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5/2021 17

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Nick is a Fred Hampton Leftist:

“The fact that Neera Tanden and Rahm Emmanuel are still getting jobs despite massive backlash against them is because the Democratic Party is just an entire grift of elitists protecting and propping up each other’s career.

Neera Tanden getting rewarded for fighting the class war”

Janet Goodman-Clarke \ Alliance against Democrat Establishment Hypocrisy:

“Biden surrounds himself with the likes of Neera Tanden and Rahm Emmanuel. That says scores about the Dem worldview and lip service "values"

2019 7/ 27 _F2A4146aaa


“Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armour, no command in control, no army…and calls it a war.

It is not a war, it is MURDER.” Noam Chomsky

And Biden and Pelosi and others have voiced their full-throated support for the murder. So, charge them with murder, genocide, make something new up. But arrest them and immediately remove them from office and prosecute them.

99% of Americans will need a country with a better global image and humanitarian record if they are to survive the continuing collapse of our planet’s ability to support life. Incarcerating those American’s complicit in Netanyahu’s vile mass murder is a small price to pay. Especially, when they have failed so very, VERY maliciously.


“Chomsky: Without US Aid, Israel Wouldn’t Be Killing Palestinians En Masse”


Biden will say whatever he has to and generally do a song and dance routine until Netanyahu gives him the nod that genocide has been accomplished.

“Biden Claims Israeli Attack on Gaza Is Not an 'Overreaction' as Onslaught Intensifies, Death Toll Mounts”

"With its unconditional financial, military, and diplomatic support of the Israeli apartheid regime, the U.S. bears responsibility for the everyday violence of Israeli oppression."


“After bombing an orphanage, the Israeli colonial military bombed and damaged the Rosary Sisters school and monastery in Gaza.”


“Allowing global warming to overshoot 2 C is not a realistic option for coastal communities .... The comforting prospect of technological fixes allowing a later return to normal is an illusion that will leave coastlines under many feet of water.”

“Antarctic melt: tipping point by 2060”

If emissions continue at current rates, the world will soon be committed to irreversible and catastrophic sea level rise”


“The stones on the Biden administration to authorize $735M in sales of missiles for Israel to advance its genocide in the middle of massive global protests supporting the Palestinians. That’s amazing.

He knows his shitlib army will never turn on him.”

“Power up: Biden administration approves $735 million weapons sale to Israel, raising red flags for some…”


Ian Goodrum:

“I wonder why Chinese rocket debris landing harmlessly in the ocean got a million times more media coverage than an actual pogrom in Israel.”

[side note – they are picking up pieces of Elon Musk’s Space X rocket all over the globe]

“It makes sense if you think about it, though. US media just aren’t used to a rocket landing somewhere that isn’t a school or hospital.


Washington plans on letting the non rich die as Climate Collapse continues to play out. It’s called “an ownership society”:

“Third of global food production at risk from climate crisis

Food-growing areas will see drastic changes to rainfall and temperatures if global heating continues at current rate “

“Climate change risks pushing one-third of global food production outside the safe climatic space”

by Matti Kummu et al.


“Billionaires should not be able to buy elections in the United States of America”


“Bernie posts

This is a rigged economy. CEOs of companies that pay some of the lowest wages in America—often employing essential workers—saw their pay increase by an average of 29% in 2020.

And the workers? A 2% decrease in pay in 2020. That is absurd.”

“US millionaire CEOs saw 29% pay raise while workers’ pay fell, report finds

Workers saw 2% decrease as companies gave leaders bonuses and forgiving performance benchmarks amid pandemic”


“The next time you hear Big Pharma complain about is lost profits from the patent waiver, please remember that Pfizer is making $26,000,000,000 in 2021 revenue alone on COVID-19 vaccines.”


“Just to recap: Congress members who get $174k a year in publicly-funded pay, publicly-funded health care, publicly-funded pensions, publicly-funded travel, and unlimited publicly-funded vacation and sick time think $300 a week for unemployment is “too socialist.””


“IS REAL Terrorist”


Genocide in real time:

"In the clash between sound science and political pressure from anti-science crackpots in the United States, the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control have blinked, announcing prematurely that people who are vaccinated can basically give up masking except when traveling on public transit or visiting health facilities. The idiocy and mendacity of this announcement, at a time when only 36% of Americans have been fully vaccinated (about half the rate required to stop the disease’s spread) is stunning."

“A Maskless US Heads Down a Dark Road as the Covid Pandemic Rages On”


“The Real Purpose of Austerity”

“"Even if everyone agreed that printing another trillion dollars to finance a basic income for the poor would boost neither inflation nor interest rates, the rich and powerful would still oppose it. After all, their most important interest is not to conserve economic potential, but to preserve the power of the few to compel the many."”

Watch for a rewritten US Constitution with a “Balanced Budget” amendment or requirement. It is politispeack for “Giving the 99% a knife in the back and then twisting when the knife is driven into the hilt.” And it will have Charles Koch written all over it.


“Twenty-four-year-old Californian Nikayla Jefferson has grown up in an age of heat, drought, and fire. She wants to build a bridge to a better world — and to make sure that everyone can cross it.

“What is a ‘just transition,’ and why do we need one?”


"Standing in the way of progress on climate, clean energy, and environmental justice is simply not an option for any elected official who cares what their constituents think."

“Across Political Spectrum, US Public Support for Biden Clean Energy Plan Is 'Through the Roof'”

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