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6/2021 Freshwater Megafuana has declined by 90% in 40 years

Updated: Jun 19, 2022

Rocky Mountain subalpine forests now burning more than any time in recent millennia” - by Philip Higuera


“Plastic rafting: the invasive species hitching a ride on ocean litter”

“There is now so much ocean plastic that it has become a route for invasive species, threatening native animals with extinction”

2020 9/1 _F2A7965aaa


“Massive cloud of dust sweeps across Atlantic, heads toward US”


“Freshwater Megafuana (fish/reptile/amphibians/mammals more than 30kg/66 lbs) have declined 90% in 40 years.

The decline is Caused by Large Dams, Water Diversions, and Pollution.”

“Freshwater Ecosystems & Biodiversity”

“Earth’s largest freshwater creatures at risk of extinction

Global populations of freshwater fish, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals have sharply declined, a new study finds.”


“Superbug hotspots emerging in farms across globe – study

Global outbreak of antibiotic-resistant superbugs linked to overconsumption of meat”


“We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics”


“Global debt binge continues as Fed keeps printing money”


“The world’s major central bank has indicated it will do nothing that could be construed as withdrawing support from the mountain of debt and fictitious capital its policies have created in the US and worldwide and will continue the flow of ultra-cheap money that has enabled the enrichment of a financial oligarchy to levels never before seen in history.”

The rich are having the American Government buy up their underperforming investments\junk. And you can bet the price being paid by the Taxpayer exceeds the true value of such investments:


“The Fed’s program of asset purchasing, initiated in response to the freeze in financial markets in March 2020 with the onset of the pandemic, will continue at the rate of $120 billion a month.”


Koch’s Conservative money machine has found a willing participant in Australia’s Morrison:

“The Morrison government is trying to walk away from protecting Australia’s environment”


Days of Destruction Days of Revolt:

"Your first impulse upon being targeted for punishment by Zionists might be to reason with them. "If they see that I'm a good person, maybe they'll recognize their mistake." But you'll quickly learn that there was no mistake; they hate you precisely because you're a good person.

One of the most difficult psychological challenges of being targeted for defamation and punishment is remembering that you are in fact a good person. They try to take that from you first and foremost." Steven Salaita


“Israel Breaks Gaza Ceasefire, What’s Next?”


“It’s funny how widely our “free press” declines to print stories like this.

And shameful that we need to turn to British outlets for news about climate action.

The link to our post in this article is broken, but we appreciate its inclusion nonetheless.”

“Youth activists dump wildfire ash on California mansions of Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein

Generation on Fire protestors also brought letters written by wildfire survivors to the Democrats, urging more bold climate action”



Vaccinated people CAN “transmit” Republican Modi’s Delta Covid variant, eg from trace on their clothes, etc


Yes, California’s new climate(aka drought) is bad, but the duration, rate, amount, & time since last rain are increasingly combining to be ever less and less conducive to supporting life EVERYWHERE on the planet !


Juneteenth made holiday but racist voter suppression laws stand,...because voting could potentially effect allocation of country’s economic gains and that shall remain exclusively the realm of white supremacists


Collapse of the planet’s ability to support life – how did our politicians and their financial supporters let it get this bad? Social murder doesn’t even begin to describe where we are. We are bordering on billions dead. Even Hitler would blush from envy to see what Democrats and Republicans have archived.

The people need Nuremberg'esque trails for all those who propelled the planet into disrepair for their profit.


GOP had Jan 6; Dems have their filibuster and racist voter suppression - same goal, different tactics,...



Biden’s $6 trillion infrastructure fossil fuel orgy is a special interest feeding frenzy.

"The Senate GOP members participating in these talks on infrastructure have accepted a career total of $15,896,919 in campaign contributions from oil and gas companies."

“Progressive Warnings Grow as Big Oil-Backed Republicans Endorse Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework”


Brazil has Bolsonaro and British Columbia, Canada has John Horgan:

“They both must be brought to justice for crimes against humanity

John Horgan - BC’s BOLSONARO

Horgan is an ecological and Indigenous rights disaster, easily in league with the likes of Brazilian Amazon destroyer Jair Bolsonaro. We need to see an end to old-growth logging and clearcutting across all of our most biodiverse regions worldwide, and an end to colonial treaties & forced agreements with First Nations that blatantly undermine their basic human rights & traditional structures of self-governance.

Think global, act local. Schedule a meeting with your MLA now:”


“The extinction crisis is far worse than you think”

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