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5/2022 Democrats and Republicans will let public lands burn out of control

Updated: Jul 24, 2022

The most dangerous time in world history.mp4”

2018 6/29 _F2A1377aaa


Florida Isabel:

“Peak neoliberalism is talking to the poor about the issues they’re living & virtue signaling while doing absolutely nothing to solve the problem because you’re a rich, bought, puppet.”

“White House

President biden is announcing that for the first time in over 50 years, the white house will host a conference on hunger, nutrition, and health.”


They always have big money handouts when they ramp up for the election cycle because they get a portion of the money passed out kicked back in the form of a “campaign donation”. And yeah, foreign entities can be involved:

“They just sent $33 billion more to Ukraine but can’t raise the minimum wage”

“hourly wage required to afford a 2 bedroom rental home in: [list of states]”


“Shale Gas and oil: Unleashing the Monster Behind the Door HD CH4

WGBH Will block this in the USA in a few hours, so use the link to their site. Maybe i will request they don't “


Today’s break down of Animal biomass – very sad:

“I think it is safe to say that the world's food web has already collapsed.

We are in the Endgame now.”


All main stream media outlets are owned by Western Oligarchs:

“This is the reality of mainstream American media. The bias in their content is no surprise.”


Science is more than the language of Satan:

“Does science education as currently structured gives people the information they need to be educated members of society? To understand how climate change is altering our planet, it helps to know a little Earth science.”

“Americans Are Missing a Key Stratum of Modern Knowledge

To understand how climate change is altering our planet, it helps to know a little Earth science.”


Democrats and Republicans will let public lands burn out of control. They have absolutely zero sense of custodianship of the country’s assets:

“The Southwest is on fire, with iconic deserts and towns at risk – 3 reasons the 2022 fire season is so early and intense”


“An Extraordinary Heat Wave Exposes the Limits of Protecting People

Temperatures are soaring across South Asia, testing dangerous thresholds. How much is climate change to blame? It’s becoming an ‘obsolete question,’ one scientist says.”


181% increase in Home foreclosures as Democrats’\Republicans’ business as usual shrinks the economy by 1.4%. Solution: raise interest rates (expand price gouging to banks):

Nick Thomas: “Last month, 33,333 properties across the U.S. faced foreclosure, a 181 percent jump from March 2021 and 29 percent pop from February, according to a report by foreclosure tracker Attom. The first quarter saw 78,271 properties with a foreclosure filing, a 39 percent from the previous quarter and 132 percent from last year.”


Personality & character defects run riot to a whole new level: X-Judge Gableman has bounced back from trying to choke a fellow judge by now burning thru Wisconsin taxpayers’ cash trying to prove the big lie...with the aid of destroying records?!

Nazi’s see Wisconsin’s corrupt captured Supreme Court as a license to run amuck


Just like destruction of the Amazon allowed entire tribes, cultures, societies and peoples to be intentionally forced into extinction, so will the collapse of our global biosphere allow Democrats\Republicans to exterminate their undesirables. It can and will happen.


Remember: when the time comes, the rich and their politicians in their bunkers will have the food, water, and medicine you need to keep your loved ones alive


The craven geriatric leadership caste works to provide wealth to their heirs. All wealth accumulated during their government service, that is nxs of their govt paycheck, should be seized and otherwise be ineligible to transfer


The Master Race headquartered in Washington has a plan and it clearly includes killing 10’s of millions if not 100’s of millions of people in the immediate future:

Peter Carter:

“IPCC AR6 press release quotes (from the 3 Working Groups) makes it clear that unless global emissions are put into rapid decline on an "immediate" basis there is no "livable future". There is zero time left for any more delay”

“Climate Emergency Institute

Peter Carter

IPCC completed 6th

Climate Change Assessment




“‘Hottest summer ever’: Many Indian states under ‘severe’ heatwave”


“East Africa is facing one of the worst droughts in the last 40 years”


“One in 25 Australian properties will be uninsurable by 2030 due to climate change, report warns”

2018 6-29 _F2A1377aaa

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