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5/2021 16

Updated: Jan 3

Full Circle: Biden waives sanctions in gift to Putin!?!

“Nord Stream 2: Biden waives US sanctions on Russian pipeline”


“Biden’s Gift to Putin on Nord Stream 2”

White Checkered-Skipper (Burnsius albescens)

Driftless Area South Central Wisconsin, Dane County USA

2020 9/1 _F2A8402aaa


“America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People”


"If I don't steal it someone else is gonna steal it" - Zionist settler Yaqub 2021


“While the US Government gives Israel billions each year out of our public funds. President Joe Biden has executive power in which he could use to pressure Israel to immediately halt displacements of Palestinians and other ending discriminatory policies. Yet, Biden does not even acknowledge that Israel gassed Palestinians as they prayed outside of Al-Aqsa Mosque nor that Palestinian families are facing evictions to make room for Israelis in East Jerusalem.”


“How were the children fighting?

Palestinian health officials in the Gaza Strip say 20 people, including nine children, have been killed in fighting with Israel.”


“You cannot claim to care about #HumanRights for all when you're directly subsidizing construction of #settlements and arming the occupier. Besides, the deal which started our military aid required this issue be solved back in the '80s. We should have cut it off 30 years ago.”


"The progressive groups also call for the State Department to review whether Israel’s demolition of Palestinian homes violates the Arms Export Control Act if it is found to use resources funded by U.S. taxpayers.

Finally, the group calls on the U.S. embassy to send observers to document any evictions that take place, “including details on the military units involved in these operations and the usage of any U.S. weapons for purposes of oversight and accountability” under federal law."

“Progressive groups call for Biden to denounce evictions of Palestinians as 'war crimes'”


It was a dry run. Now they are going to accomplish the same thing by rewriting the constitution

“It seems like that perv Matt Gaetz found time to give tours of the US Capitol to traitors the day before, among his busy schedule of allegedly chasing underage girls”

Gohmert, TX

Jim Jordan OH

Matt Gaetz FL

Boebert CO

Taylor Green GA

Paul Gosar AZ

Andy Biggs AZ

All gave tours on the 5th:


"This is a HUGE deal. It’s also complicated, but I’ll try to unpack and explain how this new ruling applies to people in Georgia, and across the country. Bill Rankin of the Atlanta Journal Constitution wrote a brilliant piece on this rule that you can read here when you get a chance.


In essence, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that if police perform an unlawful arrest, the person being arrested can use a proportionate amount of force against the police, including damaging property, to resist and avoid this unlawful arrest."

“Georgia Supreme Court rules that you CAN use force, and damage property, to resist an unlawful arrest”



"The Squad and Bernie Sanders and Chris Van Hollen can talk about Israel’s responsibility. So can the media– Vox and Politico and CNN and David Rothkopf. But Biden won’t touch it; and so for the 100th time I want to explain the power of the Israel lobby: Biden is afraid that he will alienate Jewish donors who care about Israel who make up a large portion of Democratic Party funding."

“Why Biden can’t condemn Israeli violence”


“Big Banks Have a Stranglehold on Our Country”

“Whistleblower Richard Bowen shared his experience with the audience. He described witnessing massive fraud in the mortgage-backed securities industry and took us through the process as he witnessed it as a Senior VP at Citigroup. Enjoy both the presentation and the questions from the audience.”


White collar crime is as American as apple pie,…and politicians being complicit:

“The Con”

“We Were All Sold a Lie”

“The Truth behind the larges criminal conspiracy in American History”


“The best way to rob a bank is to own one”

“Bill Black traces the history of modern American financial fraud starting in this episode with the S&L Banking scandal. Bankers continue to loot their banks, customers, and society to this day. Part 1/9 on with Paul Jay.”


“The Con | RICO “

“RICO stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act — an Act relating to the control of organized crime in the U.S.”


“Dems Unhinged Attack On Rose McGowan For Telling Truth”


“Israeli military attacks world media”

“Today the Israeli military attacked the media in Gaza, by destroying the Al-Jalaa building, which housed the offices of Al Jazeera, Associated Press, and the BBC.

The Israeli government is intent on intimidating and silencing the world media by attacking them and destroying their equipment.

If an attack on the media like this had been carried out by a terrorist organisation, there would obviously be a huge international outcry, but because it's been done by Israel, you'll hardly see any condemnation whatever, other than on social media.

Politicians know that if they dare to criticise Israeli barbarity, they'll be subjected to horrific and sustained smear campaigns, and media organisations across the world know that if they allow their journalists to speak out against Israeli atrocities, they face having their offices attacked by this rogue terrorist-regime, or worse.”


“Musing today after reading Heather Cox Richardson and her blog about the ...ahem, unique... interpretation of what socialism is, in the United States.

For example:

"But what Republicans mean when they say “socialism” is not the political system most countries recognize when they use that word: one in which the people, through their government, own the means of production. What Republicans mean comes from America’s peculiar history after the Civil War, when new national taxation coincided with the expansion of voting to include Black men."

Very interesting. More is available here:

Graphic credit:

“Norway Democratic Socialism vs United States Unfettered Capitalism”

Norway: Poverty rate -10% US: 29%

Life Expectancy of 81.7 years US: 79.6 years

Infant mortality 2 per 1,000 births US: 5.7 per 1,000 births

A murder rate of 0.51 per 100,000 US: 4.74 per 100,000

Incarcerations: 74 per 100,000 US: 860 per 100,000

GDP of $75,000 per person US: $59,500 per person

70% workers protect by Unions US: 11.3% workers protected by Unions

Ranks 2nd – Happiest Country US: 14th – Happiest Country

Free Universal health care US: Unpaid/Insurance based health care

Free higher education US: Expensive higher education

Financial security for seniors US: No security for seniors

83% home ownership US:63% home ownership

Living wage as minimum US: Poverty wage as minimum

8 weeks paid vacation per year US: No paid vacation per year

35 weeks paid parental leave US: No paid parental leave

Average personal tax rate 38.52% US: 37%


“Hi I’m a Christian conservative who believes in angels and talking snakes but I need to see more data on climate change.”


Biden and Netanyahu:

“He holds his mother's bag, who died moments ago, and his sister split his shoes.. holding her hand as if it were his last

What pain are you talking about..

Gaza is pain and pain”


“When a 12 yo boy asks me about the cost of sedation (because he’s worried about his mom having to pay) prior to reducing his ankle fracture it’s hard not to think the system is broken…”


The suffering caused by this gourmet ice cream munching modern version of Marie – Antoinette who is hell bent on concentrating wealth ever further by damning various aspects of our is incalculable:

“Meet House Speaker and Multi-millionaire Nancy Pelosi California’s 12th congressional district

Took $1,029,376 from Pharma and Health Insurance Corps.

She does NOT support single-payer healthcare”

….and then there is her history with the oil and gas industry, etc. etc. ad nauseum. Remember her when you are dying as at some point in her career she will have invariably helped to facilitate it

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