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6/2021 “Three Exxon refineries top the list of U.S. polluters”

Updated: Aug 14, 2022

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Welcome to WWIII... and this time it’s the U.S. at the center of it—not Germany.

This makes it the Second American Revolution—and our Second Civil War. It’s the slaveowner corporations, the billionaires which own them, and the capitalist system from which they thrive (which has hijacked our government) Vs. everyone that has to work, eat and breathe to live.”

“Colombian protesters are burning US and Israeli flags. This isn’t just a strike against austerity measures. Its’ a full on uprising against imperialism.”


“Three Exxon refineries top the list of U.S. polluters”

2015-08-12 288aaaap


“US liberals are orders of magnitude more outraged about a small group of wingnuts making people nervous in the Capitol building for a few hours than they are about the fact that their government is constantly murdering people around the world.”


“Changing Terminology

Obama’s Immigration Detention Center

Trump’s kids in cages

Biden’s migrant children facility”


“Evapotranspiration – the transfer of water from the ground into the air through a combination of evaporation and transpiration – increased by 10% between 2003 and 2019, according to new research.

If the observed trends continue “the associated decreases in river flow and increases in wildfire risk will present challenges for water managers and emergency planners across the world”, a scientist not involved with the paper tells Carbon Brief.”


“Murdoch Media Empire and the rabid promotion and normalization of hate in Australia”


“After Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu paved its way into Israel’s parliament, the fascist Jewish Power party sparked anti-Palestinian pogroms, giving him a pretext to attack Gaza.”

“How a fascist party brought into Israel’s parliament by Netanyahu helped him start the war he wanted”


This is an incredible story:

“US-funded Belarusian regime-change activist arrested on plane joined neo-Nazis in Ukraine”

"Roman Protasevich is one of the main Belarusian infowarriors whose career has been cultivated by the US government.”


“A fiery past sheds new light on the future of global climate change

Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere - by Pengfei Liu et al.


“How we can help coral and seabirds survive a warming world

Reducing CO2 emissions is crucial, but there are hands-on ways to protect animals from inevitable warming.”

"Global warming is not just increasing average temperatures on land, it’s heating up the oceans as well. As marine heat waves become more common, they are disrupting longstanding relationships between species that have come to depend on each other.

Corals may lose the algae living inside of them, causing them to bleach, or even die, often after being hit by more than one heat wave. Large schools of fish move to more comfortable climes, forcing the seabirds that need them to feed their young to fly much longer distances from the shores where their kind has been nesting for ages.

The only sustainable, long-term approach to these issues is to drastically reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. But while we impatiently wait for international agreements to be reached and measures to be effectively implemented, isn’t there something we can do now to help the seabirds and corals we care about to withstand the heat? Two papers published in this week’s issue of Science suggest that yes, there is"


“Flow of military gear to police has sped up under Biden”

“The flow of military equipment to police through Q1 of 2021”


It’s all about getting the world to spin in our favor economically, and it’s expensive in many ways:

“Excerpt from "US Troops Die For World Domination, Not Freedom":

This is all US troops have been fighting and dying for since the Berlin Wall came down. Not "freedom", not "democracy", and certainly not the American people. Just continual uncontested domination of this planet at all cost: domination of its resources, its trade routes, its seas, its air, and its humans, no matter how many lives need to risked and snuffed out in order to achieve it. The US has killed millions and displaced tens of millions just since the turn of this century in the reckless pursuit of that goal.”

“US Troops Die For World Domination, Not Freedom”


Methane, Sea Ice & Climate Update with Margo (May 30, 2021)


“In Iran if a 12-year-old girl is raped and impregnated by her father, she must carry the baby to term, or be thrown in prison for life. Wait, sorry, no. That’s Alabama.”


India and America on COVID:

“India’s experience of the pandemic will be defined by its enormous second wave, and will go down as the greatest moral failure of a generation, Vidya Krishnan writes.”

“India Is What Happens When Rich People Do Nothing

The chamber of horrors the country now finds itself in was not caused by any one man, or any single government.”


“While you were so worried Socialism would take your freedoms, Capitalism stole your pension, took your savings, sent your jobs overseas, robbed you of health care, dismantled the educational system and put you in debt, leaving you only your racism, xenophobia, hate & guns.”


“how’s everyone like Reagan’s 11th term?”

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