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4/2023 Heat Waves are occurring at the bottom of the ocean

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

2021-08-20 _F2A8998aaa

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“"'The Blob' - deep under

"Researchers have been investigating marine heat waves at the sea surface for over a decade now," said lead author Dillon Amaya, a research scientist with NOAA's Physical Science Laboratory, in a press release.

"This is the first time we've been able to really dive deeper and assess how these extreme events unfold along shallow seafloors."

The so-called bottom marine heatwaves can be more powerful and continue longer than hot spells at the ocean surface. However, it varies from coast to coast, according to their examination.

They may also occur together with heat waves on the surface and show little to no evidence of surface warming. "That means it can be happening without [fishing] managers realizing it until the impacts start to show," explained Amaya.

The study comes amid concerns about increasingly common marine heat waves, which significantly negatively influence the global health of ocean ecosystems.

Over the past century, the ocean has warmed by roughly 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), absorbing nearly 90 percent of the extra heat caused by global warming.

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Abnormally warm bottom water temperatures have been linked to changes in the survival rates of young Atlantic cod, the spread of invasive lionfish along the southeast coast of the United States, coral bleaching, and subsequent declines in reef fish. Not to mention, the disappearance of near-shore lobster populations in southern New England."

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