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6/2021 Protect wealth let the nonrich die: Biden spends $350 Billion in COVID Relief to boost Police

Updated: Jul 18, 2022

Democrats’ fascist police state picks up where Trump left off:

Dystopia Takes Shape: Mega Drought\Desertification; horrific global food shortages on the horizon; 10’s of millions of Americans to lose potable water; additional pandemics w/out universal Health Care forecasted; Deadly Heat domes grinding entire major cities into the ground; etc. and Biden breaks records shoveling unprecedented MEGA CASH $$$ Funding to America’s militarized Police Departments to protect…? the interests of the Rich.

" we live in Biden’s “domestic terror” police state and things are changing — fast. Last year, the entire COPS Office appropriation budget was at $386 million. This year, Biden is spending $388 million on the hiring program alone.

This year’s budget (FY 2021) for the hiring program, approved under Trump, was set at $156.5 million. Biden more than doubled the funding for it in FY 2022. Now, under the Biden administration, the FY 2022 budget has been increased to a whopping $651 million. How’s that for “defunding the police”?"

“‘Reformer’ Biden Approves $350 Billion in COVID Relief to Go to Hiring More Police”


Police forces were created to protect the interests and property of the privileged. They protect and serve only those who oppose our collective well-being.”

"According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 2020 median salary for a police officer was US$67,290 – more than one-third higher than the national median of $48,769 for all occupations. Many officers probably earn much more, because the bureau’s analysis is based on hourly wages for a typical work year of 2,080 hours and does not include overtime – one of the factors that can drive an officer’s yearly income even higher.

While efforts to control police budgets have succeeded in Austin, Denver and Oakland, among others, the Biden administration recently announced that COVID-19 relief funds can be used to hire police officers to combat the rise in gun violence."

2020 7/15 _F2A2166aaa

“Defund the police? Actually, police salaries are rising in departments across the United States”


Leaks out of IPCC reveal they have been purposefully$$$ full of bologna in their forecasting assumptions grossly underestimating global warming and its consequences:

“The latest leaks from the delusional IPCC show how far they have drifted from the precautionary principal and as I have been saying for nearly a decade they are playing fast and loose with baseline dates to camouflage how much warming we have already triggered.

Additional to the issue of baseline dishonesty is the fact that the IPCC projections in their Representative Concentration Pathways factor in carbon capture and storage that at scale is fantasy technology. They gambled the biosphere on fantasy technology and lost.

Additionally it is interestingly nefarious that the latest report won't be released in time for Copout 26 in Glasgow.

Recently temperature in the arctic ocean were 19.2C which is warmer that in the Hauraki Gulf !

From climatologist Scott Duncan it's "Almost 50°C at 50 degrees north. This is desert heat in Canada.

We have never seen this level of heat this far north anywhere on Planet Earth until now."

William Nordhaus won a Nobel Prize for setting the acceptable guardrail or temperature rubicon of 2C as a target. Nordhaus was an economist, not an evolutionary biologist, he single handidly sealed our fate and was rewarded by capitalism for doing so.

So long and thanks for all the fish.”

“Science Update: Continued IPCC Conservatism and Lies”


Heat domes for everyone:

“'They just kept on rising': data reveals alarming greenhouse gas increase”


“10 Days of Climate Extremes: From Record Heat to Wildfires to the One-Two Punch of Hurricane Laura”

“Around the world, global warming is making heat waves hotter, storms more intense and wildfires more frequent.”


Short term profits the expense of nature must be outlawed. This is in direct contrast to Democrats’ and Republicans’ policy of environmental and species annihilation for any cash gain no matter how small:

“The forest strategy must support people, nature and the climate, and not bow to industry pressure”



“Joe Biden’s recent spending spree can make the United States a less miserable place. But the president has no interest in bringing about the structural change that would weaken the power capitalists have over workers.”

“Biden’s Increase in Government Spending Won’t Touch Capitalists’ Power”


The coming collapse of organized society:

“"The fall of the Roman Empire, and the equally (if not more) advanced Han, Mauryan, and Gupta Empires, as well as so many advanced Mesopotamian Empires, are all testimony to the fact that advanced, sophisticated, complex, and creative civilizations can be both fragile and impermanent."

This quote from a Guardian article based on an ultra conservative Nasa prediction of civilisation collapsing in the coming decades.

All previous civilisations have collapsed often for similar reasons, military over reach, stretched supply lines, psychopathy and sociopathy in the leadership and the ruling classes. Ring any bells?

My co-host on Nature Bats Last has had a delve into what happens to the hundreds of nuclear plants once collapse unfolds completely. He is referencing peer reviewed papers.

I believe that the collapse is underway.”

“Means of Extinction: Nuclear Facilities Implode”


“This is the great power of the two party system. The Republicans are in charge of promoting the interests of the corporate rulers and to push it as far as they can. The Democrats are to control the people so that no opposition ever appears. And that’s a very different task and therefore they appear as very different parties, but they serve the same monied interests and they actually work together as a team to create utter confusion in America.” Peter Camejo


“There is no democracy in the U.S.

It’s all political theatre. Both parties work together for the Oligarchs not We The People. The duopoly is designed to keep the working class busy fighting each other so that they never realize that the real enemy are the oligarchs & the system”


“Those who subscribe to the Partisan Paradigm, unwittingly relegate themselves to navigating the political chess game, with a checkers mentality. The Partisan Paradigm, is nothing more than a mechanism, designed and devised by the establishment, to keep the putative electorate engaged and invested in an inherently corrupt, morally and economically bankrupt system of government.

In reality, there is no right or left, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, RINO or DINA. There’s only the oligarchy, their minions and those who are foolish enough to accede to the charade.

Behind closed doors, it’s one big party and you aren’t invited!”


“The two-party system is the most brilliant scheme the American bourgeoise ever came up with. Now, when capitalism fails, the people can simply blame it on the party they don’t like instead of on the system itself.”


Washington is running a defacto "forced labor camp":

“Cutting employment benefits in an attempt to get ppl to fill low-paying jobs ONLY benefits Corporations

Why is it the State’s responsibility to help Corporations fill job openings?

Because the State works for the Corporation, no the ppl whose unemployment benefits were cut”



When is this going to end?’: US factory town devastated by jobs moving overseas: this is the last generic pharmaceutical manufacturing giant in the US, and executives are offshoring our jobs to India for more profits”

“‘When is this going to end?’: US factory town devastated by jobs moving overseas”

“The Viatris plant in West Virginia has been making pharmaceuticals since 1965 – but it’s closing down and laying workers off”


“Rainforests are under siege. Here's what you should know.”


“Every 27.5 million years, the Earth’s heart beats catastrophically

Geologists discover a rhythm to major geologic events.”


And you wonder where Washington gets their “who cares about the lives of the 99% let’s subject them to social murder” from:

“Firing a $70,000 missile from a $28,000,000 drone flying at a cost of $3,624 per hour to kill people in the Middle East living on less than $1 per day.”

“We live in a country where if you want to go bomb somebody, there’s remarkably little discussion about how much it might cost. But then you have a discussion about whether or not we can assist people who are suffering, then suddenly we become very cost-conscious” - Prof. Andrew Bacevich”


A treasonous band of gangsters:

“The U.S. Homeland Terrorist Caucus” (not to stop terrorism but to organize and act on it domestically)


A map of North America as it was once occupied by Indians.

“Why isn’t this in the history books?”

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