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5/2023 American Authorities Now Murdering Environmentalists on American soil - shot 57 times

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Barred Speranza (Macaria subcessaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2022-07-13 _F2A2043aaa

Book bans are bad.

It is clearly done in the spirit of racism and religious bigotry. As such it is a deep perversion of Christ-like behavior.

‘Moms for liberty’ are tools of rich political interests seeking to solidify single\double party rule in order to advance their profits.

Profits that will come at the expense of the very people they seek to champion with their liberty to chose dogma. Book bans are , among other things, a means to a selfish end. They are a form of intellectual violence ultimately in service greater economic justice.

All government funding of charter, voucher, religious, private, and home schooling should be banned. If you want to breed division and tribal thinking go find another country to live in. What made America great was public schooling. A type of schooling where venom from likes of conservatives ‘moms for liberty’ and segregated private but govt assisted schools didn’t get in the way of our young gaining first hand experience learning how to coexist productively, constructively, and peacefully with their fellow man women and child in a diverse world.

Let them learn tolerance and respect for the people who are different from them - whatever the reason for that difference. Don’t arm them with hatred and lack of respect as a go to response toward those they are different from.

Let white Christian children learn about the different cultures and histories behind the different identities people have so that they can be a better fellow man or woman to these people.

I would want a child to be schooled in the realities of the world and not made ignorant by parents that impose a narrow perspective.

‘Moms for Liberty’ should be outlawed and its individual members, including their sympathetic counterparts on school boards, each fined $100,000. They all should receive a lifetime barred from public office, including education.


“Autopsy Shows Tortuguita, Forest Defender Protesting “Cop City,” Was Shot 57 Times in Police Raid”

His death has now been determined to be a murder…of an environmental activist,…on America soil,..while a democrat was in the White House


“This week in religion:

Stil no rapture

More beheadings & burnings

More attempts to disrupt science

More praying

More indoctrination

More homophobic diatribe

More bad singing

More misogyny

More sanctimonious BS

More abuse & FGM

More cash & tax demands

Still no evidence for reality of gods”

More book bannings


“Macron, Trudeau, Biden, they all should be in GITMO (with their billionaire backers

Continuing Trudeau's gov't's service to Canadian corporations and the wealthy, they offer federal workers arise less than inflation. So 155,000 strike. Workers everywhere refuse to support a system of worsening inequality.”

“Federal workers strike, Trudeau’s vacation, Fox News settlement”


“Glenn Greenwald warns Tucker that the Biden admin is using tactics 'tyrants use'”


“Conservative book bans are part of GOP’s fascist turn

The bans against CRT and The 1619 Project are not just conservative or anti-progressive, but specifically anti-democratic, racist and fascist in their motivations and their effect.”

"Through use of this tactic at various points in American history, all socialists, or simply left-leaning politicians and activists, became “violent, godless, communist Marxists”. Feminists became “man-hating radicals”. Black Lives Matter became “violent white hatred”. Inclusivity and “wokeness” became political correctness and thought-policing. And now, Critical Race Theory has been disingenuously transformed into reverse-racism, divisiveness, Black supremacy and – to come full circle – Marxism.

The danger of this practice is not only that it is used to justify censorship of ideas and history, an anti-democratic tactic that is a common feature of authoritarianism. The even more disturbing progression of these policies has been that, eventually, the targeting of ideas gives way to the targeting of groups of people associated with those ideas. The CRT bans have rapidly expanded beyond removing works about racism (most of which did not employ the advanced critical race theory framework anyway), to bans on books about Black subjects or written by Black authors.

Now, as the book-banning movement has expanded to attempts at removing literature with LGBTQ+ themes – ostensibly on the grounds of being sexually explicit – more marginalised people are being endangered by these tactics. And the censorship movement is even dipping its toes into whitewashing the Holocaust, using the “explicit material” rationale to remove the award-winning graphic novel Maus, which uses cartoon images of mice and cats to portray the horrors of the Nazi’s genocidal campaign against Jews.

Campaigns to rewrite history and target racial and sexual minorities for exclusion in order to preserve a culture are not simply authoritarian; such tactics are more specifically and accurately labeled as fascist.

This is not a term to be used lightly. Left-leaning political actors have also been guilty of misusing and demonising labels to apply to their political opponents: “fascist”, “neo-liberal”, and so on. And so it is important to define terms precisely to avoid confusion or intentional misrepresentation. Fascism, the political movement that infected Europe in the interwar years before being defeated but not quite eliminated during World War II, is a notoriously difficult political concept to define. It is less a coherent ideology and more a collection of political strategies and pathologies. Some of its key characteristics include: authoritarianism centred around a charismatic strongman; nationalism, including a glorified depiction of national history and a mission to return to past greatness; appeals to racial, ethnic or national purity, coupled with the targeting of subversive or “impure” groups within society; demagoguery and mass mobilisation combined with political violence; a combination of censorship, propaganda and media manipulation to glorify and justify these ideas and tactics; and ultimately, the move towards totalitarian claims over both public and private life and discourse."”


“In india people are burning down 5g towers”


Matt Taibbi responds to the outrageous rants from a U.S. House delegate (NOT A MEMBER OF CONGRESS) from the Virgin Islands.

“House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds

Representative Stacey Plaskett, who called Michael Shellenberger and me "direct threats to people who oppose them," is now threatening me with prison - over Mehdi Hasan's uncorrected error”

Key Passage:

It would be one thing if I really made the mistake. In that case, Plaskett’s letter would merely be an outrageous attempt to intimidate a witness by threatening a charge of intentional lying over a miscue. But that’s not the case. I did of course make an error, but what Plaskett is referencing is actually a mistake by Hasan, one she’s now repeating. I’m not sure what to do but explain and show this as clearly as possible.

I did in a tweet conflate the Center for American Security (CIS) with the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), saying that CISA was so close to Stanford’s Election Integrity Project (EIP) that Twitter staffers didn’t really distinguish between them. This happened precisely because the agencies were hand-in-glove partners, and I’d seen so many communications about their cooperation that I lost track of some acronyms. I even tweeted months before, in TwitterFiles #6, that the agencies CIS and CISA were easily confused, because both worked with the EIP and CIS was a DHS contractor:”


They are animals, they’re not even human:

“Kevin McCarthy is planning on proposing cuts to SNAP, the nutrition program formerly known as food stamps, as part of House Republicans’ debt limit negotiations with the White House

Annual cost of SNAP: $113 billion

Annual revenue lost through billionaire tax evasion $160 billion

They spend on their watch, then try to cut benefits on ours.”


“Nathan Pelham, 40, was initially charged with four misdemeanors for his role in the Capitol riot. Now, he faces a felony gun charge.”

“Jan. 6 Defendant Opened Fire On Texas Police During Welfare Check: FBI”


#TheBigOne is BIG! 60,000 people just marched for biodiversity. 60,000 people are doing the work this #EarthDay, demanding change and uniting to survive


Ryan Knight:

“On this #EarthDay let’s recognize that both right-wing parties are complicit in the climate crisis. The far-right party engages in climate denial while the other rightwing party acknowledges climate change is real as it supports fracking & giving fossil fuel subsidies to Big Oil.”


“Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in the Earth system

Recent research has confirmed that tipping points and cascades are already occurring, not at 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius of warming, but right now.” Bulleting of the Atomic Scientists


“The H5N1 bird flu strain has killed more than 58 million birds, making it the worst outbreak in US history.”

“The worst bird-flu outbreak in US history is 'wiping out everything in numbers we've never seen before.' Here's what you need to know.”


“Carbon Markets: trading the right to emit green house gases. So you can use derivatives to emit more now with promises to buy more rights ‘at some point in the future’ (if you don’t also take an offsetting promise at that point in the future)?!”

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