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5/2022 US Supreme Ct acting inconsistently & with poor to no legal reasoning as it grants requests

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

America's Judiciary makes America most emphatically NOT conducive to capital formation.

Dump your US Dollars and US debt.

You've been warned:

2018 05-01 273aaa2p

"Will Safe Abortion Fall Victim to a Supremely Conservative Court?"


"A half-century of legal precedent and settled law protecting the popular right to abortion could be overturned by five unelected justices with lifetime appointments who rule by fiat, just like Roman emperors.

“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito’s opinion declares. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

The “people’s elected representatives” are hardly that anymore, as the Supreme Court in recent years has gutted the Voting Rights Act in Shelby v. Holder, authorized unlimited dark money to pervert our elections with its Citizens United decision, and given carte blanche to state legislatures to gerrymander districts. Now the Republican Party is organizing nationally to overturn the 2024 election if it doesn’t like the results. The current court is even more extremist and partisan than the one that halted the Florida recount in 2000 with its notorious Bush v. Gore decision. That case overruled the will of the majority of Floridians, who voted to elect Al Gore president, handing the election instead to Republican George W. Bush."

"Justice Alito desperately grasps at history to buttress his antiabortion argument, quoting “Henry de Bracton’s13th-century treatise,” which mentions punishment for abortions, as if somehow referring back to a time when women were considered property and being burned at the stake for witchcraft should control 21st century medicine and law. Alito then provides a list of antiabortion laws from various U.S. states, enacted between 1850 and 1919. When these laws were passed, women had no right to vote, and most African Americans were either legally enslaved, or, after emancipation, subjected to racial terrorism and lynching at the hands of law enforcement and the Ku Klux Klan. Traditions from these eras, Alito says in his rewriting of history, should dictate current law.

Under this mountain of repugnant, antiquated law, Alito and his four cohorts on the Supreme Court are attempting to bury the last fifty years of safe, legal abortion, now supported by at least 70% of the U.S. population. If this isn’t judicial activism and overreach, then nothing is."


A handful of US Supreme Court Justices recently terminated the Clean Water Act seemingly on a undocumented, unplanned, off agenda whim.


“Conservative Activist Leaders Call For an End to Democracy”


Human Reform Politics on FB \ From Douglas Dunn

December 2, 2021

All of the six Republican-appointed ”justices” are illegitimate. All were either appointed by an illegitimate “president” who did not win the popular vote and only “won” the electoral college by massive cheating and voter suppression, OR lied under oath about sexual violence during their confirmation hearings, OR only got their nominations or confirmations because of illegitimate manipulation of the confirmation process in ways never envisioned by the Founders.

1. Clarence Thomas — committed perjury during confirmation hearings lying about sexual assaults.

2. John Roberts — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating and voter suppression in Florida.

3. Samuel Alito — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression.

4. Neil Gorsuch — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and vote suppression in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Also occupies a seat that should have been filled by Obama who was obstructed by racist Mitch McConnell.

5. Brett Kavanaugh — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and only “won” the Electoral College solely because of cheating via CONspiracy with Russia and voter suppression AND committed perjury during confirmation hearings and sexual assaults, including rape.

6. Amy Coney Barrett — appointed by an unelected president who took office without getting the most votes and solely because of cheating and voter suppression AND whose appointment was illegally rushed through in an unprecedented violation of the Senate’s own rules after voting in a presidential election was already under way.

Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh both lied under oath about sexual harassment of women, who they seem to think are their personal playthings. They are hardly the right people to be making judgments about women’s rights.


Strategies for their removal of “life-time appointments” to the judiciary made by a treasonous anti-American President may or may not include:

1. defunding their salaries;

2. forcing their retirement;

3. buying them out of their appointment;

4. illegally firing them and allowing them to seek restitution against the U.S. Government in the courts;

5. pass a law targeting a judges’ circumstances making it illegal for them to be a judge;

6. fire them legally for just cause;

7. impeachment, and

8. use any of the above in tandem with the bully pulpit.

Trump “counseled” Anthony Kennedy to retire. The only reason a judicial appointment is “life-time” is because the dominant political party lacks the will to end it.

Beyond which the Supreme Court has a history of “Comforting the Comfortable and Afflicting the Afflicted.” Recruiting assistance internationally to purge the justices may also help.


America is NOT suited for capital formation:

"As the news talks about enforcing mandatory lockdowns, and handing out money to citizens…

There has been a problem that has been rapidly expanding in the background of all of this news.

…And It is a problem that the world has never really seen before.

In fact… it might create a crisis that won’t just be felt in the next week, the next month, or even the next year...

but it might be felt for several decades to come…

During World War 2, Britain was in the thick of war against the axis powers. However, Britain ran into a roadblock…they were quickly running out of money.

So, they began looking to borrow money from both their own future taxpayers, as well as the United States & Canada. In 1941 Britain began accepting loans and taking on debt to fund the war… and by 1945 Britain had taken on nearly $10 Billion dollars worth of debt from its creditors.

At this point in time, Britains debt to GDP ratio was a whopping 200% meaning that the country had twice as much debt, as its entire market value of all its goods and services it produces over an entire year.

And just some perspective for you, is that the World Bank states that once a country reaches above 77% debt to GDP ratio, its economy will begin to slow down from such a large portion of its revenue going towards paying down its debt.

Anyways, after the war ended, Britain had amassed a debt that was so large, that they couldn’t pay it back in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years. On December 29, 2006, Britain made its last repayment on its World War 2 debt to The United States and Canada.

This means that British taxpayers from 1945, up until 2006 had a small portion of their tax bill every year, go towards the Debt that the country accumulated in the 1940’s.

And for about a decade after the war, Britains economy was drastically hindered, in part due to their outstanding debt that they incurred. However, their economy eventually recovered thanks to an influx of taxpayers, called the baby boomers, as well as some economic reforms and infrastructure investments.

But a lot of the times when a country accrues as much debt as britain did, they are not so lucky.

In 2001 Argentina’s debt to GDP ratio reached a high of 166%, which caused the country to default on over $100 Billion dollars worth of debt. This default made capital move out of the country, and soon the nation saw millions of people enter poverty while unemployment reached a high of 19%. And to this day, Argentina hasn’t fully recovered from its debt crisis that it went through nearly 20 years ago.

And similar stories can be said for Greece in 2012, Zimbabwe in 2006, Venezuala in 2017, and Russia in 1998.

The point I am trying to make here is that even though debt can be a good thing to take on… in order to solve today’s serious problems…it will almost always have serious long-term consequences that could last for years or even decades.

So now, lets bring this back to the United States. So whether you know it or not, America essentially runs on debt. Historically, America’s economy has been so big, and has grown so fast, that taking out tens of billions of debt here or there hasn’t really been much of a big deal because it was such a small percentage of the countries overall Economy. For example In 2006, The United States had a relatively healthy Debt to GDP ratio of about 60%. But then…the financial crisis hit. During the financial crisis, the United states began scrambling for ways to pump money back into the economy… so it began taking out hundreds of billions of dollars worth of debt.

And some people might think that The United States, along with every other country that took out debt to get through the financial crisis, has paid off some of their debt since 2008. But actually, the opposite of that is true. You see, since the financial crisis, many developed countries throughout the world have been accruing more and more debt every year, while economic growth has slowed. This means that many countries may actually find it more difficult to pay off their debt now, than they did during the financial crisis.

Too Long, End of Transcript.

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