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5/2021 20

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Hoarding is an addiction, and our society is full of safeguards to keep people from harming others by indulging their addictive behavior. But not when the addiction benefits our politicians monetarily. What’s more profiting off, perpetuating, an addiction, like for instance fossil fuel, is patently destructive and contrary to a politician’s Oath of Office:

“The reason people don’t like billionaires is because they’re hoarding resources in a world where people are starving, living outside, not being able to afford life-saving medical care.

Money isn’t some neutral, abstract symbol. It represents resources.

It’s immoral to hoard it.”

2021 6/27 _F2A8466aaa


Americans are fed lies:

“Waiting for the topic to die down before setting the record straight.

“The WSWS article reported the backhanded admission by the Washington Post that the US government had presented no evidence that COVID-19 was created by a biological weapon, despite the promotion of this debunked conspiracy theory by the Post itself.

Beginning on February 25, Facebook blocked anyone from sharing the WSWS article, claiming that it “goes against our community standards,” declaring that the article included “false information that has been repeatedly debunked.””

“Facebook reverses censorship of WSWS article debunking “Wuhan Lab” conspiracy theory”


“Repo Mania: Has The Fed Bailed Out Wall Street Again? with Nathan Tankus”



“As Biden said, America is back! Did it ever go elsewhere?

“Kiriakou has been an ardent Hale supporter and reacted to his detention, suggesting this was a “government power play.”

“I think that the government is unhappy with the way that their case is going,” Kiriakou stated. “Daniel Hale is viewed as a whistleblower and as someone who has done a great public service. Rather than allow him to continue to be free until his case is resolved, they’ve decided to incarcerate him and to bully him until his sentencing is final.”””

“Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale detained at facility where Chelsea Manning Attempted Suicide”


“The shooter at my high school, was a white nationalist Trump supporter.

The suicide bomber in Nashville was a white nationalist trump supporter.

Those who attempted a violent coup, were white nationalist trump supporters.

It’s not mental health. It’s terrorism.


As far as Washington and the Judiciary is concerned, this still applies today to domestic America and they use Social Murder to achieve it:

““Exterminate All the Brutes”: Filmmaker Raoul Peck Explores Colonialism & Origins of White Supremacy”


“1 in 4 birds have disappeared in the last 50 years”

“Welcome to Terra



2019 “Buildings are killing up to 1bn birds a year in US, scientists estimate”

“A study recently published by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology reveals that birds are especially likely to collide with glass-covered or illuminated skyscrapers.

Why Birds Hit Windows - And How You Can Help Prevent It “


2018 “Birds Dying Daily in Collisions with City Buildings”

“The New York City Audubon estimates between 90,000 and 230,000 birds die in building collisions just in New York City every year.”


Quote: “between 365 and 988 million birds are killed annually by building collisions (Loss et al. 2014),”

“Collisions with Glass – A serious, preventable threat to birds”


Put Warrick in the White House. Or at least appoint him the US Speaker of the House instead of the money-grubbing, vile, morally, bankrupt Pel...,, gaack, I can’t even bring myself to speak it’s name! It’s just human filth incarnate:

“This is Warrick Dunn. His mom was a Baton Rouge police officer who was shot and killed while he was a senior in high school.

He raised his 5 siblings while in college, graduated and went to the NFL. He built and paid for over 125 homes for single mothers, sacrificing millions of dollars so they could have better lives.”


“Weird, isn’t it – that I never get to demand an excessive list on how my income-tax will be spent?


Jamie Dimon says if lawmakers plan to raise taxes he would want an itemized list of what themoney would be spent on


““They Were Tortured”: 4 Families Torn Apart by Trump Are Reunited. 1,000+ Still Separated, Missing.”


“String theorist Michio Kaku: 'Reaching out to aliens is a terrible idea'”

“The physicist on Newton finding inspiration amid the great plague, how the multiverse can unite religions, and why a ‘theory of everything’ is within our grasp”


“9 tips for living with less plastic

1. Bring your own shopping bag

2. Care a reusable water bottle

3. Bring your own cup

4. Pack your lunch in reusable containers

5. Say not to disposable straws & cutlery

6. Skip the plastic produce bags

7. Slow down and dine in

8. Store leftovers in glass jars

9. Share thes tips with your friends”


“Trees may work together to form resource-sharing networks with root grafts”

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