Incremental change won’t save us. We must purge our response to our dying atmosphere of all delusions if we expect to survive:
“A very interesting paper from 2019. Mentions Paul Beckwith's contributions. Few scientists discuss consequences of a BOE event. It's basically underknown, a new science and little studies the author says. Excerpt follows:

2021 6/13 _F2A5005aaa
"The inertial tendencies of both the scientific and policy processes create the conditions for a paradigm shift event, where the consensus becomes untenable in the face of actual changes in the Earth Systems, such as a an ice-free Arctic. The strength of this inertia is shown by a recently published analysis[3] that looked at the impact of an ice-free Arctic upon the Earth’s heat imbalance and the currently assumed carbon budgets. Although accepting that an ice-free Arctic could possibly be a reality within a decade, the analysis restricted itself to the possibility of that taking place in either 2040 or 2050. Restricting the analysis further, it was assumed that the Arctic would only be ice free in September and would not later become ice free in earlier months. Given that the level of the Sun’s energy that reaches the surface of the Arctic increases rapidly as the Summer Solstice is approached, this assumption greatly reduces the energy imbalance. Even this highly restrictive set of assumptions sets the paper apart from the mainstream scientific consensus.
As sea ice had been rapidly lost in the Arctic, some researchers have begun to look at the possible effects and call for much greater funding for research in the area. These effects include (i) changes to the Earth’s heat imbalance that may be greater than that created by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (ii) substantial changes to the Northern Hemisphere climate systems (iii) a northward move in the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone.
Increases In The Earth’s Energy Imbalance
The paper “Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean”[4] provides estimates for the effect of an ice-free Arctic (sea ice of less than 1 million kilometres2) in the month of September in 2050 and 2040. As the paper comments, the possibility of an early loss in arctic sea ice has not been included in any of the Integrated Assessment Models used to assess the societal impacts of climate change.
It has been previously estimated that the increased energy imbalance from the loss of sea ice between 1979 and 2008 was equal to 0.11 Watts / metre-2 on a globally annually averaged basis[5]. Assuming a linear trend between 2010 and 2050, the paper proposes that the radiative forcing would increase to 0.29 W m-2, if the arctic became ice free in September for the first time in 2040. If the forcing then stayed at that level (i.e. no further deterioration in sea ice area), the UN IPPC 20C carbon budge would be reduced by 28.7%." snip”
2017: “The Impacts Of An Ice Free Arctic: A Climate Paradigm Shift?”
“We can’t vaccinate the world bc waiving patents hurts big pharma.
We can’t solve the climate crisis bc doing so would affect industry profits -- fossil fuels, transportation, etc.
We can’t have free health care bc it’ll hurt the insurance industry.
This ain’t working…”
Reader comments:
“We can’t have peach, because killing is prosperous to some”
“We can’t have a living wage because it would cut into profits for CEO and board members”
“Mars sucks.
Its weather sucks. Its distance sucks. Its atmosphere sucks. The little water it has sucks.
It has sucked for billions of years. And will suck for billions more.
You know what doesn’t suck? Me, Earth.
I have life. I have vast oceans and lush forests. I have rivers to swim. Air to breathe.
But the way I’m being treated, that part sucks.
You use me and pollute me. You overheat me. You use every resource I have and return very little back from where it came.
And the, you dream of Mars. A hellhole. A barren, desolate, wasteland you can’t set foot on fast enough.
Why use some of that creative energy and billions on saving me? You know, the planet that’s giving you what you need to live right now.
Mars can wait. I can’t. -- Earth”
The whole point is to direct as much of the flow of government resources to select private individuals as possible
“if you canceled all the student debt. The government would make more money on increased tax revenues than it’s making on debt payments because ti would be so stimulative of the economy. It would increase employment”
“Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch”
“Did you know hemp is a cheaper alternative to lumber and can be used to make hundreds of other products? Imagine all the jobs we could have just growing hemp alone!”
“La Niña Brings Wildfires
Texas fires are growing in volume, severity, and sheer number”
“Bill Gates is the biggest private owner of farmland in the United States. Why?”
The Biden administration is pushing species into extinction in the pursuit of lithium:
“Lithium is needed for the transition to clean energy, but mines shouldn't be sited where they'll drive endangered species extinct.
"The Fish and Wildlife Service is spending more energy fighting our litigation than protecting the buckwheat." —Patrick Donnelly, Center for Biological Diversity”
“U.S. Lithium Production Hinges on a Mine-or-Wildflower Decision”
“White people who say “all lives matter” are the equivalent of the founding fathers who wrote “all men are created equal” while owning slaves.”
“The average US rent is $1234/month.
For rent to cost less than a quarter of income, as suggested, you’d need to make $4924 a month.
At 40 hours a week, that’s $30.77/hr.
The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr”
“The age of extinction Trees and forests
Secrets of the dead wood: ancient oaks hold key to new life
In Richmond Park, decaying logs and mangled old branches are no longer cleared away but valued as habitats for birds and insects”
“The age of extinction
Reporting on our catastrophic species loss, and ways to tackle the biodiversity crisis”
DeJoy is still postmaster, and HR1 the “For the People Act” is still not signed into law. Face it, the Democrats are gift wrapping America for full blown fascism in 2022 complete with a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution.
“First coal seam fire of 2021 reported near Healy”
Bill Gates is a sleaze:
Bill Gates reportedly had a much closer relationship with Jeffrey Epstein than he previously admitted and once called the billionaire pedophile’s lifestyle “intriguing.”
The world’s second-wealthiest man had “numerous” meetings with Epstein, including at least three at his opulent Manhattan townhouse, and considered partnering with the pervy mogul in a charitable fundraising plan that could have netted Epstein $30 million in fees, the New York Times reported Saturday.
More damning, Gates first struck up his personal and business relationship with Epstein in 2011, when he was already a convicted pedophile.
After meeting Epstein for the first time in a late night gabfest at the mansion, Gates wrote a cringe-worthy email to colleagues.
“His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me,” Gates wrote, according to the Times.
The two men were reportedly joined by a Swedish ex-beauty queen and her 15-year-old daughter .”
“Parched Taiwan prays for rain as Sun Moon Lake is hit by drought”
Parched Taiwan prays for rain as Sun Moon Lake is hit by drought
Taps are now shut off two days a week, and worse is to come unless action is taken on climate crisis
Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake is so low that parts of it have dried and turned to grass. Jetties that normally float are sprawled awkwardly on dry land, and tour boats are crowded at the tail ends of pontoons still in the water.”