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5/2022 "We're being lied to, by omission, denial, delay, on an epic scale." This is genocide.

Updated: May 29, 2022

IPCC is guilty of attempted omnicide:

“1. "We're being lied to, by omission, denial, delay, on an epic scale."

..So this is a SERIOUS QUESTION: when does this activity get defined for what it is: an act of war - an act of terror - an act of genocide?


2021 6/17 _F2A6113aaa


Is $50 too much for a box of cereal?:

“Bank of England warns of 'apocalyptic' global food shortage

Governor Andrew Bailey says he is 'helpless' in face of surging inflation”


“Never before in History has one species been the cause of a mass extinction event.”


“Studies show climate change is increasingly driving extreme weather risks”


“Canadian researchers may have found link between fracking and premature births”


“70-year-old retired US Admiral Eric Olsen appears to have been captured by Russian forces in Mariupol after being smoked out of a steel mill where he had been hiding for weeks.

This exemplifies the "incurable illness" I described yesterday.

Olsen isn't just anyone, he's one of the Pentagon's top strategic thinkers, the highest decorated Navy Seal in US history, and a Special Ops commander with vast experience everywhere in the Middle East.

This is like Rambo, who at 70, gets a little bored at home doting over the grandkids, watching a ballgame, playing a round of golf, and trimming the hedges in his backyard, so he decided to "volunteer his time" to fight a war.

Yeah, he's that homesick for the violence. Cook-outs and the occasional cigar with the neighbors just can't top being a killer for hire in the sexiest new war on the planet.

His capture by Russian forces appears to have been kept quiet here because ... well, it's a major fucking embarrassment, let's just start there. But it has all other kinds of implications. Like, what the fuck was he doing there in the first place? And what the fuck do the Russians do with him now?

I would demand peace settlement talks resume in earnest for his safe return. But no one is worth the price of peace when war is so much more lucrative. Hence the incurable illness. The US would likely sacrifice him in that scenario.

We got a lot more of those guys anyhow.”



“Russia: Nearly 1,000 Ukrainian Fighters Surrendered at Mariupol Steel Plant”


“Capitalism: Devastates and Cannibalizes Civilization!”

Chris Hedges


“26 of the nation’s richest billionaires paid an average effective federal income tax rate of just 4.8% between 2013 and 2018, compared an average tax rate of 13.3% Americans paid in 2018.”



“While some products may contain the term ‘Made in Italy’, it is not possible to trace the origin of the leather. The label is generally of the country or place where the finished product was manufactured. The killing is done in front of other cows and sheep. They are often thrown into a pile where they bleed to death. The investigation also showed how mercilessly the cattle were dragged from the ship using cranes. Every time you buy a leather product, you support this industry.”


“Israel’s new low: Killing Palestinians and attacking their funerals.

Shireen Abu Akleh: shot in the head while reporting. Israel attacked her funeral.

Walid Sharif: shot in head with rubber bullet, died in coma. Israeli said he “fell on his head”. They attacked his funeral too.”


“Because Pandemic. Travel restrictions will be up to WHO not individual Countries who disagree with their determinations democratically. Gates wants to be a Global Oligarch. He will establish when we lose civil liberties.

Stop this. (Ps, will not affect our Economic Sovereignty. Vaccine passport mandates at will by an unqualified power freak.).”

“Global WHO Treaty Is Real And Will Control You”


“In the first three months of 2022, Shell, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, and ConocoPhillips raked in $35 billion.

End Big Oil’s greed.”


“I hear you Roderick!!!!

Roderick Strugglass posted via Gabe Smith

“Nobody in history has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.” - Assatta Shakur”

Roderick Douglass:

Don’t write letters to politicians

Don’t call you representatives

Don’t sign petitions

Don’t request resignations

Do actual things that can’t simple be ignored. All that other stuff was invented by those in power to neutralize your anger.

Organize. Educate. Agitate.”


“Israel will not investigate soldiers who fired in the direction of Shireen Abu Akleh.”

“Israeli Investigation Into Killing of Palestinian American Journalist Ends Before It Begins

Israel won’t investigate soldiers who fired in the direction of Shireen Abu Akleh, even though new evidence undermines their account of what happened.”


“Albert Einstein warned in 1949 that the time would come when the very rich so controlled the means of communication that it would be almost impossible for ordinary people to make informed decisions and so democracy would then be broken.

We live in the time Einstein warned about.”

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