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4/2023 A 'Nature Repair Market'\'Green Wall St' is extreme expression of failed neoliberal economics

Updated: May 1, 2023

2020-06-20 _F2A8039aaap

Using Govt as a weapon to carry out personal and political agendas:

“The IRS Makes a Strange House Call on Matt Taibbi

An agent shows up at the home of the Twitter files journalist who testified before Congress.”



Mapping the world’s water shortages”

“By mapping the world's water shortages, we can help address our biggest freshwater challenges. That's why we developed the World Water Map in coordination with Utrecht University and Esri.

Now you can explore this new tool and see how we're using it to help:

💧 Answer questions about water supply and demand

💧 Locate water scarcity “hotspots”

💧 Determine sustainable solutions for people, wildlife, and ecosystems that depend on water”


Stop releasing balloons for celebrations and ceremonies!

“Balloons are bad news for the environment

“…The balloons don’t actually go to heaven, instead they land in our fields or in our waterways or in forests, for curious animals to choke on. They never biodegrade and never go away”


These are the dumbest states in US – ranking of the most and least educated states, you might want to be cautious.”

“Back to School: The Least and Most Educated States in the US”


“COMING SOON! The Giants is a feature documentary film exploring the intertwined fates of trees and humans in a poetic portrait of Bob Brown and the forest. Told in Bob’s own words, this film will move and inspire audiences about the ongoing battle to protect our native forests, and their vital role in mitigating some of the greatest challenges of our time: climate change and the extinction crisis.”


Caitlin Johnstone:

“Questions the media and you’re a conspiracy kook.

Criticize the government and you’re a Russian agent.

Oppose war and you’re anti-American.

Defend Palestinians and you’re an anti-Semite,

Good is bad.

Up is down.

War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”


“It has never been more urgent that we take action to stop the climate crisis. It is time for community-level climate justice action around the world. But how can you get started?

The Game Changer Intensive is your first step. This free 8-week online course will get you started on your path to making a difference. And it starts with you—how you view yourself and how you show up in the world.”

“Transform your concern for the world into action”


“Arctic Sea Ice Likely Irrevocably Lost Norwegian Scientists Conclude”


Either they do it or scotus will:

“You know what that means? They can overturn any results that didn't go Republican, because most urban areas are larger in population and tend to vote Democrat. Republicans are trying to burn America, Democracy and the Constitution of The United States of America to the ground and leave the country in ashes.

"Republican lawmakers in Texas proposed a bill that would enable the secretary of state to overturn election results in counties that have one million residents or more."”

“Texas Republicans Introduce Bill Allowing Secretary of State to Overturn Election Results”


“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” Turkish Proverb


“A 2 party system, the lesser of 2 dangers, the illusion of choice.

A veiled form of fascism where nothing really changes and you never had a voice.” Prince


Nature Repair Markets?!?! OMG we’re doomed.

What’s next? Maybe washington mandating the purchase of privately owned for-profit logistics software so the trucks picking up all the dead human bodies can maximize their gas use.

Biden is also privatizing the distribution of farm and agriculture assistance into the hands of big ag

Washington is considering creating a “nature repair market” so Wall Street can monetize the rejuvenation of our failed biosphere. Money will go to the most profitable remediation and that is not necessarily the use of funds that delivers the maximum social good.

“The Bob Brown Foundation rejects monetising Nature and the premise that establishing a Nature Repair Market is an ecologically effective, permanent, transparent, accountable way to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and environmental decline in Australia.

“A Nature Repair Market or Green Wall St is an extreme expression of failed neoliberal economics and should be dropped in recycling bin now,” said Christine Milne.

“No evidence has been provided that the proposed Nature Repair Market will halt or reverse the extinction crisis. Considerable evidence does exist of similar markets failing and resulting in further biodiversity loss, double dipping, rorting and poor governance,” said Christine Milne.

“Australia can afford to secure our land, water and ecosystems. If we can afford $358billion for submarines to prop up our defence alliance, we can afford to protect the land that sustains us and actually secures our lives. After the submarine deal, the Government can never say it does not have the money, it is a matter of choice,” said Christine Milne.”

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