the United States, mind you, and not even a comprehensive list of wrongs! And the immediate question is: Since white people are relatively protected from climate change, does it imply that they are its main perpetrators?"


“Legal Experts Define Ecocide, Take Step Toward International Criminal Law”


“Legal experts from around the world have proposed a new definition for “ecocide,” which they want to see made an international crime. The crime could be used to hold the individuals most responsible for major ecological harms accountable.”

“In a Growing Campaign to Criminalize Widespread Environmental Destruction, Legal Experts Define a New Global Crime: ‘Ecocide’

Supporters now hope the 165-word definition will go before the International Criminal court’s member nations for ratification, which could take years.”


“Oil spills are more dangerous – and happen more often -- than you think. Since 2001, there have been almost 700 reported incidents of serious pipeline failures. We’re taking on new pipelines in court.”

“Why Are Fossil Fuel Pipelines Bad for Our Climate and Communities?

The threat from pipelines may be big, but it is solvable.”


“Meeting climate goals could require ending investment in new natural gas infrastructure. But a new report says wealthy nations are still financing these projects across the developing world.”

“Wealthy Nations Continue to Finance Natural Gas for Developing Countries, Putting Climate Goals at Risk

Advocates are calling for an end to natural gas development, but some poor nations say doing so would unfairly penalize them and stifle economic growth.”


“Millions of Americans and people around the world at risk now from global warming and STILL no deadlines to stop coal use from G-7. The warfare state is more important than human survival even though there will soon be no humans or countries to make war against!”

“Unprecedented drought conditions across Western US fuel wildfires and water disputes”

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