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5/2022 Joe Biden is spending time intervening in Democratic House Primaries to crush progressives

Updated: May 30, 2022

SCOTUS & Ukraine: A good grift requires a narrative that stands up to a reasonable amount of scrutiny

When it comes to war profiteering or “saving Ukrainian citizens” $33B is automatically excreted, but when it comes to Americans & COVID they let 1 million plus ie without even acting to ensure access to healthcare? Sad fact is a portion of the $33 billion will be kicked back to Democrats in the form of campaign donations and, of course, Zelensky’s Pandora accounts will get a cut.

2021 9/19 _F2A1234aaa


I’m confused. SCOTUS didn’t even bother to write an opinion when they decided to poison all of us by negating the Clean Water Act, but now life has value when it suits the coming election? Are they just responding to bags of cash?

Koch's Supreme Court claims Roe v Wade based on "exceptionally weak reasoning." And cancelling the Clean Water Act without bothering to write an opinion shows,....?!


America is the only developed country whose government is actively trying to break itself up


Eric Stewart:

“Once you start deliberately excluding information from your considerations, you have lost the moral high ground. Not knowing something is ignorance. Not wanting to know something is dishonesty.”


“A nation can’t solve what the press won’t let perceive.” Julian Assange


Tom Winter:

“From Professor Anne Morelli's 2001 book.”

“Elementary Principles of War Propaganda

1. We do not want war

2. The foe bears sole responsibility for the war

3. The adversary’s leader has the face of the devil

4. It is noble cause we are defending and not particular interests

5. The foe deliberately commits atrocities

6. The foe uses illegal weapons

7. We have scant losses; the enemy’s losses are enormous

8. The artist and intellectuals support our cause

9. Our case has a sacred character

10. Those who cast doubts on our propaganda are traitors


“Rice farmers around the world are using ducks instead of harmful pesticides! Ducks feed on insects and weeks, without touching the plants.”


Jeff Kurtz:

“People often ask, “What can I do?”

The answer is not so difficult

Lear how the world works.

Challenge the statements and intentions of those who seek to control us behind a façade of democracy and monarchy.

Unit in common purpose and common principle to design, build, document, finance and defend.

Learn. Challenge. Act. Now.”

Julian Assange


“Our citizens should know the urgent facts…but they don’t because our media serves imperial, not popular interests. They lie, deceive, connive and suppress what everyone needs to know, substituting managed news misinformation and rubbish for hard truths…”

Oliver Stone


Ukraine: Picture is worth a thousand words:

Al Harris:

“Someone deleted the most relevant part of this meme. Originally, one of these bags was labeled "10% For The Big Guy!" and another bag was labeled "Pelosi's Cut!" And, I'm sure the corrupt Zelenskyy will be sending at least one of these bags to his offshore accounts in the British Virgin Islands, Belize, or Cyprus (source: the Pandora Papers)!”



“Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative”

William Charles

“"The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense then turned to NATO to help it make its armed forces more “attractive”. Having already worked on similar projects within the framework of the United Nations, I was asked by NATO to participate in a program intended to restore the image of the Ukrainian armed forces. But it’s a long process and the Ukrainians want to go quickly.

Thus, to compensate for the lack of soldiers, the Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary militias. They are essentially made up of foreign mercenaries, often far-right activists. As of 2020, they constitute around 40% of Ukraine’s forces and number around 102,000 men according to Reuters . They are armed, financed and trained by the United States, Great Britain, Canada and France. There are more than 19 nationalities – including Swiss.”



Jason Weir:

“This brings back memories of Zbigniew Brzezinski bringing weapons to Osama bin Laden and the mujahedin to fight Russia. Then there was Donald Rumsfeld bringing chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein. Then there was John McCain bringing chemical weapons to Isis. Now this”


“News that will cause stocks to go up:

- A minimum wage increased is struck down

- Employees are prevented from unionizing

- Corporate taxes are reduced

- Labor laws are relaxed

The stock market is not the economy, it’s an estimate of how much wealth can be extracted from workers.”


Our future:

“Millions of Bees in Shipment to Alaska Die Stranded in Atlanta Heat After Rerouted Delta Flight”


Roberto S. Oregel:

“F’d up moves by Biden and the corporate corrupt Dems — but not surprising …”

Trisha Tahmasbi:

“It all makes sense once you realize Joe Manchin was NEVER a rogue agent.

He had political cover to run the plays that he ran, so everyone else could keep their fingerprints off the sabotage. At the end of the day, Joe Biden is a Joe Manchin Democrat.”

David Sirota:

Joe Biden is spending his time intervening in Democratic House Primaries to try to crush progressive candidates, meanwhile Joe Manchin is now in an ad bragging about opposing Biden’s agenda”



France bans gardening pesticides

To save their pollinators


Leslie Nelson Inman:

“Learn about Doug Tallamy! He’s a brilliant professor showing us how planting native can save birds and pollinators. LINK HERE

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