Australia plunges head long in making our planet’s environmental collapse faster and worse (aka the "United States Supreme Court Effect"). Not surprisingly with a lot of US style corruption. Australia is acting irresponsibly on the international state and must be punished:
Ahoy McCloy the Bentley Boy
The Morrison Government has committed $600m to build a gas plant in Kurri Kurri on land set to be owned by The McCloy Group, whose Chairman (Jeff McCloy) is a major Liberal party donor.
This comes after the International Energy Agency released a groundbreaking report telling us that to avoid catastrophic climate change, there can be no new gas plants.
The PM is putting people with vested interests in the fossil fuel industry above a safe climate, the community & integrity of the parliament.
And in further nightmare revelations for the Liberal Party and then Baird government, the inquiry heard Charlestown MP Andrew Cornwell is expected to give evidence today that he was handed a $10,000 wad of cash by property developer and then lord mayor Jeff McCloy during a meeting that took place in Cr McCloy’s Bentley, during the state election campaign. Both MPs were forced to step aside from their party and join the crossbench yesterday, and Mr Cornwell to abandon his role as government whip. The scheme also allegedly entailed the issuing of fake invoices.
(Incredible series of 16 images)

2020 7/24 _F2A3726aaa
1 “BREAKING: The Morrison Government has committed $600m to build a gas plant in Kurri Kurri on land set to be owned by The McCloy Group, whose Chairman (Jeff McCloy) is a major Liberal party donor.
This comes after the International Energy Agency released a groundbreaking report telling us that to avoid catastrophic climate change, there can be no new gas plants.
The PM is putting people with vested interests in the fossil fuel industry above a safe climate, the community & integrity of the parliament”
2 “Kurri Kurri conflicts: new gas plant is a field day for party donors
A $600 million subsidy for a gas plant in Kurri Kurri makes no commercial sense for the taxpayer, but there are plenty of windfalls for Liberal Party donors.”
3 “Money for the gas industry includes $30 million for billionaire Andrew Forrest’s Port Kembla Gas Power Station, $15.7 million for gas companies in Queensland’s North Bowen and Galilee Basin and $58.6 million for gas infrastructure and associated plans. This brings the total government spending on the gas industry in the last twelve months to between $550 million and $944 million.
This is a colossal waste of taxpayer money and a disaster for our climate.”
4 “ICAC: The Bentley and the bag of money, poll”
5 “Green hydrogen flows into gas grid in Australian first”
Working Americans should be asked to bailout oceanside mansions of the rich:
“Greenland ice sheet on brink of major tipping point, says study
Scientists say ice equivalent to 1-2 metres of sea level rise is probably already doomed to melt”
“𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐬𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐃𝐚𝐲. ⠀
Did you know...⠀
🇨🇦 In Canada, we have more than 800 species of native bees!⠀
Want to help the bees? Here's how!⠀
Let your "weeds" grow into flowers! No Mow May!
Do not use pesticides and chemicals on your garden
Put a little water basin out (a bird bath with some stones in it for them to crawl on does a nice trick).
Grow pollinator-friendly plants where you can.
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐍𝐨𝐌𝐨𝐰𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧
Pledge to participate at the link below and get access to a 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞 printable sign for your lawn!
”Excuse the Weeds. We’re Feeding the Bees for ‘No Mow May’”
Credit to @leahtees for this beeeeeautiful illustration!”
“People in Gaza have been reviving an old tradition in which some families exchange their kids, so that in case some get bomb3ed, the others would live. My family is spread out over three houses in three different locations as if they’re trying to avert a massacre.”
🇵🇸When corporations profit from providing goods or services that enable Israel to maintain its regime of occupation and apartheid, they are complicit.
🇵🇸When sovereign funds or church or university investment funds hold shares in such corporations, they are complicit.
🇵🇸When artists, athletes or academics cross the Palestinian BDS picket line and participate in events in or sponsored by Israel, they are complicit.”
“People of conscience: Palestinians ask you to boycott Israel”
Democrats could abolish the filibuster if they really wanted to pass the For the People Act to protect a racist overthrow by white supremacist Republicans in 2022. But they chose not to:
“The Senate must abolish the Jim Crow filibuster.
For decades, the filibuster was used to water down, delay, and defeat landmark civil rights legislation and anti-lynching bills.
Fast forward to today and the filibuster is being used and abused to grind the Senate to a halt and block key voting rights bills like the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. It’s also being used to block common sense gun reform and a raise to the minimum wage.”
This is who controls your government Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Mitch McConnell
“Big Tech Lobbyists Cut Down Privacy Bills”
Wall Street Journal reports on going green in an expected fashion – with no regard to the impact on humanity if we don’t’ go green:
“Biden’s Not-So-Clean Energy Transition
The International Energy Agency exposes the hidden environmental costs and infeasibility of going green.”
“Among World Superpowers, US Poses Biggest Threat to Democracy: Global Poll “
“WOW! Scottish community save immigrants from deportation [VIDEO]
This is the POWER OF PROTEST! Watch this scottish community block an immigration van as they try to deport their neighbors!”
“There was a time when deadly attacks in the Middle East such as those the world has witnessed in recent days — including the destruction of a high-rise building in Gaza City housing offices of two international media organizations — would demand high-profile U.S. intervention with an envoy shuttling between representatives of Israel and the Palestinians, and a renewed emphasis on the two-state solution.”
“Biden’s restrained response to worsening Israeli-Palestinian conflict falls short”
“How the violence plays into Netanyahu’s hands
By letting violence escalate, the outgoing prime minister is sabotaging the formation of a cabinet by the opposition.”
“Staying below 1.5C could halve the sea level rise from melting land ice by 2100, relative to meeting current climate pledges alone, a new study shows.
Carbon Brief covers the details of the new research – including its analysis of “pessimistic, but plausible” projections for Antarctic melt – and carries reactions to the work from other scientists in the field.”
“Limiting warming to 1.5C would ‘halve’ land-ice contribution to sea level rise by 2100”
What to do when the Rich get their Washington operatives to attack your community: