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5/2022 It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica

Updated: May 30, 2022

“There is no right way to do a wrong thing

Where “wrong” refers to any action that causes unnecessary and avoidable harm.

Any corporation guilty of proven harm should be held strictly accountable and made to conform to 21st century moral standards that strive to achieve maximum social benefit and minimum social harm or be dissolved and replaced with a more human alternative solution.”

2021 6/27 _F2A8425aaa


“70% of our Native Bees are ground dwelling”

Quote: “Not all bees live in hives like honey bees do. In fact, 70% of all the 20,000 species of bees nest under ground. In North America, most of these ground bees become active in early spring.”


David Atkins:

“Elon Musk is trying to buy the conversation.

Peter Thiel is trying to buy a dictatorship.

Jeff Bezos is trying to buy the marketplace

Mark Zurkerberg is trying to buy our minds

Taxing the rich isn’t just about helping the poor. It’s about stopping them from owning everything.”


“Hemp batteries are eight times more powerful than lithium, Scientists Discover.

A team of American and Canadian researchers have developed a battery that could be used in cars and power tools using hemp bast fiber -the inner back of the plant that usually ends up in landfill. They “cooked” the woody pulp and processed them into carbon nanosheets, which they used to build supercapacitors “on a par with or better than graphene” – the industry gold standard.”


“Oxidized Cholesterol and Alzheimer’s Disease”

“"Oxidized cholesterol is found in “milk powders, meat and meat products (including fish), cheese, eggs and egg products.”

"Cholesterol oxidation products may be up to a hundred times more pathological, more toxic, than unoxidized cholesterol, contributing not only to heart disease, but potentially also to a variety of different major chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s, as you can see at 2:03 in my video. How can we cut down on the amount of these oxysterols in our body? One way is by not eating them."”


Pointing to agricultural technology to poo-poo & dismiss concerns over pollinator extinction is wilfully self-serving and dangerously naïve


“Explained: How the Ruble Recovered to ‘Pre-war Levels’ Despite Western Sanctions”


“The Most Powerful Nuclear Explosions in History” John Harrington

Their Georgia Guidestones spell out using our nuclear arsenal against us to stop their global warming and return the surface to some warped garden-of-eden-Chernobyl,...and to finish their continuing efforts to purify the human race of lesser genetic material (but not zelensky$$$)

“Biden's and D.C. Dems Death Wish ...

Key Passage:

The Soviets conducted 130 nuclear tests there between 1955 and 1990. These included the Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear device ever detonated at 50 megatons of TNT equivalent, nearly 4,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. It was set off on Oct. 30, 1961. The Tsar Bomba blast was more than twice as devastating as the second-biggest explosion on the list.

Nearly all of the American nuclear tests, including most on the list, took place in various atolls in the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific, dubbed the Pacific Proving Grounds. Bikini Atoll was the site of seven of the largest U.S. nuclear explosions between 1946 and 1958. More than 70 years after the first nuclear weapons were detonated in the atolls, elevated levels of radiation remain there and the atolls are sparsely inhabited.”


What happens at the poles, doesn’t stay at the poles. Soon a balmy summer day of 70 degrees in Wisconsin will be 140 degrees – Everything will die even if 140F only persists for a few minutes:

“It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted.”


“Productivity & Real Incomes Are Still Drifting Further Apart:

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics


“Europe stumbled into WWI. Will it again? We have a lot to learn from "non-western" viewpoints.

“Europe is sleepwalking into another world war”

“Seeing through non-European lenses, Europe and the United States stand haughtily all but alone, probably capable of winning one battle but on their way to certain defeat in the war of history.”

"More than 100 years after World War I, Europe’s leaders are sleepwalking toward a new all-out war. In 1914, the European governments believed that the war would last three weeks; it lasted four years and resulted in more than 20 million deaths. The same nonchalance is visible with the war in Ukraine. The dominant view is that the aggressor should be left broken and humbled." h/t@Gary Olson


This is the cost of war profiteering:

“Russian economy stabilizes, EU economy faces massive contraction”

“As more and more military aide from the US heads to Ukraine (billions of dollars in taxpayer money, some which arrived there since at least 2014) and the current US administration is tapping our domestic oil reserves to send to the EU, as well as LNG, having an inflationary effect in the US, to prop the Amerikkkan Neocon/Neoliberal war with Russia, the EU is finding out what Victoria Nuland meant when she said: ”F the EU.” (Her words, not mine.)”




“Take a closer look at how forests have changed over the years and the impact this change has had on Earth's biodiversity.”


“Their wealth building has left us nothing but death and destruction

#Pakistan soared up to a scorching 49C (120.2F) today.

That's one of the hottest temperatures ever recorded on Earth in April.”


Republican States in America will destroy the global environment unfold with impunity:

“Southwestern Fires out of Control HD NBC April 23”

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