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4/2023 Washington's Genocide: Pollinator loss alone could add 500,000 early human deaths/year

Updated: May 1, 2023

2020-06-06 _F2A5178aaa3

Billions of us are already dead.

Our deaths have been determined and will be with us shortly.

Long life plans for golden years, one days grand children, or even seeing a child’s high school prom will aren’t ours to look forward to. Ours to see will be the fall. The fall of all of it. Not a doomer. I’m just one who’s never seen anything good from not believing in truth. Be realistic.

“Yesterday we broke the record for highest average sea surface temperature ever recorded since reliable measurements began.

Today we broke it again.”


Giving Washington authority to fund a war is like giving a group of alcoholics an open-term no-limit bar tab at a tavern. Does washington having ANY self restraint at all?!

The feeding$ frenzy$: Another $2.5 billion in aid going to Ukraine as as American politicians and corporations just absolutely GORGE themselves on cash, cash, and more cash. Meanwhile, salivating Taiwan leadership chants “Me too! Me too! I’ll do it! Gimme me some$ too!”


“Pollinator Extinction

"The pollinator crisis is worse than we thought. A recent study found that pollinator loss could be associated with a staggering 500,000 early human deaths a year across the globe due to declines in healthy fruits, vegetables, and nuts. But companies like Bayer-Monsanto continue to profit off bee-toxic pesticides -- a key driver of pollinator declines.

The “insect apocalypse” will be here faster than we realize if we don’t act now. You may be one of the last people that shares the planet with many species of wild bees if pesticides made by companies like Bayer-Monsanto are allowed to continue wreaking devastation on our bees and other pollinators."”


Face it! Washington is plunging us headlong into the worst of the worst case biosphere collapse scenarios


If you think Trump taking a red magic marker to a hurricane map was bad,…

Republicans in Wisconsin’s judicial race have broadcast voter warning about their opponent formatted identical to the National Emergency Service notification (eg severe weather) complete with color bars and obnoxious beeping

They only have to get away with it once, and doing it at the last minute before the polls open doesn’t give their opponent a chance to respond. Most elderly will think it was an official warning even though it was against the law for Dan Kelly to fi it


“Civil society will collapse in the near future, as environmental degradation and resource constraints stress existing systems. Elites will attempt to continue to live well at the expense of lower classes until the system breaks.”


If you though Zelensky stealing $400 million from the US was bad (as well as buying gas from Putin and his oligarchs) get a load of this,….


Groups from ISIS to the Taliban have armed themselves — and even killed Americans and their foreign partners — at U.S. taxpayer expense.”


“Xi’s ‘chilling’ remarks: What the new multipolar world means for the middle east and Africa”


“Could the Commercial Real Estate Market Be the Next Thing to Break?”


“Millions will start losing Medicaid coverage as Covid safety net is dismantled”


“How Is The World’s Most Sustainable Country Also One of the World’s Most Unsustainable Countries?”


“Climate Crisis: Middle East More Prone To Less Rain But More Floods Due To Climate Change”


“Here’s what we know about how climate change is influencing tornadoes”


“All that remains is the dying. And there will be plenty. Funny. I’ve often felt like I’ll be glad when it’s finally all over with, but now,…with a feral existence in a post-civilization world months away,…when I think it al through, I guess it’s going to involve a lot suffering”

“The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms. Here are 6 things to watch for”


“French Revolution 2.0:

“It's the revolution next door they don’t want you to see”


“Solar panels handle heat better when they’re combined with crops

New study finds that an optimal arrangement of solar panels on farms can cool the panels down by 10 degrees—crucial for their efficiency.”

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