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5/2021 23

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

“Climate crisis: CO2 levels rise to highest point since evolution of humans

‘We don’t know a planet like this’”

2021 6/13 _F2A5068aaa


May 5, 2021: “Super Lava Fountain Eruption About 300 m high - This Morning at 5 AM in Iceland”


Deforestation and beyond to include all manner of interaction between man and the environment:


“It's time to hold climate polluters accountable”

“The rising tide of climate litigation nationwide and advances in attribution science (linking damages to climate change, and linking climate change to fossil fuel producers) should serve as a warning to the industry. Two dozen US cities, counties, and states are now suing or investigating fossil fuel companies for the role their products play in driving the climate crisis, as well as the role of decadeslong industry denial efforts in compounding that crisis.

Likewise, individuals and communities harmed or threatened by climate change are bringing legal and human rights actions against fossil fuel producers in a growing number of countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, France and the Philippines, over the industry's role in the climate emergency.”


Conservative Governments like India, America, Brazil, UK, Israel, Australia, are abominations:

“New COVID-19 Variant, Linked to India’s Record Wave of Infections & Deaths, Now Seen in 19 Countries”


“As Global Pandemic Worsens, U.S. Keeps Blocking Vaccine Patent Waivers Amid Big Pharma Lobbying”

“Big Pharma has hired an army of lobbyists to pressure U.S. lawmakers to block an effort at the World Trade Organization to loosen intellectual property rules on COVID-19 vaccines, which would allow countries around the world to ramp up production, vaccinate more people and bring the pandemic to an end sooner. Dozens of countries from the Global South, led by India and South Africa, are demanding a temporary waiver on vaccine patents, but rich countries, including the U.S. under both the Trump and Biden administrations, have opposed the move. Lee Fang, investigative journalist at The Intercept, says there is a “glut” of vaccines going to wealthy countries while much of the rest of the world is left waiting. “These initiatives that are based on voluntary agreements with the pharmaceutical companies have not worked,” he says. Fang also discusses his reporting on the Biden’s administration’s ties to the vaccine makers: White House adviser Anita Dunn is co-founder of the consulting firm SKDK, which works closely with Pfizer; Biden’s domestic policy adviser, Susan Rice, holds up to $5 million in Johnson & Johnson shares; and White House science adviser Eric Lander holds up to $1 million in shares of BioNTech, which co-developed Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine.”


The suffering caused by this gourmet ice cream munching modern version of Marie – Antoinette who is hell bent on concentrating wealth ever further by damning various aspects of our is incalculable:

“Meet House Speaker and Multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi California’s 12th congressional district

Took $1,029,376 from Pharma and Health Insurance Corps.

She does NOT support single-payer healthcare”

….and then there is her history with the oil and gas industry, etc. etc. ad nauseum. Remember her when you are dying as at some point in her career she will have invariably helped to facilitate it


“The War at Home: The Untold History of Class War in the United States (2021)”


Biden will go down in history as the greatest fool:

“What is the Biden Presidency Really About?”

“Pres. Biden gave a long speech. Nearly 8,000 words. Lots of words. Some words were relating to Medicare and drug pricing that his administration has no intention of doing. During the 2020 campaign, candidate Biden made a speech to his Wall Street donors promising "Nothing will Fundamentally Change."

The question remains was he lying last night or was he lying to his major donors?

I'll go with last night.”


“How to spot the difference between a real climate policy and greenwashing guff”


“Pesticides Threaten the 'Foundations of the Web of Life,' New Soil Study Warns”


“The Strategy to End Corruption”



The PRO Act, which has 215 co-sponsors, would be the most comprehensive rewrite of U.S. labor law in decades. Pelosi hasn’t brought it to the floor.”


“If a party will cheat right in front of the entire world,

Just imagine what they’ll be willing to do behind your back.”

Again, Democrats have no intention of passing HR1 the “For the People Act” all the way into law.


“Bone Rooms: How Elite Schools and Museums Amassed Black and Native Human Remains Without Consent”


“Choosing to spend your tax money on building our nation instead of endless war is not magical thinking. Magical thinking is when you believe bombing strangers makes you safe.” Bernie Sanders


“Mariam Netanel

From BERNIE UNITED: **First 100 days of Biden/Harris and Democratic control of House and Senate***

- $1400 checks finally (but not $2000)

- No emergency national healthcare

- No tax increase for the super wealthy

- No Green New Deal

- No criminal justice reform bill

- But Patriot Act 2.0 underway

- Marijuana possession still a federal crime

- More funding for police instead of less

- ICE still exists

- More kids in cages at the "migrant shelters"

- Pushed to extradite Assange

- Bombed Syria

- No Iran nuclear deal, gearing up for war instead

But at least it's not Trump!”


““Empire Politician”: Joe Biden’s Half-Century Record on Foreign Policy, War, Militarism & the CIA”

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