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5/2021 7

Updated: Dec 23, 2023

“Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man…living in the sky, who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer and burn and scream until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you and ne needs money.” George Carlin

2021 6/27 _F2A8255aaa


“We know the Biblical flood never occurred, because there were great civilizations thriving during that time. They kept good records, and neglected to mention they were all wiped from the face of the earth.

The Chinese (Neolitic Dynasty)

The Egyptians (Dynasties 4, 5, &6)

Mesopotamians (Early Dynastic Period)

Sumerians (Early Dynastics IIIa & IIIb)

Peruvians (Norte Chico Civilization and more….)

We find a continuous line of culture, construction, art and historical records that runs throught eh time Noah’s flood was supposed to have happened.”


Biden and the Democrats continue in their refusal to reinstate the “Johnson Amendment” that separates church and state:

“When asked “What would you do if you discovered that your child was a homo sapiens?”

“5% of Conservative Christians said they would disown them and force them to leave their home.”

Horned Spanworm (Nematocampa resistaria)

Ice Age National Scientific Reserve Unit, Wisconsin, USA

2019 7/3 _F2A9941aaa


“For those who don’t know:

Reagan harmed America more than Trump has managed to so far!

By introducing “trickle-down” economics, he started the decline of the middle class – which continues to this day – solely to further enrich corporations & the richest 1% that own them.

And by killing the Fairness Doctrine for broadcasting, he deliberately created the Republican propaganda apparatus, in the form of conservative fake news outlets. Which in turn further eroded the middle class.

And by killing PATCO, he more or less killed off labor unions.”


The financial interests supporting Biden allowing DeJoy to privatize the United States Postal Services is also behind the wave of racist, white supremacist, voter suppression legislation being passed at the state level. Currently, this voter suppression laws will prevail to effect the 2022 election. This may facilitate a rewriting of the US Constitution.

This is today’s Democratic party.


“I did the strangest thing today - I exchanged my children with my brother’s. I took one of his kid, and gave him one of mine. So in case I get bombed, one of mine will survive & if he gets bombed, one of his will live to carry on the legacy".

- A Palestinian father


“Wait, which country’s government interferes in U.S. elections?”


"Despite Biden’s characterization of Obama’s mass deportations as a 'mistake' and pledge to usher in a more humane immigration system, United We Dream estimates that the administration has deported just over 300,000 people since January — largely using a Trump-era policy called Title 42."

“300,000 Deported in Biden’s First 100 Days”


Short memory is a very big problem for mankind, and specially the MSM.

“While in Moscow, President Morales — on July 1, the day before he was scheduled to return to Bolivia — gave an interview to a local Russian outlet in which he said Bolivia would be open to the possibility of granting asylum to Snowden. The next day, Morales boarded Bolivia's presidential jet to fly back to La Paz as scheduled, with a flight plan that including flying over several E.U. member states — including Austria, France, Spain, Italy and Portugal, as well as Poland and the Czech Republic — with a stop to refuel in Spain's Canary Islands.

The Bolivian plane flew through Poland and the Czech Republic without incident. But flight records show that while flying over Austria toward France the plane suddenly took a sharp turn to the east, back to the Austrian capital of Vienna, where it made an unscheduled landing. Morales and his entourage were stranded there for twelve hours before re-boarding the plane and flying back to Bolivia.

Bolivian officials immediately announced that in mid-flight, they were told by France, Spain and Italy that their permission to fly over those countries’ air space had been rescinded. Without enough fuel to fly an alternative route, the Bolivian pilot was forced to make a U-turn and land in Vienna. Bolivian officials were told that the reason for the mid-air refusal of these E.U. countries to allow use of their airspace was because of assurances they were given by an unspecified foreign government that Snowden was on the plane with Morales, and that he was traveling because Bolivia had granted him asylum.

After Morales’ plane was forced to land at the Vienna airport, Austrian officials quickly announced that they had searched the plane and determined that Snowden was not on it. While Bolivia denied that they consented to any such search of the presidential plane, Bolivian officials angrily mocked the notion that Snowden would be secretly smuggled by Morales from Russia to Bolivia. The whole time this was happening, Snowden was in Moscow. Needless to say, had Snowden been on Morales’ plane that was forced to land in Vienna, Austrian officials would have instantly detained him and turned him over to the U.S., which had by then issued an international arrest warrant. The only reason Snowden did not suffer the same fate that day as the one Protasevich suffered on Sunday is because he happened not to be on the targeted plane that was forced to make an unscheduled landing in Vienna.

The international outrage toward the E.U. and U.S. over the forced downing of the Bolivian presidential plane poured forth just as swiftly and intensely as the outrage now coming from those states to Belarus. Bolivia's U.N. Ambassador called it an attempted "kidnapping” — exactly the term which the states he so accused are now using for Belarus. Brazil's then-President Dilma Rousseff expressed “outrage and condemnation." Then-Argentine President Cristina Kirchner described the downing of Morales’ plane as the “vestiges of a colonialism that we thought were long over,” adding that it “constitutes not only the humiliation of a sister nation but of all South America.” Even the U.S.-dominated Organization of American States expressed its “deep displeasure with the decision of the aviation authorities of several European countries that denied the use of airspace,” adding that "nothing justifies an act of such lack of respect for the highest authority of a country."

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