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4/2023 Tell Biden & Energy Secretary Granholm to REJECT ineffective, costly pro-oil carbon capture

Updated: May 1, 2023

2020-07-31 _F2A4421aaa


Sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic have been at a record high for the time of year for some time, climbing to well above 20°C on March 29, 2023.

Around this time of year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures are at their annual low, in line with changes in the seasons. Last year, North Atlantic sea surface temperatures reached a record high of 24.9°C in early September.

This spells bad news for Arctic sea ice, which typically reaches its lowest extent in September.

From the post 'Sea surface temperature at record high', at:”


Republican and conservative states are destroying the entire planet one irresponsible act at a time:

“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing adding a former lead smelting site in Hammond to a list of the nation’s most polluted locations, a major step in beginning the cleanup of the site.”

“EPA proposes adding former Hammond lead smelter to list of nation’s most polluted sites”


Both political parties refuse to adequately prepare for the masses surviving the Environmental Holocaust their own government has triggered against them.

If it isn’t clear by now, the reality of cash politics dictate that the Holocaust only goes one way from here on out and that is it will grow ever worse.

Remember this and how our situation was allowed to get this bad when they try to sell you false hope using schemes that will just drag out what is now a simple scientific inevitably. Omnicide, Genocide, Social Murder, Ecocide, societal suicide, dereliction of oath of office, gross negligence, murder, manslaughter, etc call it what you want but they made choices with you death as a clear outcome instead of pursuing alternatives.

In any event, the closer they can move us toward societal collapse the more difficult it will be to hold them accountable, and they know it.

Today, what one author calls the Extinction Economy is in full bloom. Our leaders Genocide - the planet’s tightening chokehold on humanity - will continue to be expressed in terms of ever rising prices and survivability being determined - for now anyway - by personal wealth (including political privilege).


America has conducted itself in a manner that has earned it a vote of no confidence on the international stage. We’re just a corrupt mess that privatizes the wealth of our nation into private hands:

“Is the End of USD Near?

“France bought 65,000 tons of LNG using the Chinese yuan.

Saudi Arabia partners with China to build a Chinese oil refinery for 83.7 billion yuan ($12.2 billion).

Russia considers using the Chinese yuan as a reserve currency

Kenya has signed a deal with Saudi Arabia to but oil using its local currency, the Kenyan shilling, instead of USD.

Brazil has traded for the first time in yuan.”

Reader Comment:

“Geoff Marshall

This is the worst outcome for the US. Goldman Sachs predict China's economy to be greater in 2035, and some analysts say never. But we all should be prepared for the vicious, violent spite, that the US will unleash on the world as those dates grow closer.”

“China’s GDP should grow 5.7% per year through 2025 and then 4.7% annually until 2030, British consultancy Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) forecasts. Its forecast says that China, now the world’s second-largest economy, would overtake the No. 1 – ranked U.S. economy by 2030” 4 Jan 2022


“A Hole In The Sun Could Wipe Out The Earth’s Power After Unleashing 1.8 Million MPH Winds”


Buttigieg Strikes Again!:

“Train derails, catches fire in Raymond, Minn.; residents return home after middle-of the-night evacuation

Some 22 cars, including some carrying ethanol, jumped the tracks just after 1 a.m. Thursday. “


One benefit of carbon capture is that an oil and gas facility can be said to be “active” and under federal regulation this man’s the oil company doesn’t have to undertake the environmental remediation required of sites no longer in use

“⚠️ 𝗔𝗧𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡⚠️ President Biden says climate change is an existential threat, but fossil fuel corporations and their buddies like Sen. Joe Manchin are pushing carbon capture – an industry scheme that is ineffective, costly and will entrench fossil fuel use.

Will you sign our petition to President Biden and Energy Secretary Granholm demanding they REJECT carbon capture and transition to 100% renewable energy? The deadline is midnight tonight!”

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