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6/2021 Food production is responsible for as much as 40% of all global emissions of Greenhouse Gas

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Just like in America:

“Brazil’s Environment Minister Ricardo Salles is under two criminal investigations that could lead to his removal and a possible prison sentence for obstruction of justice. His case illustrates how corruption and resource exploitation go hand-in-hand in Brazil.”


“Dragonflies Can Eliminate Mosquitoes in Your Yard — Here’s What to Plant to Attract Them”

2020 7/31 _F2A5010aaa


“Soil biodiversity: the hidden world beneath our fee”


“We have two paths. Either capitalism dies or Mother Earth dies…We are here for life, for humanity, and for the rights of Mother Earth. Long live the rights of Mother Earth! Death to capitalism!” Evo Morales


“A New Giuliani Tape Shows a Key Witness Didn’t Testify Accurately in the First Trump Impeachment

Kurt Volker said he didn’t know Trump wanted Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden. New audio indicates he did.”


“Pathological hoarding, now recognized as a mental disorder, is a fitting malady for an economic system predicated on the compulsive accumulation of profits — achieved, in practice, by flooding the world with stuff.”

“Capitalism Has a Compulsive Hoarding Problem”


“Why does the US advocate a free market while doing its utmost to stifle it? The current US-China economic war is a perfect example of this perplexing question.

The legacy of Milton Friedman, the founder of America’s modern political economy, was a representation of this very dichotomy: the use, misuse and manipulation of the concept of the free market.”

“Free Market Illusions: What is the US’ Endgame in China?”


“An Explosion in Texas Shows the Hidden Dangers of Tanks Holding Heavy Fuels

Industry experts believe that changes in the makeup of asphalt and No. 6 fuel oil products stored in heated tanks across the country could pose a risk to workers and nearby communities.”


“Even a US government-authored report admits that “sanctions, particularly on the state oil company in 2019, likely contributed to the steeper decline of the Venezuelan economy.” Now, in addition to the US government itself, one its major organs of interventionist propaganda has conceded this exact same point.

In a May 30 article in The New York Times about how organized crime groups have stepped in to provide services in certain Caracas neighborhoods, Isayen Herrera and Anatoly Kurmanaev seem to almost inadvertently acknowledge that Venezuela is “disintegrat[ing] under the weight of Mr. Maduro’s corrupt leadership and American [sic] sanctions.” This is quite an admission from a publication that has been at the cutting edge of disseminating the ad Venzuelum as well as propagandizing for the US-orchestrated coup led by so-called ‘interim president’ Juan Guaidó and for US interventionism more broadly.”

“Even The New York Times Now Admits That It’s US Sanctions, Not Socialism, That’s Destroying Venezuela”


“Iceland’s first ‘danger alert’ for a wildfire could be a sign of things to come

Drier weather and more things that can burn are putting Iceland at increasing risk of large wildfires.”

"Because that fire occurred in parched wetland on the western coast, it did little damage and went “largely unnoticed,” he says. It also went largely unacted upon."

"Parched Wetland" in the Arctic, this does not compute, or at least it didn't until recently.


“How Capturing Floodwaters Can Reduce Flooding and Combat Drought

Climate change will exacerbate swings between droughts and floods in California and intensify competition for water. Can the state divert northern floodwaters to the thirsty south?”


“Climate warming to increase carbon loss in Canadian peatland by 103 per cent”

“Non-growing season carbon emissions in a northern peatland are projected to increase under global warming” - by Arash Rafat et al.


Biden will have him killed

“Peru was the birthplace of neoliberal populism under Alberto Fujimori. Now Pedro Castillo, a socialist trade unionist from an indigenous background, has won its presidency.”


“Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Food Production are Far Greater Than Previous Estimates Suggest”

“A new study finds that if all parts of the food system are included, food production is responsible for as much as 40 percent of global emissions.

Emissions from food production, already considered one of the biggest contributors to climate change, have been underestimated for decades, potentially skewing the pledges that countries have made under the Paris climate agreement to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, according to new research.

In a study published this week in Environmental Research Letters, researchers found that the food system was responsible for as much as 40 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

“When you count it all up, across the food system, it’s enormous,” said Cynthia Rosenzweig, a researcher with Columbia University’s Earth Institute and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “So it offers countries really enormous opportunities.””


“Tree Planting Vs. Natural Regeneration”


“#BiodiversityClimateScience from IPBES and IPCC co-sponsored workshop report identifies key options for solutions to address biodiversity and climate crises together with their combined social impacts.”

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