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5/2023 A huge temperature rise thus threatens to unfold over the next few years, +18.44C by 2026

Updated: May 13, 2023

2022-06-17 _F2A7526aaa

“Lithium Exports Projected To Be As Lucrative As Coal In Australia”


“Peace in Ukraine Is Too Important to Leave in the Hands of Arms Dealers

Arms makers are stoking conflicts and then pitching weapons as a path to peace.”


“Is the Plague of Guns a Racist Fever Dream for “Restored” White Male Supremacy?

And even if there is no war, our children are now paying the price for the GOP’s embrace of this hate and bigotry — and the guns that go with it — every single day”


Why wasn’t he getting gifts from a billionaire identifying with the Democratic Party? Answer: because political party mattered:

“Ethics Watchdog Urges Justice Department Investigation Into Clarence Thomas’ Trips

In pushing to kick-start an inquiry into Thomas’ lavish travel provided by a GOP megadonor, the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center wrote that the ethics issue has “historic implications far beyond one Supreme Court justice.””


“The politics of Extinction”

Quote: “Today’s Republican Party is practicing the politics of extinction, pursuing activities and policies that will lead to its destruction — unless and until the decent but cowardly majority members of the party rise up against the minority of evil and stupid people who have declared themselves to be its leaders.”



“The U.S. First Verified Openly NAZI Twitter Account: Racial Consciousness”


“Elon Brings One of America’s Most Prominent Nazis Back to Twitter”


“Tennessee’s Anti-Drag Bill Doesn’t Exist in a Vacuum”


“40% of all insect pollinators, including many wild bee species, are on the BRINK OF EXTINCTION.”


If anybody even gives a shit the planet is still dying like a rocket sled on rails (Wiley coyote fan here):

Sam Carana:

“El Niño and more

We're moving into an El Niño. Moving from the bottom of a La Niña to the peak of a strong El Niño could make a difference of more than half a degree Celsius.

Furthermore, sunspots look set to reach a high maximum within years, and the 2022 Tonga submarine volcano eruption did add a huge amount of water vapor to the atmosphere.

The sea surface temperature between 60°South and 60°North has been above 21°C for a while, something that hasn't happened before in the NOAA record that started in 1981.

Vast amounts of ocean heat are moving toward the Arctic. With further melting of sea ice and thawing of permafrost, the Arctic Ocean can be expected to receive more heat over the next few years, i.e. more heat from direct sunlight, more heat from rivers, more heat from heatwaves and more ocean heat from the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September.

The continuing rise of ocean heat threatens to trigger massive loss of sea ice (and loss of albedo) and eruptions of methane from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. This threatens to cause rapid destabilization of methane hydrates at the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean leading to explosive eruptions of methane, as its volume increases 160 to 180-fold when leaving the hydrates.

A huge temperature rise thus threatens to unfold over the next few years, as illustrated by the image in the right. Altogether, the rise from pre-industrial to 2026 could be more than 18.44°C, potentially as early as in 2026.

Meanwhile, humans are likely to go extinct with a rise of 3°C and most life on Earth will disappear with a 5°C rise.

From the post 'Temperatures rising fast March 2023', at:”


‘53% of millionaires were millionaires since they were in diapers. 30% by owning oil wells, 5% have become millionaires from property speculation’ FM*Nov.1957


The US Congress Just Passes the “Polluters Over People Act”:

This is invariably part of a land mine that washington will secretly bomb the people with the very instant the appropriate approving officials get elected and formally begin their respective terms\appointments in the Senate, White house, etc. The did something similar here in Wisconsin and then on the very eve of the need positions being elected to Republicans they quietly speed-passed a blizzard of detrimental legislation. This Act will never will fully “go away” until the Democrats and Republicans are barred from holding any positions in government.

“The House passed a bill that silences community voices. Let's tell the Senate to support real solutions that prioritize renewable energy and community voice. Communities deserve a say in decisions affecting their health and environment.”

“The House just passed an aggressively pro-mining and drilling bill that aims to silence community voices under the guise of “permitting reform.” Some senators are falling for the trick and considering cutting communities out of discussions about their health and safety as a viable path forward. At a time when we desperately need to keep moving forward and transition to a more stable renewable energy economy, it would be a huge step back. “


Ben Norton:

“US public opinion of China (which is just a result of brainwashing by absurd corporate media propaganda) is basically inversely proportional to China’s economic growth

The bigger China’s economy gets over the US, the more people are told (by the US information war) to hate China”


“Zelensky 'embezzled' over $400mn of aid money sent to Ukraine - Report | Details”



“No democracy can allow for this sort of demonization and discrimination to persist as the status quo, particularly when it means empowering those trafficking in disinformation, hatred, sexism, and authoritarianism.”

“The New Hate: Transphobia

Rising in the Wake of Nashville

As a nation claiming to pride itself in democracy and equal rights, we need to set a new tone for political discourse that makes it clear there’s no place in our society for transphobic beliefs or for fascist messages portraying trans people as a threat to human life and security.” By Anthony Dimaggio


It is against conservative political ideology for government to solve problems:

“Psst – the way capitalists treated the lower classes during COVID (utter disregard for mass death/displacement) is our preview of how shit is gonna play out with the Climate Crisis.”


“On Feb 24, 2022, when Russia entered Ukraine, it was not starting a war. There was already a war going on…since 2014, when the US/CIA overthrew the govt and installed an extremely anti-Russia client regime in its place. The regime then waged ware on anyone who would not submit to their unwarranted, illegal authority. Crimea held a referendum and joined the Russia Federation…fairing the best of everyone that was within the old Ukrainian borders. The two Easter provinces – Luhansk and Donetsk – went through a similar process and declared their independence. The Ukrainian regime did not recognize it. Unfortunately, Luhansk and Donetsk did join the Russian Federation, so they did not have Russia’s protection. So there was an 8-year war…killing thousands on both sides, including 3,000 civilians. This is what Russia is intervening…to put an end to [this, and] to protect the Donbas region.

People say, why didn’t the Russians try diplomacy? They did, for EIGHT years. There were TWO Minsk agreements and Kiev abided by neither of them.

…That’s why Russia is in Ukraine.

My paraphrase of the first 3-min of this video.

“Russian ops in Ukraine: Rocket Launchers and lost Cities”


“The scandal of Clarence Thomas accepting enormous gifts from billionaire Harlan Crow is a reminder of just how little mass support the Right has. Take away the rich financiers and there’s not much of a conservative movement to speak of.”

“The “Conservative Movement” Is a Giant Exercise in Plutocrat-Financed Astroturfing”

[prime examples are protest against COVID protections and Moms for Liberty (book banning crowd]


“US imperialist does not even comply with resolutions issued by the same UN that the US has used often to further its imperialistic agenda.”

“US Office of Legal Affairs:

~ Since the adoption of UNGA resolution 2758, the UN considers “Taiwan” as a province of China with no separate status.

~ The UN considers “Taiwan” for all purposes to be an integral part of the People’s Republic of China – The UN cannot accept official documentation issued by the “authorities” in “Taiwan”, as the are not considered a Government.

Source: Un Juridical Yearbook 2010”

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