2018-09-09 dups _F2A7291aaa
Death and destruction as the Western Rich’s campaign of global genocide continues to unfold from the bottom of the socio-economic scale and then steadily upward. If you have problem with that blame likes of Jamie Dimon and Biden:
“Five things we've learned from UN climate report”
There is nothing safe about +1.5C:
“Climate Change Is Speeding Toward Catastrophe. The Next Decade Is Crucial, U.N. Panel Says.
A new report says it is still possible to hold global warming to relatively safe levels, but doing so will require global cooperation, billions of dollars and big changes.”
They are not going to stop. The place no value on the lives they are destroying and killing. To them, the whole death of the biosphere is just an opportunity to purify the human gene pool:
“New IPCC Report: ‘Rapidly Closing Window of Opportunity’ to Reverse Climate Change
The new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is a "survival guide for humanity."”
The rich won’t be effected:
“UN warns of ‘draining humanity’s lifeblood’ amid worsening water scarcity
Secretary general urges countries to tackle ‘vampiric overconsumption’, water guzzling industries and climate crisis”
Heat is energy:
“NASA Is Tracking a Huge, Growing Anomaly in Earth's Magnetic Field”
“So… How “Doomed” Are We?
Five Levels of Ruin — And Where Our Civilization Ranks”
Chris Hedges:
“There are always people willing to commit unspeakable human atrocity
In exchange for a little power and privilege”