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5/2021 4

Updated: Jul 15, 2022

“Farewell cryosphere, the truth is we never loved you enough.

Such a pity that it's our planetary thermostat.”

“Cascading Consequences of the Loss of Arctic Sea Ice”

2020 9/27 _F2A0593aaa


“Satellite data reveals impact of warming on global water cycle

Evapotranspiration – the transfer of water from the ground into the air through a combination of evaporation and transpiration – increased globally by 10% between 2003 and 2019, according to new research.”

“A 10 per cent increase in global land evapotranspiration from 2003 to 2019” - by Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell et al.


Washington’s Expertise$$$ in Social Murder:

If you thought 550,000+ dead with COVID was bad, wait to you & yours realize the MILLIONS they plan to be dead with Climate Collapse\Mass Extinction


Our politicians and judiciary have cultivated such a sewer they can’t even keep us safe. Instead every opportunity for serving their purpose is rendered just another amoral grift

“Bombshell! Nobel Prize Winner Reveals: Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants'”

[I’m not an anti-vaccinator or a member of the Democratic or Republican Parties:]


“Liberals: we had to vote for biden because he was the lesser of two evils.

Me: biden supported racial segregation, participated in the humiliation of Anita Hill, voted for NAFTA, played a central role in drafting the 1994 crime bill, has been accused of sexual harassment by 8 women and is on camera inappropriately touching young girls, supported the Iraq War, has consistently advocated for Social Security cuts and participated in the demonization of the black community.

Liberals: okay but –

Me: he also opposes Medicare for All, marijuana legalization and a living wage, rejects police oversight, helped make sure student loan debt could not be discharged in bankruptcy, provides cover and funding for Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians and lied about the stimulus check amount during a pandemic

Libers: . . .



The same racist white supremacist behind the wave of racist voter suppression laws at the state level, is also pushing for DeJoy’s privatization at the United States Postal Service. It’s the same white supremacist whose father was instrumental to Hitler realizing his grotesque ambitions. His name is Charles Koch and the Democrats will deny him NOTHING.

One Billionaire vs. the Mail

A new report details Charles Koch’s 50-year war on the U.S. Postal Service.


“Leaked Video: Dark Money Group Brags About Writing GOP Voter Suppression Bills Across the Country

“We did it quickly and we did it quietly,” said the executive director of Heritage Action.”


“Koch Bros. donate to Heritage Action”


Koch’s “Heritage Foundation”


“Biden promises checklist, as of May 28, 2021 (128 days since he took office)

NO - $15/hr min wage

NO - Gauranteed sick & maternity leave

NO - Public Option

YES - Reverse military transgender ban

NO - Free college

NO - Universal preschool

NO - Student debt forgiveness

NO - Mask mandate

NO - $2K stimulus check

YES - Nothing fundamentally changing

NO - Expand Medicare eligibility

NO - No more kids in cages

NO - Legalize cannabis

NO - Hold MBS accountable for murder

NO - Respectable foreign policy

YES - Nicer tweets

NO - Keep lobbyists out of Cabinet

NO - Listen to scientists

NO - More honesty and transparency

NO - Restore soul of America

NO - Ban fracking

NO - Green New Deal


The 99% was never intended to experience an economic recovery from Covid - the welfare of the 99% is irrelevant

"In short, the package of recovery measures is beginning to do just what was intended. The inflation story is a fake. So is the story of spoiled low-wage workers staying home."

“Two Red Herrings

Is inflation breaking out? Are workers spoiled by relief payments? No, and no.”


“Communities across the Midwest are feeling the impacts of the #ClimateCrisis.

Severe flooding has claimed lives and livelihoods. 2019 was the second wettest year on record, costing Illinois and the Midwest $6.2 billion in flood damages. #TimeToAct

“In 2019 — the 2nd wettest year ever in the U.S. — flooding cost Illinois and the Midwest $6.2 billion. Scientists predict more waterlogged days ahead.”

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