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5/2023 Sea level rise along some U.S. coasts that's 3 times higher than global average

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Baltimore Hypena (Hypena baltimoralis)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-07-29 _F2A6191aaa


Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Democrats' "Restrict Act" would make it possible to arrest people off social media because politicians didn't like what they said - period.

The reasoning behind the arrest could then be filled in later with lawyer speak conflating what was said with the security and best interests of the Fatherland. (aka fascist petroleum police state under joint control with billionaires)

The First Amendment ("weaponizing free speech" against the Fatherland) goes out the window.

We are all Juliane Assange now.

“The Broad, Vague RESTRICT Act Is a Dangerous Substitute for Comprehensive Data Privacy Legislation”

“The leading bill to ban Tik Tok has bad side effects for Americans”

“VPN Users Risk 20-Year Jail Sentences in the US Under New RESTRICT Act”

Restrict Act


Peter Carter April 13 at 4:21 PM ·



“How they just raise the cost of food, rent, gas, basically all of life, but not the wage? They trying to kill us.”

“The capitalists are waging war on us”


Gates just bought the bulk of the land that was improved in the FoxConn debacle. It is in Rock County which is essentially a fiefdom of the same billionaire who financed Scott Walker’s attack on workers. Gates is your classic garden variety fascists who parades as a do gooder.

“In a single flight Bill Gates' private jet emits more carbon than your car during your entire lifetime.”

Reader Comment Chris Heckman:

“2] According to a study by Transport & Environment, private jets are 5 to 14 times more polluting than commercial planes (per passenger), and 50 times more polluting than trains. In 2018, 50% of all aviation emissions were caused by only 1% of the world’s population.”

“CE Delft – CO2 emissions from private flights to the World Economic Forum”


No place is safe. People need to decide how they are going to handle what’s coming - death of the biosphere at the same time as organized society collapses:

“Why the latest on climate change is dire, and probably worse than they’re telling us”. - by Roberto Burgos”


David Chia:

“How do you know when you've been exposed to too much brain-rotting "info" / #Propaganda?

When you're on the same side of an issue as these brutal, Fkn dirtbag psychopaths.



If you #StandWithUkraine, there's a good chance you've been exposed to a ton of MSM's pro-war propaganda lies.

And the following info has been hidden (aka #Censorship) from you...

Here are a few of my comments/info/memes/links which should provide more insight into what has REALLY been happening in #Ukraine since 2014:”


Dave Chia

“Are we living in an #Orwellian nightmare?

(link in the comments)

Beware of #Ukraine lies & #propaganda, amplified as 'factual news' by Western #MSM

If you #StandWithUkraine, please do some research ASAP

The key to ending the violence against the most vulnerable among us, is to wake everyone up to the lies we're all being told.

Horrifically effective NarrativeControl hides the terrible truth of our dystopian situation.

When enough of us become aware of the lies -- real, systemic change can begin.


Before a revolution happens, it will be perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable -- Rosa Luxemburg

Revolution is self-defense against the brutal, criminal parasites & their collaborators in power.

#AgitateEducateOrganize for Real, Systemic Change

3. Violation of the above = anti-democratic action = treason with the possibility of life in prison.

Power concedes nothing without a demand -- Frederick Douglass

If we don't fight for change, things will only get worse

#Occupy all the politicians' homes

#MassCivilDisruption is all we have left to save ourselves -- Chris Hedges

If 10 million of us were TALKing about #Revolution, would our corrupt AF politicians be more likely to listen to our demands?

TALK about #Revolution to #EndCorruption #RestoreDemocracy (on my cover photo page)

The first responsibility of every #citizen is to #QuestionAuthority

When #WeThePeople are #Organized and number in the MILLIONS, are able to resist #deepstate infiltration, #DivideAndConquer tactics & threats/violence from their guard dogs (cops) -- we'll have more options (like #Occupy Their Homes) on how to Force change, #EndCorruption, #FixMSM and #RestoreDemocracy.


“Our Entire Civilization Is Fake And Stupid”


“The Loan That Launched A Crisis. The Ukrainian conflict isn't just about politics.

“In 2014, Ukraine needed a loan. There were two offers:

1 the work bank (imf) offered $15 billion with conditions:

(a) Lift the bank on private sector land ownership;

(b) Cut pensions and fuel subsidies.

2 Russia offered $15 billion, too, but WITHOUT the austerity & privatization requirements.

Ukrainian President Yanukovych chose Russia’s offer, so the U.S. instigated a coup, ousting Yanukovych.

The coup government accepted the IMF loan and conditions: austerity & privatization.

Multinational consortia with U.S. capital have already bought 1/3 of Ukraine’s farmland.

February 21, 2014”

“President Zelensky urges EU to act after Russians ‘bombard nuclear site’”

“The Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant, which supplied about a fifth of Ukraine’s electricity before Russia’s invasion, was damaged by shelling of the weekend.”

Scott Ritter: “Wait what? Zaporizhzhya is under Russian control. Why would Russia bomb its own people, Zelensky? Do you think the world is dumb?”

“How do you know when you've been exposed to too much brain-rotting "info" / #Propaganda?

When you're on the same side of an issue as these brutal, Fkn dirtbag psychopaths.

If you #StandWithUkraine, there's a good chance you've been exposed to a ton of MSM's pro-war propaganda lies.

And the following info has been hidden (aka #Censorship) from you...

Here are a few of my comments/info/memes/links which should provide more insight into what has REALLY been happening in #Ukraine since 2014:


Map of “The American Empire and its Media”

“The key to ending the violence against the most vulnerable among us, is to wake everyone up to the lies we’re all being told.”

“Boycott MSM & avoid all DeepState PsyOp, brain-rotting propaganda!”



“Sea level rise has long been expected to be an ongoing and worsening problem for U.S. coasts, but scientists have found that some areas are experiencing "unprecedented" levels of rising seas, raising concerns about the fate of already vulnerable communities.”

“Scientists find "unprecedented" rates of sea level rise along some U.S. coasts that's 3 times higher than global average

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